
10/25/2020 0:48 – Facebook Post

Do the Fearl ful determine the Fate of the Fearless?

Unless the Fearless forget that they live in a paradigm going back thousands and thousands of years based on a foundation of fear.. Only the Arrogant the Dramatic or the Silly do not finds them selves the Will Power to pause and recall.” I do need a Plan:

But if that which was once programed to be fearfull reads for example quietly my posts of one who is not a millionaire despite that being his birth and birthright
My Grandfather
Inheritance left for in his will but which it haf to be fought for.
I.have made it to that status on my own 4 times before age 32. 33 before I came here.

Taken away from me.
5.million usd was the price and possibility offered for the rights of my Journals age 25
Including movie rights which is how I met Prince. Purple Rain

My Family went to the best Schools in America Europe and Nigeria.

I chose…or was prodded to chose being a Professor X
Professor of Beauty
MD Doctor Love
Excellent Healer
Godheart M Excellent

Luke Simon

Though.to be honest, I did not see why I.could not be both.

Who has the right to.determine those who are sane?
The ones who neasure Mental Health
13.8 Billion year old Universe
Star Dust.

The ones with P T S D
The Insane who repeat the same procees and expression hoping that it will change the outcome
Or those who dare remain Individuals wgo dare Percieve and proceed Reasonably Logically wirh Empirical Evidence EE
Empirical Facts E F
Imperial Facts.

Having Investigated gone under cover proven the truth of Evolution which those out of their minds heads and on pills..

Did you know 73% of Americans are addicted to pharmaceuticals
Mental Health
Valley of the Dolls.

Hearing them
See how and why came to New York
From Jon Jason Lee
56 Elgin Avenue
” To The Silence One Last Time ” fractals how one pieces ones Psyche back into one after playing many roles.

00:29 Hundred Hours right now

Yes..I am in pain but surmounting it transforming it as i post..and narrate and translate.

Darkest Days
Darkest Days
Showing how I as A EA F A .M E
Passed through with all the I & I and E F in A past the ORB and All seeing Eye by seeing a way and line of visionin the dark blindness that he she did not see..
Escaping this Explosions bombs
Then End
D A D about to come.

I can use the silver 200 usd computer Stephen and Sarah bought for me there in no internet here.
So I can only use the phone E M F
S F sponsored alone when I left Delta Manor

I am not looking to join anyones family in this realm flattered but you are no where worthy of me ..
We I came to find those qualified vibrating narurally on the Erernal Frequency Eden and invite them into my World Home if you can past tje test of Being Constant Natural Expression
Supreme ( Crowned fill circle 70.

See what the fuss is all about.
Sacred Portal 22
E A confirm
Ass Hole

In truth I included you shared with you..gave you credit.
But in truth E A are saying.. No, He dud it all.alone.

00:41 Hundred Hours right now

And you confine me to a Homeless beggar seeking to take advantage of others via Mind Control
Pot Calling the Kettle Black.

Respinse Denial I am not.black.
I am White..
Lovecraft c..

Me I am silver Ag
Heart attack

22:04 Hundred Hours right now

V: O D. E. Victorious Ode.
I H: G- Ode of Praise of The Gift of The Creator undercover as Terrible Death.
20 4
” Release and Rescue my Beautiful Truth and True Story of Two Men from the Shame Blame Guilt story of False Accusation of A Woman wearing the Shoes Sara Lilith: and a Weak Patriarch story who burnt the True Origin Story) T OS S. E A into the deepest pit.
Burn it and flip the script of the two men to be the cause of the End by that acknowledgement of brotherly love
Liberty Fraternity Equality.
Larry Flynn E. Larry Sax Larry Sax L S.
Little Fires Everywhere.
6 12. F L. O W. E M/ M.E. OW! W O L F..
FE 65. NRI. Rises As the Darkest Night
Darkest Knight
Darkest Dawn.

The Impregnable Wall.

Tia M Lamin

The last expression to Esteban Stephens Aunt and his grandmothers niece to me was I love you”

I spent 3 months in that house without Esteban present, twas between her, Sagan and the myself
E S C I.
E S C A P E. Hell Dragon Fire.

