
10/25/2020 16:33 – Facebook Post

13:39 Hundred Hours right now

1:39 p.m
A: C I.

Now that the Hypocrisy has been proven in the current Expression as ” Black Lives Matter”
Man Light Bringer

And Black is Fabulous..
Really the Fabulous Fantastic 4

The Truth as Black is Light as Matter has risen as supreme.
Dark Matter
Dark Energy and at its base beyond all that rage is a Heart of Love Supreme.
Representred by Eztabon Miguel Filgueira and Tree Sage
Kim Arthur Hines

C Chris Filgueira
L Liberty C Liscomb.

Every thing in the Universe is made of Dark Matter Energy
Delta Manor Emeka.
Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter

I passed that Examination Test for 27 Insane months.

29 in total.
B I. / 92 I B. AT E. 001. Square Waves
Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme

Yes rep and symbolized by the Gift given to me by Liberty Liscomb

I passed yet another test after passing through Delta Manor grand total of 2months 2months
27 months = 31.

Dark Matter Energy
Dark Phoenix
Dark Matter is Energy ..its Light
Dark Light
Energy is Light.
Expression is the Source of Dark Matter Energy and its is the twin of Light.

God means Truth.. and Beautiful Truth.

G is Confirmed as G R A C E..
O the portal and the full circle filled with Grace Gods Gift is the Nothingness – Naturalness which as you Express, it is meant to not only move you in Perfect Symmetry to Awareness but that it is fulled with 6th Sense.

D is the twin of Grace as Destruction
Love creates C Light Harnony.
Gabriel Harmony Lightbringer
Joanna Harmony Koukiotis. J H K.
Hells Kitchen

It also destroys.

I have observed fought battle and have been examined tested by Esteban in a way that I waa willing to never see him again, because he went too far.
And all for you.
He knew me after our first hug the day we mer ar 1385 Woods Metropolitan Star Bucks 2 years ago.
He told me recently that he instanlty knew and felt me from that first hug.

Same way Arden but he never tested me as Esteban did he did the same thing but in a much lighter way.
But it was the same thing.. the pain hurt was often unbearable and I can never forget it.
But I knew why Esteban did it.. it was for all of you.
For me to come here and put to words that sux sense moving through him.
He wanted me to put it to words.. loving words.
But I had told him from the begining ( read back posts)
But I made no qualms as to why I was here and even on arrival in Connecticut the 5th state where the ancestors as Time and Old Age,and you yourselves as Programed by characters in created by a Computer Program which through which playing these Inspiring characters you would be able to find your Natural Self and then True Self then pass out of the Matrix a Real Person an Individual and enter Eden…
A transformed reality.

Esteban Fore Sight came as Love the Big Heart and he tested me so brutally, savagely, gently, quietly, setting me up..
I.had only been tested so thouroughly before by only one person
Albert Santana
Edwin Albert Santana
Generation X Gardens
268 East 4th Street
Sons Royal and Reign.

Arden did not test me for the People he examined and tested me as the I…
Individual loyal to us as I & I ..and To loyalty to beautiful youth.

Esteban Tested me with Money Material things being generous and yet with words quiet.. playing Devils Advocate.. I was weary see meanings of the name Lee.

G O D.

G D. 7 4. O.O( Filled with 6 6..1 A) D 4 7

74. ( 6-1. F A) 47

74+× 11 28
47+× 11 28
22 56.

22 Months ..23 months.
Sacred Portal 22 ‘ Ass Hole ” AH! Release
28 28. 1. 56.
1 at 56 56 code 900 South Road
Libery spoke those code numbers without being aware.

Grace is Love..
And Destruction is Light.
Love creaates Destruction when it comes back to C.. Cee what was done to the Programs originally planted as wonderful characters to percieve in the darkness of matter that Destruction Deconstruction Decomposition reveals begind it all Life.. True Life.

I made it clear from the begining when I landed here, that the frequency I was carrying and the Energetic Signature E S Shadow..
Stephen. Sarah was A Black Panther truck which drove up behind me and parked as I stood infront of Pan Era restaurant

And Arch Angel Micheal.

What if I told you that Sex Loves Expression is the true expression of Dark Matter Energy?
Delta Manor Mental Health.
” D M. M H. 4 13. 13.8 latter is rhr Age of the Universe U
17 Age code Arden aligned to quantum Q
13 8= 21 U. Universe.
17 = 8
21 = 3
H CC 65. Was the car Esteban choose, Athena Sarah rented for him..Iron Grey.
Iron John.
Morgans car

Sacred Portal 51 is Sex God of Creation
Can you imagine if uou are carrying the Frequency of the Original meaning of Sex and Loves Expression.

