
10/24/2019 1:38 – Facebook Post

12:06 a.m.

L O F. L F F..
F L/ L F. F

Florida 27 A-A
Adren – Alexander.

6:12 Ardens Birthday
That is the time I sent Liberty my last text before she left with daughter Auriela and Leander to the Gymn.

I took a bath, soaked in Epsom salts which Liberty C Liscomb had generously run for me, a bath.. first time in 16 years I had allowed myself a simple luxury I had used to take daily before I began this journey.
As well as ritual saunas and yogo Tai Chi.

12:13 p.m

What would woman still be in a battle of supremacy at this point?

Before I am the Source or The Creator – which I promise will be fully revealed to all so there is no doubt.
But why would woman still contest the Source, harbour resentments, act as though they accept, show respect, even after being not only forced to accept all their tests, conditions
” have no Source Power” be stripped of everything which makes what they identify as ” His Advantages”
And prove it as A Man.
In the corrupted language of man.
Go through a 29.11 years..
43 years!! Of punishment by proving that which is self evident.
Man is the Creator even of Woman.

And Man is Woman and vice versa.

What is this refusal to accept this truth, after providing evidence, facts, passing through all Their insanely cruel and wicked course, obstacle course.
And even after doing that which they had conspired secretly to make sure as A MAN with the conditions set, that he would never succeed without the powers of The Source in him, he still succeeds as A MAN and proves the Truth of MAN W O MAN
Being the same thing.

And to make it even more propesterous, they do not partake of the same tests.
They just wait on the sidelines for the evidence to come, and take it from him and put it to use?

And then not only refuse to give credit after he has been then compelled to teach them how to use all the knowledge, he did not need but was designed by Woman as a play, for them to use that knowledge destroy the Source.
Bind him forever as a man of anonymity while they took the Knowledge to declare themselves Supreme.
And never make amends, never clean up the mess they created at the moment of reakizing why MAN. = 28. 2 men 56..
4 men 56:56 .. 11 11..


1:11 A MAN

Is Supreme .. And All Are MAN

E Victor Eros..
E V E. = 32
20 12 = 32.
5 E

7:10 months on Facebook and 23 Days.

An absolute Lie.
They would prefer to embrace.
They knowledge that they did not, could not solve the riddles of Creation or pass through the Great Mystery of Death.
Their own riddles, for tis Woman who gives birth to that which is fated to die.

MAN is 5th Dimension Cee Men Energy Light Espression Supreme.

W. O M. AN./ NA .
23 6. 13 1 14
29. 28

Look at my equations, riddles done equated as a man with people mocking laughing at my citcumstances in a Script of WOE MAN as Death Illusionary Expression.


So that I would have to reveal myself as The Source
T S. E
The Creator..E
In circumstances created by this Evil Jealous furies, who would not accept the Truth, Proof of which they were given all the power to create such a play by Father Son you call God, I call Beauty.. Truth, to see just how far they would go, and in consequence become existential death, exrinction.. and finally the one species to cease to Exists.

Not Wu Man of MANs Equal, but this illusion who dared to Challenge And Test.
C A T. Their Source and lack the grace to accept the Truth and how it showed Equality.

There is only one Source aa A MAN.
The rest are children of MAN.
W is M
Magic Wand.


They could not solve the riddles of their own ressurection.
How could Isis ressurect Osiris if She had never been a man.
Never conquered the riddle she represent
Ressurection of The Body as Death.

Why is it I, A MAN have walked the Earth, moved through homes, been demonstrating to the world, how people are literally in a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze.
Designed Codes, brought proofs of how it works, how it came into Existence.
Relayed its mechabisms.
Proved Creation Existence Fuckin Perfect
Prove evolution, in a language of my.own, then be sent down to prove it Mans languages

Take the sum total of all Human Knowledge, combine, cut trip the fat and lies, link the best of the knowledge, tailor it refine it and then present it back to the people and prove that in you already was the Truth… that you just did not organize it, by not taking in all points of views.
The entire Human story, history.

