
10/23/2016 21:26 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories…
One Year ago…

I had 23 usd in my wallet….
I had 23 by the end of yesterday,
and then spent some money, yet I ended up having 23 USD
Again… Knowing full well the significance of the number 23,
anchored and rendered Fact through the 15 years in New York City..
some might say “Wandering through the Tapestry of Human Existence”
and the picture of forming, so incredible that the World had to be alerted…
And so 4.7 years was spent publicly aligning and linking, what I had done in private.
I did not do this intentionally,
Nor did I volunteer for the Job…
Nor did I volunteer to be a specimen of it exemplification,
Embodiment and Truth.
..But here I am.

The past four almost 5 years,
has stunned me, but I do understand everything that is happening..

Today as I sat on a bench,
The exhaustion of what I have been doing, and no one really cottoning on,
or at least, responding with the “O.M.G” – which I feel and experience everyday, I wake up, in which every environment the transcribing and converting, transforming of this picture requires…

I sat and was quiet… it had been cold,
but I had slept for perhaps the first time
for 4 -5 hours straight in the morning until 2:32 p.m.
Awakened by my neighbor, John Dudley…
I could not believe the level of exhaustion I am caring
but which a little rest changed my frequency and the level I was vibrating on.

But suddenly as I sat there soaking in the quiet of a park.
the one Park where people hardly came..
Across the Bridge..I noted the that I was sitting at Taylor and Cross Bronx
just over the Bridge from Delta Manor as well as Star Bucks..
And I realized that even right now I was perfectly aligned..
I had risen from bed 3002…32..By J.D…”Death as Mortal Death”
And was now sitting across the Bridge.. on Cross Bridge Av..
And out of the three Four places, even Five places I anchor..
The Shelter and the play of Angels & Demons, where I sleep in the Story of the World “Church -Illumination”
Star Bucks Poseidon Neptune and Aphrodite- Eros Cupid True Story.
Where I have lived on a Computer Screen- as my very Life and Existence
crumple around me as I post and solve this riddle publicly completing the pattern following and weaving I first discovered 23 years ago…
Living in and on a computer screen because I can not talk to my fellow man, person to person about the most remarkable discoveries and the untangling of the Tapestry which was literally being woven by Human expression into a Picture which was literally becoming real…
And finding the equations day by day for 15 years to riddle it out of existence with an expression so charged with focus, intensity, embodiment and depth – that each word or sentence I post, flows through me, through the depth of my being- literally from my fact finding and embodiment and walking through the Truth, I had investigated to the point of annulling, my own Existence…( Literally) to Zero, and then rising from the Zero state ( A person who has no home, and is in a mental health shelter with a body no doctor in the last year which I have been in the Shelter has examined and not even a friend I knew who Professor and Doctor I have known for 38 Years,)
And from that Zero state rise from it was a Full Circle ‘The Devils Anus-Sun-Alpha” U.R..ANUS….U RAN../NA US- as Z-Ero’s with the Elliptical Form- The Cosmic Egg.. The True “Oval”Office…The literal First Drop and the God Particle..
And the codes- I used publicly to do this…..now a by product of that which I had been drawn- pulled- brought to this format to present to you…

Then the two other parks…
The One at the End of Archer St…
Yes, the Sagittarian “Sage Wise Man’ his Arrow points to the Full Circle…
And then Parkchester Park of Oval Fountain…
“Fantasia” by Raymond G Barger… “Barge R Robert Barge Man”

*And yes, I can am weaving even as I try and post
while a fountain of expression burst from me in such an uncontrollable flow that I can hardly, write the post…

But I decided that this is place,
Across the Bridge where there was hardly anyone,
The two other parks being so noisy ad so filled with people…
But here I felt calm, and suddenly, I recalled this is my normal state of being in this reality… It is not my home consciousness but it was Quiet..
It was peaceful.. it was sad that there was no one here,
– not in the park ( stragglers come by but it is not very popular… in is in front of a High way and it is a little out of the way…)
No. it wasn’t the place, it is what this place afforded me..

