
10/26/2014 1:54 – Facebook Post


I have a new F.B Friend…

(Which by my last count should make it 21O Face Book Friend….21=U…O
U the Full Circle O)

Celebritcash De Jandedfello Obinwa I.
C. (De-Of) J. O.I..E

Translation of the Code.

The C.D of J is the Source O as the 1.
The C.D (3-4..7 G- Ode) is Joy
-Sacred Portal 1A Love Links Joy Existence as Joy Devine..Consciousness is Joy.
C.J..(J.C) is O.I.

Celebrity Cash of J and E.D fello…The Heart of the Child is I..

Chukwu Chineke…De J et E.D Fellow, The Heart of the Child O.I
Consciousness .Conscience …De J.E.D.I. E.T links to the Heart of the Child to I…The First.

Welcome Celebrticash De Jandedfello Obinwa I.

Affirmation response of the very large last post. This F.B request came to my attention.immediately after I completed the.last.post, which.most who.have observed this play have seen this happen repeatedly…

It also symbolically represents leaving one dimension and entering another.

The.J.C story.is.not about a character in.a story created by.human babies.and children of this side of the O “Big.Bang
It is the Essential.Elemental truth of all universes past present and future….all possibilities aligned into one, as Justice Compassion…

This is the Principle that I, Emeka have brrn used by my I.E (the Sum.total of my Self and Our Exemplification from the Nothingness where Erose to now, where I am completing the equations under cover in this world of All Rising as 1.

This world story is just one of the billions of stories (universes) which.were all represented in a.multi.dimensional play here..

Like The.Olympics or that pleasure place in Luc Bessons Fifth Element.

But I.have explained this and.had Existence affirm.it over a dozen times already.

Which I felt this play at 209 F.B Friend the last time I checked, had reached its apex which of course turned out to be the Judas Iscariot Story..

And the last post which just streamed out of me…
I am not really channelling, it more like I am transmitting… But only after decoding manually, translating, solving riddles…In every dimension of awareness which I noticed not only on this
F.B play script…
(And maybe some of you notice) I am able to get and recieve a transmission revealing an almost confession of the play.

Most often each F.B friend or groups form a chapter.
Or a conclusion…

And the intel transmission which I am.stimulated one can tell the difference when I an free streaning and linking that which pours out of.me…

Or as the last post…it takes an.unexpected turn often surprising.myself, but I still.master the “steering wheel” often curious to see what It has to say.

But I am getting even bored with these…
They.come from.memories and an Existence which I find insulting that this medium is used to convey such intimate communication when most.might not be able to.fully.grasp the.import of how real it is.

And way in keeping with Echo Response Vibration…the last play ended with Judas Iscariot which is J.I.
“Hold tight grip” which is.literally what is happening with my.physical body, and being…

As if something is Down loading and uploading into my awareness and demanding that my Hueman Being in this present juggle and balance both out to OI II…which literally is affirmed by.the transmission of my.last post and the.literal physical.tug of war which.few bt my.former host I allow to see just.how intense and extraordinary it is…

Oh I heard that Alcohol kills the Ebola Virus..

Long.live Dionysus and J.C..
Water to Wine
Blue Et to red blooded humans
Link by.King King Gorilla Titan. Elementa Strength to.the Majestic Royal Reign of all multi.universes frequency…
Theta Alpha…A.T.

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