” S A L E..” “Sale Negre!” She screamed ” don’t worry I knew it was a aet up, an evil corrupted version of my being moved from the Circle Oh now proven to the Square.
Cornerstone on my Altar Art Science
Heavenly Body. Bodies.. rising up up as St Theresa of Aviles to cloud 9 leaving as that metaohor in the Bible “The Rapture ” while the true Sodom and Gomorrah burns.
That Bible “Book..all its books including the Quaran, the Torah Book of Living and Dying..all books Manuals based on truth but written in a way to create confusion mis interpretation lies.

I was tested quietly by Arden in a way .. so ..well you all heard my Pain and Hurt..
And so did Esteban so that those whom he loved so much and this person whom he loved would be the Light Bringer not another deceiver

Arden for the line of the Beautiful Youth
Do not forget that both O ( S F. Supreme 6th sense) and Arden the full circle of Awareness knew who I am.. felt it and the other acted it out.)

Thier higher selves used me like Job.
Book of Job
Steve Jobs
By giving me a Job that was impossible esoecially for a man.
Mission Impossible 8
Mission Accomplished

Thier Human Avatar Descendant Selves were both on my side horrified by this play.. but as the Higher Self and the True Self began to open and rise with the character under cover and the Natural Human in both Esteban the Natiral Child Man and Arden, the Natural Youth.
They began to liyerally with Awareness Facts Sensations Memory began to align with that play of book of Job.

I exoliained this and disproved it for years, but good lord you live to hold on to your stories especially those which validate the resentment of the pain and suffering you felt about leaving Paradise Eden and the Self Flagellation and Blame Guilt Shame.

No, I passed their Examination Test ..22 months of the Script created by the Sum Total of of Filth, Cruelty evil done the Beautiful Book on Sex Loves Expression
S L E.
Sex Favors Loves Expression
S F. L E … Not Lust animal
See his last intel to me Hustler.. Larry Flynn E

Is that Not Sex

Can you imagine that Higher sekf awakening in him out of the state of non awareness of personal responsibility to open his 3rd eye and see that Emeka .. or better still his sixth sebse of knowing me never lied.
Here was the rep of his Dream age 9.
Age 14 of the Impossible Dream which he himself had never given up on but instead of being treated like he was crazy, he began to contract adapt and tailor it.. water it down for the People..hypnotized programed to a lie.

Imagine what you or that line of 51 SEX woke up to see what had been done to Sex and how it had been used to block the awakening, doubt what he they already knew.
They look around them and realize how much a mess they had made and had become that thing they depised.
And the People he had she had sixth sense about, questions doubts..
Were all correct.
And worst of all, that he can now read on his own without an Emeka posting coding enduring

Tell me, what if I did not exist.. or better still never did this work my entire life ti build a bridge an Emanuel so you could all remember what you threw away, how to read the Sign of the Times.

I do not like the idea ..and made it clear to Esteban of posting images of private moments of trust he had with Kelsie Bissell or Athena Sarah kaizer..
No one has that right, to go that Far..we are Gentlemen and Lady Assassins and Warrior.

Kelsie is the line of Clara Star Child 3 Principle of the Family of TEN but her Clarity in the real play script, I was sacrificed “John 3 16 JKV ” ” For Gods So Loved the World..

Clara Star Child was not the first Clarity..it was two males..
Isis Osiris
She and her sister Nepyhytis whom I know is played by human Avatar Sol RosarioSol
in this play of forgetting challenged their Brothers Selves, the Two Men.

Sarah ..Bible.. ASH
Hagar. Nepyhytis


All the same person.

Hagar means “Flight ”
Do you all recall when Sol came here to visit me in South Whitney 3rd floor last year..
She just arrived from New York and she had experienced a Flight of such bliss and harmony and how as she was comming down she encountered turbulence a sort of monster seeking here..
The entering back into this world
She brought me excellent food.
Kelsie came here once and brought me a dessert she recorded me..

See my Sacred Portal 48
Death as Beautiful Transformation

No what year was Israel formed?

Has there not been an escalation in an already violent 2000 year conflict and now fresh adtee two world wars, you immediately do an act of such provocation to a wound of their creating a Bible book in which Hagar is made a servant and with her son Ishmael…the one who Listens Gears..is kicked out thrown into the wilderness while other records show that Abraham abd Ishmael worked on the Stone at Mecca.
Kabball. Becomes the Evil corrupt Cabal.

Kelsie. Bissel
Sol. Rosario..
Athena Kaizer..

ASS. K. Kiss Anus Mouth.
Sacred Portal 22..V

K S. Sarah Kaizer
K S K ..A.
11 1
111 usd given ri me twice by E M F
And Chiefy told me ge was given 111 by EF too.