There were no Wars and playing the Boy and the Master Sensie of the Jah Fire Story I spoke about in the beginning as the True Birth of Fire.. which Orien Laplante and Lord Li represent… ( The Room mate I was supposed to have at bed 5019…519…E.S…has a Black Panther on his shoulder and beautiful skin and up until the time I arrived had no upper teeth- which I later discovered he had replaced on the very day I arrived…I know everything I have written is the Truth, because it is Self manifest.. and manifesting where ever I go.. Because my Expression proceeded it, wove it and aligned it, and all the characters into place…

Just as this post of Face Book Memories align perfectly with where we are today, literally.
Just as does the time now.. 7:33 p.m.

No, I sat in the Bench, and I felt Peace and Quiet because there were no people…
No people to disturb the Harmony of my simply watching the autumn leaves
-Pale Gold Shimmering laurels, dancing in the Wind..
The sun breaking forth from the Clouds sailing on a expanse of Light blue…
..No, that consciousness Peace and Quiet was not my home…
But on Cross Bronx avenue, C.B… 3 2…Arisen from bed 3002 by the person not even aware that he was living a story of Egyptian God of the Dead..
I had crossed over a Bridge- and I had done it alone, then with the only person who the “Play” and my own self, had allowed to be my Face Book friend amongst the countless other at Delta Manor Dimension..

My mind danced in the most profound quiet and sadness..
Though at least I recognized myself.
And that Air Consciousness of the Jah Fire Play as the birth of the First Illusion
The “Child” who also heralded the Birth of Death as the Destroyer…
Yet again, yes.. the Child brought Death in Being…
The Child became the Human Race and everything which came through the process of the Child..
(And, there is a growing awareness even now as to where this post is leading..
It is to sacred portal 41..Elegua and the Child which came from the penetration of his A-Nus/Sun-A…)

For First Being is what all had to evolve to…
And the First Child- Humanity Children..H.C..83..
had to evolve and transform into the original Blue Print of Creation..
The First Being.. who through Supreme Being” has moved that blue print back into logical linked expression of that which An Original Being IS..
Eternal Youth… who are the Sources of the Fountain of Youth…
See the meaning of Ege.. Aegean Sea.. “Blue-Green”

The Aegean Sea (/??d?i??n/; Greek: ?????? ??????? [e??eo ?pela?os] ( listen); Turkish: Ege Denizi Turkish pronunciation: [e?e denizi]..

Ege is the Son of Mehmet Mutaf and Clio Fotiyadis…
Dewight Smith Dewight means Denis Dionisio- Dios-
Delta Manor- “Mouth of the River”…Landing…
Ege was 9 years Old… Dewight is 40.. 49…That is my Code age 11;28-1966…
John Dudley J.D..Is 46…
9 40…I met Ege in 1997… I.D..
The Festival of Paylasmak (The International Festival I designed on the Aegean Sea, on the Island in ‘Karada” “The Black Island” in 1999 to celebrate the Millennium, was called The Festival of Sharing…
Clio Mehmet Ege.. C.ME…
The water there is incredible, recall the code of Face Book friends name “Blue Green”…B.G…2 7…
That festival- a Promise I intended to Full Fill if not for the Ego Ego Ego play.. of Greed- Time As Money instead of Time is the Dawn if the Individual.. the Beautiful Ego- Self Projection…
Has, had been transposed to 16 Years in New York..
8:03 p.m.
Since my arrival in 1999- then Moving here in 2001….3-20…2001…
Has been without my intending it to, been transformed to this Sharing on Face Book on the meaning of Sharing and the bringing its consciousness back into the World by defeating those who will always demand more, want more.. not be content with their Fair share…
And to do that, it would appear that, I was brought here to prove it into Existence.. Harmony.. By a collective wave of the Individuals through this History of man who had not been able to solve that riddle…
Yet, in 1989, I had already set out that intention
in my Journals,Talking To the Silence…
And yet a Wave.. “Blue Aegean” has enthusiastically, carried me forward..
Whoa! I kept shouting to it, I will do it my way..
Blue Green represent the 5 and 4th Colors…. Which I call Fifth and Four (FF..66..Where Fantasy and Fact.. Fiction and Fact…Meet and converge- land as One Truth…
My Brother Nnamdi represented that code of 4 5 by his Date of Birth..
But I did it by my Expression… Which then became my Conscious Being…

