
10/23/2018 1:59 – Facebook Post

Fritz Venneiq sent me this code at 1:07 p.m.

107 is Sacred Portal “Venom.. U C I… Response for shitty Expression…”
See the M & M. Eminem play… Mashall Matters
M M .. 13 13 26… Z…

“send $33 ref#, is 86375906 to Robert k Murphy..’

See the code of 86 37 59 06…

Please see Sacred Portals 33….
‘And so D came to E to awaken and arouse him from the most Terrible Dream…”

33 C C…. 33= 6…. F… 6+9= 15 Letter O… 51 E A..Link ‘Emeka Anozie E A 51 … Link Emeka Anthony Manino bed 5-001 Room 5A ( 51)
And then to 6.. Sixth Sense.. To Fact portal Fritz Venneiq through Robert Kyle Murphy linked to myself.

86… Victor… Light of Existence….

37.. Artful Professor of Love Creator… Sophia O Lauren..

59..End of the Book/ World of Filth, Ares A Diana D, ( AADD) Adama & Eve ( A E )

06 .. “Silver Surfer says Now WAY TO This Play.”

8 63 75 90 9….

Isabelle Ilic and Fritz Venneiq

I & I…. F V

F V… I & I.

F I V I..

1:42 am.
1 43 a.m.

Portals Complete….

9 6.. 6…
6 9 4.

@ 11 69 Facebook Friends.

Wearing 69 Vans…

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions responded to my text message after years of silence, I am indifferent to the Human play I am only interested in the Harmony of the eternal being set to rise within each of the Avatar Descendants….

As I stated many times before, this was never a script to ‘Save ‘ Humanity from Themselves which had already been proven a fultile endevour, rather it was a script designed to prove the depth of the abomination of cruelty they had reached where they could be eliminated totally from the face of all existence and be replaced by what they were always intended to evove to be.
It was a case of setting me up ( with myself being unaware) to be used as the one who would be used to fight for them and the repsonse to the truth of my ‘Mother Father”.. Broteher sister who sent me.

An truly evil play and set up to determine the proof of the depth of horror most humans had chosen to descend to.
And the release of the lines of the Natural chosen to evolve back home…
Only two Lines Exist in the End..
Fritz and Isabelle…
Fritz means the Peaceful Ruler…
Isabelle Devoted to God.. Oath Vow and Pledge….

And through these two embodiments, it returns to Nnamdi Emeka.. ME.

91 Likes was the end was what it came to … A.I.
I had been fighting Artificial Intelligence, not only of the Machine sort but the Biological sort, the kind which is not of True Nature…
Not Natural…
This is what the Human Speces have become, and this was the script created to prove that and rescue the Naturals..the true and destroy this Realm…

1:59 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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