Sky Oak Speaker
I met and stayed with in 2002 to early 2003 before moving to Joe Carey oppitte the Bean..former Kudos Cafe.. K C where I met Axel Love A L and a year later Al Santana

The story of The Triniry as A S. H E. S. Crown had to be restored in a world in which all possibilities to prove and reinstate that original truth was shut down

Prisoned within a Dream witin a Dream no longer able to access and truly hear Universal True Natures Symphony
Nikolia Tesla.

No longer able to retain a link to Naturalness
A Gammtria based Book Bible with Numbers attached to verses, not creating Music but in which is Kabal Sex Witch craft which involves raping young boys.. using the true story of two men.. The Original Truth of Fathers Son abd Holy Spirir is really
Father I Son He Expirit Sataya
F I S H. E S. P
Peter The Rock Stone..
The Constant Pierre
C P from which I will build my Church
Praise to Creation
Sound and Song of Praise

Tia Means ” Joy”
Cecila Cecilia
Cecilia Wiebers
C W.
C Double U. UU 42.
UU 1 21 21. 33
1221. 33
Heavenly Body

C Double V.
C V. 3 22.
Fahad Hassen
Esteban Fore Sight

He placed a box in the House those last days together
” Risk
The Game of Thrones”

Cynthia vision of Arden on his 17th birthday
Liberty C Liscomb
When in truth, they were raping his.. my..and our E Families Truth.
Lyrical Conversation
Which I am now doing with Kim Arthur Hines
Tree Sage
In Tranquility with Serenity… and Ease.
Total Solar Eclipse
33- 8th states
Body in Light Body Harmony
Tia M Lamin means “Trust Worthy and was one if the names of The Prophet Muhammad
Mohammed Yeshua
Ramsees Moses
R M. E
E M R. E
Came alot
Lance A.L.O T
Sex Cum
St Theresa of Aviles
Ecstasy to Cloud 9.
Lightness Ascend

Tia means Aunt which is my Bio Sister and Bio aunts Names
English Theresa and Joy
O I Nri Igbo
Ijeoma. And middle name my sister who I knew was really her body of my Aunt evolved
Iheamaca is her middle name.
Ikekemefuna is mine .
I & I..
A Great Risk was taken in this play of who is the 1 Trinity the Trinity Source .The One.

Sacred Portal 86

What is drug which starts with a K which can knock out an Elephant- Memory

Flash. Of Men in Black ..
Total Forgetting
Donald At Staten Island S I
Serenity Isaiah
Age 5 age 8
5 8
He had total Amensia Twice.
Double Black Hole
But built up from Nothing and restored his memory by going back retracing all the tjings around him, people places things like Al- bums.
Boom! Boom!

3.2 months
Rescue Cecila’s Body.
From the lie of B C. E the Lie called the past..

” the Conqueror writes History”
Love Conquers
Axel Love… A L… Rio Axel. River Ruiz Rios
Michael Love”

So what happens when The Truth re-wrires History?
Truth = Love.
True Love
True C

Emeka Tom Chris.
E C.C. T. Tom means Twin.
E C C. 33 Cc. 3/3=1. 6. 9

E I. Sacred Portal 59
Olusanya Bey

E M F = 24

5 13 p.m
E M. R. 666 18. 3-6
E M F R E E..

So if you are made of Stardust and the drug K has no effect on you can not block your memory from rising defeating the illusion of Terrible Death..The Joker who is the Line of the Individual
Snow Flake who can stand up alone to the whole world and to a family who may live you but you realize can not see.

Case study Erik Ebright Miami.
Eric Eposito

Of course Sarah Kaizser was in Perfect Harmony in the role she was designated to play in order for the Truth of Jewish Race versus the Hebrew race.. of Scholars ” The Essenes Helenes.
Sarah Athena .two stories
Sarah who Lied was Goddess Athena
Goddess of Wisdom Weaving and War
Versus Ares Aries Mars Venus .
Which is a programe created by the Matrix of the Damned?
Which is the Character who realizes all their lifes they have been programmed to Look yhe Other way.
Even when beings are crucified raped and tortured but for thier own sanity look away not willing to Risk Every thing for their Truth and their own Awareness of Sixth Sense sees everything True.
Take Ketamin .. knock Block out memory..
It said to be able to knock out an Elephant Memory
5 13

Why would you take wish out to forget your awakening and instead of seeing the Beauti ful Truth.. as I E, chose to respond to the Terrible Lie.
Going deep under cover into their Menorah..( Orah)
* Jane Orah
Orah Soup.