Emeka I Delta Crossing Bro.n.x.. Nature is the X Factor…It has a Conscious Frequency… C.F.. See the meaning of the name Chris Franco “Follower of the Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Sources OF Light… W.A.V.E. S.O.L..Of The Freeman…

I rose from the Equation on this play of The International Festival of Sharing created in 1999 on an Island in the Aegean Sea., A.S..
To A Fruition -Cornucopia- of Sharing on Face Book of that which already
something I had intended to Do…
Why did the Wave of Freedoms call call me- move me..
Squeeze me into a position of what I already knew the Whole world desired…?
Why was to be Free..

I sat there on the bench, having no desire to return to Delta Manor and the unhealthy Energy of everyday is about Ego Oge Ego… Money and Time and I as Selfishness- with some trying to be examples but not having the qualifications..
I did not wish to be in the parks of the Full Circle at the End of Archers of The Oval Fountain at the head of Metropolitan,,
Archer Metropolitan..
I did not wish to sit one more day at 1385 Star Bucks Solving riddles and weaving into Existence the Riddles of Existence, to people still unaware of what is really going on, while I live and have lived for 27 Years Carried by a Wave, 28 Years carried by body of ‘Blood Guts and Water”
Or by Stories of Human Beings so distorted it twists my body of Truth in Agony each day while a mostly indifferent or uncomprehending world looks on…
Weaving a brilliance of a tapestry into Existence, destroying its lie…
While living in such poverty that I can not afford a winter coat.. Unless I ask.. And all my troubles, will be gone if I simply walked away from this play..
Even from my Evolving body…
I did not wish to link and understand the depths of Hell that the world was really in which they had grown comfortable in, even growing to accept such a place as Delta Manor Mental Shelter “Because it is better than other Shelters”- I was tired as I sat there, on the bench, the sun warming me…
The Quiet so near my Home Consciousness
Peace Quiet… P.Q…7.8..
8 7…H.Q…5 8 7…E.H.G…E.15…E 15…E.O…E.F…Emeka Fact…
I Exist…
That is Home…

Where I do not have to prove I Exist..
Or that We Exist in a place beyond “Beach Street”
Beyond these Stories of Money Time Greed and Correcting through non stop anonymity while living in such ignoble conditions..
That the very question of Why Exist because the only wave which I wish to Surf.. knowing that there answer…
Is Annihilation….
That Earth Quake in Istanbul just after my Festival was Canceled in the cruelest of ways…
I relived that again and again over and over again..
A Beautiful Truth of a boy since age 2…Since the Womb, and even beyond when all I recall as my first conscious awareness of Being..
Feelings Sensational..
Which is how my journals Book 1 written 3rd Begins…
And then I woke up in my Mothers Womb- where I saw the Color red moving around me- rushing towards me..
And it was coming from outside of my mothers Womb..
It was coming from outside..
And I recall the timbre and resonance of that frequency of Sound..
it was anger rage.. and my mothers Anxiety.. disturbing the Peace and Quiet in her Womb…
And when I was born…8 p.m..
My mother states you came out of my womb fighting…
Not as an act of Aggression, but Defense of the Truth…
And then Offensive Stance… when my E-Spirit, who was conscious aware and intelligent, made me piss in my Fathers Food while he Ate..
Urine actually is a cleansing agent…
Yes it was a Challenge to the Energy my Bio Father represented..
That is not the Truth of what expression Existence is! My E-Spirit I now see was roaring…Like the Sea Ocean Lakes… “SOL” my Family from the 5th Dimension (The True you Evolved you, headed by my Father Brother was saying…See sacred portal 56…
But there was a gentler, even more powerful expression..
Which the line of Gerald reminded me… Gerald the Photographer from New York and convinced me to call Random House- the one who photographed me as Christ on a Cross…
He used to Drink his own Urine…
He told me that it Cleansed and purified.
I knew this to be True…
But there was a better way I told his Espirit..
See sacred portal 45.. The Throne of God…
Often called the Toilet Seat….
Cleansing… Purifying…
Evacuation Release…
Do you see, that there is a better way..
Go to the Source of the River…
The Stream of Piss..
The Source of the Excrement which the Ancestor called my expression and 2004 Creation Story…
Go to the Source.. “The Mouth” Which Eats this..and what they Drink in..
Then Go out into the Fields to find out why the Streams Oceans Lakes, Land is contaminated..
What have You (They) Done to Your Food for thought..
And moments to Drink in from the Fountain of Life..
Where you can not eat your Fill because the food is designed to take away nutrients to feed you…
And the Liquids are meant to Exhilarate and rejuvenate you..
Go to the Source of the River..
Delta Manor.. Manners..
What you say to each other…