And be forced to show you how to heal, take your twisting the Truth of all gifted to you to rise, and watch how you tailor even that gift and truth, once more by negating the one wgi did what you could not do, and still negate him, but tailor the Truth to create the illusion that you are Supreme ..all by using a Web of Words..

Which turns you into Extinction based on Natural Universal Law… NU L
That is your own Natural Law.
Northern Lights
Aurora Borealis.

For there is the Facts
That is what Truth is made up, linking of Facts with a U
Understanding, linking the Facts

1:00 p.m.

To lie to Oneself, to be willing to go that far in lying to yourself, to go that far in negating A MAN who you put through such tests, to go that far as to create the illusion of someone of such.merit to look and be percieved as a Homeless Bum, even after seeing what his naturalness ( inspite of himself) did for you.
Even going as Far as using his codes afainst him.
1:03 a.m
1:04 a.m


To find ways to prove him a lie, even after he has proven that he can send you to terrible death.


Isis means Throne!
Be damned with this illusions stupid translations
See sacred portal 45.
Throne of Existence.
Osiris means O Sir IS..IS.

So sick of these translations not fit for retarded baboons.

Seeking ways to undermine, setting traps, stench of the Snake who crawls on its belly, lowest creature,
Not like the noble Serpent and Anaconda Phython Boa Constrictor ..
My Dick
Erect Erose.

1:10 a.m

Anne McHugh
Romy Baker
Sue McHugh

Anirbas Lem
Observe the absurdity of the insanity to logic and reason, the lowest form of subversion of the sneaky quiet, petrt, petty denial of the Truth and simple Facts of A MAN who brought everything, did everything to satisfy the Evil in Woman..
1:13 a.m
With now eternal blood on her hands.

Deny The Source.. ok..
Deny A Man his rightful due.
Deny MAN is rightful due.
Harboring resentment and spite, questioning past 65 the Truth
Lying and lying.. denying in ways so subtle, the subterfuge of telling A MAN, MAN sons and Daughters of MAN that I will never have respect for what you have done.

Nor ever having the desire or true intent to make amends, or clean up the mess created when ” I lied” to.make you seem to the eyes less than what you truly are, and shame you to uplift myself and after all.test proven not even contenplating about going back and cleaning up the mess

And in your mere suggestion of that rises that truth of the liar called Death as the illusion the mess of words, traps with language and words, its true intent for you..
Instead of sincere narural gratitude and praise.

So let them prove them selves the Sources, but far from the eyes of anything of Creation
Give them the Fate worse than Hell Fire, worse than Existential Death, worse than Terrible Death.

Let them be a Source
Of the Lie and true Nonexistence.
And in that place of all their kind prove over and over that which can never be..
Equal me.

There are many ways to know what is written on.my page..
And others ways to create Harnony, other than spitefully creating disharmony.

So let that one chance of Grace be tajen away, and one more fate created to.equal the Crime

1:27 p.m

Right at the last gate.

1:55 p.m

As for the messenger of these Abomination of Witches who Bind in Knots.

We will observe, what She, Says Does..
And will do, combing through every detail and then Emeka, we will reveal to you our Judgment

1:29 a.m
1:30 a.m

The Source is in Everything, Eveeyone Everything..

Truth and Justice is not reserved just for The Creator but for every man child, person being wom.I gave life.

That is why I came undercover, and waited as all the proof evidence facts were delivered and awaited to see if you would do the right thing by yourselvez, and go an clean up your mess.

There is and will be no story of Two Women.
It ends with Two MEN.

29 5. F A L A.. C Y
B Examples of Alien Father Love.

Thieves in the Temple in deed.

Be Gone!
Daughter and Daughters and Sons of Eve.
Illusions Abominations Monsteers
Never satisfied
Never truly pleased
Always Need.
Insatiable Greed.

1:38 p.m

Universe a Lie.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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