
10/26/2014 22:52 – Facebook Post

Z…E. D.


Igbo Ebo..La

Yoruba Edo.e



After yesterday’s post I am stunned to be speaking once more about past.

What I am about to state, I had sought to alresdy bring to the attention to the world by what has been happening to physical body and.my.mind.

As you are aware we have completed the Yeshua Christ story from End…Revelations Beat Poets and the Full Circle, .backwards until reaching Nri and the E.T First Contact all the way Back to the Begining of E..and then to the present.

With the Roman Gregorian Calender Greeks Alpha Bet City…

The Egyptian Mayan Peru (Ecuador) Pyramids
The Avalon, King Arthur. Rites of Dionysus
The Babylonian Persian Arabian
The Judaic Christian Islam
The Gnostic, Agnostics, Stoic Cartesian…
Up to the modern Apathetic Pathetic Consciousness of this world.

Now we are back to what I sought to alert the world…
That in the Physical World humanity has been meddled with by Sound Vibrations and Behavioral Patterns designed to way ones sense if Self and Individuality.

Most already knew this…
Bt requried hard wired evidence of how, why and the plan…
And how did it get so far.

But there was another influence on humanity refused to accept because of Arrogance Indifference Denial Superiority…

That is that of Africs and especially Existence West Africa…
E.W.A!…And Why they were and are the First Born in the Existential Creation Story…

E.W.A is an Igbo expression of Awe…
The Power they possessed

Which was thier ability as the sources of the D.NA in this realm blood and Bodies travel as spirit thought…
By being able to link the full circle of this illusion, ppl call life and death to.one meaning.
Meeaning that they.had understood the secret of Time.
And though they could not break out of it, they had the supreme power in this Existence to.be able to.navigate it even after they had left thier bodies.

This knowledge and knowing was by.no,means known to.only.ancient Africa, but by.all.the indigenous ppl.of the world.

The Cartesian “Paler” ppl, who began to.cut with the “Mother” cult (Out Fear and outrage) and its strangling blood thirsty rites looked to seprate themselves by.looking to the skies…
For logic reason, which transformed them.into.exactly.the same thing…Blood thirsty destructive Um biblical chords…

Mother and Father at War with their kids taking sides…
But the Truth Mother and Father as Ilusion the Lie are.one, just as the Real Truth of the being where always one.

Earth Magic as Death was just the same as Space magic as Death…

And this the “First Borns” used the A.I.D.S of the Cartesian Thought.. Cecelia Theresa the.names given to.my.Mother Onu and her almost twin like sister Ijeoma by.the Irish Catholic Nuns in the Covent they were shipped to.

Cecilia means Blind..Darkness
Theresa means “Reaper”

The Darkness is the Blind Reaper..Death.. Equal
Not the Grim reaper…

Instead of the true meaning of Darkness Blindness as the Harvest Reaper…Me…

The Body…Is Darkness Blind but it feels
Sensations and is transformed to Light, as lightness…and finally Colors and Feelings lightened up to Hue…
This is what the True Plan Et of linking the illusion of life and death to Truth which was betrayed for power in this realm.
And finally resistance to the of when the Ones who come to enact out the truth.
That there is no death of darkness..
By coming to put a light in the Dark.
And show the passage way to the awakening from the dreaming.
By merging the two as one by coming down.into the dreaming to link the two as one.

It is these mission I consecrated to do.
And the resistance were those who betrayed that sacred covenant which had become forgotten or buried by Cartesian logic.
Which suited the “Myseteries” just fine who used the rest of the worlds Ignorance to retreat into secrecy and the shadows…
And influence…

And of course challenge me where no one would believe what is happening to.me…or those who did be petrified by fear.

Onu abuch Ijeoma…Chukwuemeka…

The Mouth Knows and Heard that the Safe Journey is through and by giving the Creator Praise….
This is how to pass through death..
Live a life of True Praise. T.P
Sincere Praise…S.P

Give the Creator his Nwa…his Child…

Not give him Death…

Igbo is not a Consciousness it is a Mind Set..
Set in the Body of Being but though it has been influencing and affecting the affairs of humanity from behind the scenes.
Content in the Cartesian philosophy of the Dark toned species being inferior and thier disbelief that such a race…
Even if they.happen to be the physical sources of the Human race, had not only First Contact with the Beautuful Ones who they betrayed…
Think Dark Crystal…

But who.had the inherited knowledge from the E T and the ancestors have been using this knowledge (and Ignorance Blindness) to reap havoc on world affairs and in the physical bodies and mind sets of the world.

Who and what did you think was behind the F.B play…?

The “Designers..?”

Do you think Cartesian knowledge and technolu, Caucasian invented technoolgy…


And who do you think is the power behind the throne….
Not Cartesian Logic… C.L.

But those which even the west are begining to remember…calling the Demons Vampires witches…
Forces I have used and created a.Bridge and Arc of the Marriage of all these consciousness and expressung it in the.language of Reason and Cartesian Logic but in a Universal Consciousness.
Using Story Tellling weaving the ancient ways. Oracle Divination mixed with East West South and Northern knowledge and wisdom of the ages blending them into.one True Beautiful Expression which made the Lord Existence and Lady Echo to finaly rise and respond
for this is was original intention of sharing knowledge…in the very begining.
Why Erie came down…
So all would.know.the key is that.Anyawu Exists in Everyone…
The seed of E

And I was fought, fought and cursed and.beaten by these others who.betrayed.
Who set up.this impossible F.B challenge and B,.E.T..
Those.who dared.
O.S.E. Meaning Pepper in Igbo “Dared!” in French…


How I knew…?

Not only after thorough investigation
But see Sacred Portal 123…
I was there…
And I did not trust them…
But they were given a chance to prove I.E wrong…

This is why they shall.cease to exist these Four Founding Fathers and Mothers East West…

They Dared to go that Far this far…
Even creating this F.B set up to challenge me…and see if I was the one…

And my Father Brother Best Friend Nnamdi Alexander…the Great
N.A….to accept the Challenge and turn the tables on them to show them why I am the 2 in I to Infinity…

They Dared and I promised them 4 yrs ago I will show them pepper…

And the whole world would see them…
And understand.

the fifth note.

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