And with its buttons we dig a Tunnel entering into their Story which no lock down.
” My Locker in Delta Manor and Green Point Avenue Assessment Shelter
The film ” The Hurt Locker ”

Cynthia Eze C E
Elevator Man
5 :13 p.m
Kamora Herrington arrived with Chiefy..
Kim Arthur Hines the one and only time in 3 + months I.have known here, when she wasn,t late.

* waited for her to pick me up to take me to a very concerned Tree Sage who having experienced being “Kicked Out” K O
Was frantic and horrified that I would be left standing on the Street
With a guard Lynne eager to get rid of me in order to keep the peace with an 80 year woman
I.like her.. but dear lord what happens wgen she gets the conclusive evidence that I am literally not Your Source as the Script of the idea of The Source as a Man.
” A Man. 29. 8-29-2018..19.. 2020.”

Elevator Man
Kamora was in Harmony only because of the presence of Kim Arthur Hines

Today is the 24th.


One Day.

Adam Waldron
Adam Fahreja

I was pre sent when you called Tree Sage
AW. Awww. I understood you response and concern for your friend and kim told me why.

But I am here to tell you that Esteban always knew about Athena Sarah.. and made his conclusion of both K B and A S. K.
he truly loved but saw a terrible betrayal not intentionally but this idea of Love and Soul mates, this need and desire to full a black hole..
It is terrible when you realize that the ones you love the.most can do see you nor do not trust you at all.

Erik Ebright intentionally took drugs which he knew were hurting him for 10 years after we met, me arriving sent and directed to his apt 248 Green Street Brooklyn and just a day before his father came and took him away to a Mental Hospital which he fought and was the first person in that hospitals history tonsue win and be released but his father got the judge ti keep him a extra few days before releasing hin.

And he got hooked on MED. USA.
And name Esteban kept calling Sarah thst day in fromt of Duke and I they physically fought infromt of the house over the Iron Grey csr rental

Grey Castle. Tower.. Wizards of True Magic
Twin Towers.
Alex Grey
Arden Thought
Arden- Aurelia Alexander..Nnamdi.

1 14 Grant Moor Motel first stop arrival at Connecticut
Black Panther as Truck.. the rental Esteban complained he was denied.

Jaguar Nana
Linked to Jesse Macias Orejuela who when I was renting a room via E M F last of his sponsor ship and J M for 10 11 months
I.never asked for or recieved a dime from him.
Intil brought back to his portal.

Erik Ebright EE took a high paying job 73,K a year.
He took his pills regularity and kept in touch with me via his post.
Bought a house in Miami in the Voodoo center much like the North End here.
And publicly acknowledged here on Facebook that it was mainly bevause of me and he had built me the Home he assumed incorrectly that I sought another to provide for me.
Tjen with a code 69 69 sent me an SOS to come down on a pretext of rest chill and appreciation instead I found him in the similar situation of 10 years before.

Time Travel
Flash F L. ASH. AS. H
F LASH.. They Lashed me and Erik fought for.me and expected me to do all the Work
This waa not 10 years ago, I told him, you know the drill you do not need me to hold your hand.

Recall he got his home back, sue the Med USA fir wrongful Diagnoses he had realized he had prescribed the wrong pills for ten years.
He won the case, got his father to leave.. then kicked me out because of his girl friend.
Izzy who spoke bout Kolo the first day.we met not realizing it was ny last namen

Chris Filgueira daughter by a Black woman is called Izzy..
So is their grandmother
Esther Isabell Izzy.. almost 80 years old.
Erik took the pills ( realy placebos) for 10 years.
I had not seen him in ten years
On Cinqo de Mayo..5 5 he quit his job and waa ready with his plan Casa Bodhi bed a breakfast at which he convinced himself would be my home but was really his looking for a Man Friday whom he loved but who would always be inferior to him.
His skin was paler than all the Hispanics Blacks Chinese a round him.

Recall Marlon Brando in the island of Dr Moreau.

Animal Farm

George Orwell
Big Brother was watching over you.
Not anymore

Be Gone

00:45.. 46…and now 00:47 Hundred Hours

My Plan E T
Via Heart attacks Strokes
As you awaken to the truth..
You missed the crossing boat.

00:48 p.m right now

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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