The story of Evil as that which the true Hebrew University Schools.
Daniel Maman 2013 Kew gardens
His company ” Go Antiques ”
Had to be destroyed and in 1948 that one act of such cruel absolute use of power of retaliation revenge going back to being slaves in Egypt whose culture they approriated.
Just as the wesrern white man people went after all the Artifacts like Hitler and the Spear of Destiny.

Why am I here explaining when all this has been writren by me over and over again
Untangling your cosmic mess of irresponsible expression perverting Sex Loved Expression till the point of selling your children on the dsrk web.
I called this our Screamed..
Spoke of the 9th Circle of hell all the mounds of children bodies found buried tortured mangled..
No one raised a shout of outrage

Ohh I made no secret why I came.
And i coded it into Existence infront of our very noses and eyes.

But your Superiority Arrogance and dismissiveness of it, smh
Despite my saying I do not require your permission or your attention or co-operation until the latter.. when in 2013 I found that NN aM di playing my Father and the Enraged version as my bio Father had set it up that I had to go through you to retrieve ahs restore HEN RI
The Cosmic Egg completed with Celia.. Black.
Yes Tia M Lamin
Link Schofield Tia. S T. Susan Train

This is not my play..
I am being forced to rebuild my body
Via all the fracals..
Like Isis searching for Osiris.
9 0
Sacred Portal 90
See it again and observe how the Male Essence shows Empathy to Spirit E Awareness causing his icy stance frozen to melt only through one tear acknowledgijg the one who sees the truth and the hurt they have caused him.E F
And see the woman insensitive to his pain she her toe is like a needle..
She plunges her hand into his ear

Kamora Herrington line.
I want what I need from you.

See the Sword of Truth by Goodkind.

15:49 Hundred Hours right now

I am only posting because I am in physical pain my body aching to transform.
To leave..
Especially now I have become the true Steve Jobs.
How many jobs did they give me in how many playing fields
7-1 -1-7.
Rainbows and Solfeggio
8 Prove Harmony.
is Expression
Never enough never enough to be given appreciation that is constant
44 line..I see them sittijg on a fence waitijg to see what will happen

I passed the test created to prove that the source is a man.
22 months.

Elizabeth Hinds Davis
Brooke Elizabeth Banwer
Elizabeth Russell
Elizabeth Gray

15;56 Hundred Hours right now

Sol Rosario was the first mesage I opemed
She called this Awakenijg with Esteban linked to me a Joke.
See the play with Arden Fred..The Joker.

Yes he is, and this play is of E A S. E
And the one who connects them is thier Twin rep Kim Arthur Hines, Tree Sage, Chiefy.
The Heart of Dark Matter Energy is Sensitivity Sensory Perception
Sensort Overload which is why it required a body to protect it until Loves Supreme,Expression Sex Sensuality

Kiss My ass.
My Lips
Believe me my lips are beautiful and so are my Ass holes.
E A. S. add Kim Tree Chiefy

Golden Tree of Immortality
Yes Freya legend Aurelia Kim Esteban.
A.K. A ( adding Athena) E
1 11 1 5.

Serenity age 5.
Laura Walsh sent me a messsge days
Her son Troy was talking to me on the phone in her dream he is 19 born born October 9th
Yes..9 is I
19 is S
October is 8 and 10
Harnony Judasim Islam..C Chris Cecilia true Christoanity
Followers of the Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme

16:16 Hundred Hours right now

Why do you think Eternal Arden and Eternal Crown A S sent me here..
Chris Chiefy Tree Kim
Yes C K
Are E A
4 in 1
Klm 6 in 1 FA
Its to retrieve the last aspect of my Body and being.
E K. ..I S. S. Crown

My. Heanly body.
I passed the tests of E M F and A E M F
And the “Joke” that he framed me
No he bought a camerea set me ip took a picture and placed it in a Silver and Gold Expensive Frame.
My Grandfather D A N. Umeano did that after I won the Fashion Designer of the Year.
In 1986.
The first of its kind in 19 86

I was 18..19 years old.

16:24 Hundred Hours.

This play with kim and serenity completebgives me back my body.. and all of yours too.

While I waa reading the message from Laura Walsh Serenity asked me what was I reading
I paused then told her.
” I saw that boy who was talking to you on the phone in my dreams.
He was surrounded by numbers..the Numbers revealed him..
And I saw muscles.

Diana Ross
Death Ray. Sacred Portal 49

Libery was the next to contact me.. had not heard from her since i posted the Page with Liberty, I fully understand why.
E.M.F had told quite a few ppl quietly thstbhe wished to kick me out.
He even told me.. I laughed
Who kicked me the curb in the end.
Was it not his friends
Lynn his aunt said his Grandmother had no clue what was going on until they told her thar day.

So I know she is innocent too

16:33 Hundred Hours right now

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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