I spoke to Dewight today, he told me that he hardly eats here..
I understand why…

There is something wrong with the Food here..
and in this world..
But I ate it, why.. because this play of Money made me aware that I had to eat the food..
And my response was is.. there is nothing wrong with the Food or Air or the fields… Just the Consciousness behind it..
Which prepare the Food you eat,
Who serves it, and how it is planted and cultvated..
But even then, where is its true Source?
It is not the Evacuation of Urine.. E.U..
It is the Consciousness behind it all..
9:03 p.m.

And so, I sat on the bench, looking down to see a thin “Fil”
Thread of Light…
A Spiders Line thread.. almost totally invisible apart from the Sun Light which reflected upon it…
That was one of the only ways I even knew it was there..
The other was before that.. I looked down in the precise moment it appeared visible with the Light..
How do you see a single strand of a Spiders thread..?
Light.. But how can you know it is there without Light even before Light..?

You feel it… Feel It…
Extraordinary Sensory Perception .. E.S.P…?
E.S…P.G… E S (5 19) Particle God..
E.A.G..E… Perhaps..
But none of these are really relevant to me despite them all being correct definition…
E.A.S.E..Harmony Perfect Timing
That is what is means to me..

And to me, it was always the most natural thing in the world…
Despite all the definition given to it..
And how my entire life I have been grilled punished tested..
Tell the Truth..

I sat on the Bench on Cross Bronx Ave,,,
Taylor is the Cross Road…
E Truth- True to a T…

But I did tell the Truth.

I a for real…
This is for real..
But you do not wish to Hear the Beautiful Truth.
Cleanse Purify your Conscious Expression..
And you will see what I see..
And beyond the Horror beyond Horror I am forced each day to see by seeing the True Origin and Cause and Effect of Expression which people no accept as normal…
I see how you regulated the Beautiful Truth to the realm of Fantasy..
But I am was sitting with the Silver of the Spiders Thread..
which forms the first weave and of Flesh in response to the first Wave..
Having been assigned the bed 49..007.. 519…then 32..
sitting at Cross Bronx..C,B..3 2…
Crossed that Bridge with only one person Dewight which means ‘Dionisio” Smith as in Black Smith- Awka Greek Hepheastus…Matrix..Bed 31.. Sacred Portal Resurrection Restoration.. Regeneration Reconstruction Rebuilding…
and rose awakened by John Dudley.. J.D..46..
Who is sleeping in mt bed because now at 1968 and 67/76… I am now 46.. Aligning to Sacred portal 46 “First Drop” because I embodied it right to its Quantum Quantitative Qualified Truth…
And I am sitting here with that Truth…

I asked Dewight today if he really understands what he is reading in my posts..
My body responded, and he languidly pointed at my body..
See it knows that I am telling the Truth, that I get it..
And my own awareness marveled at how he had read my body,
and used it to confirm that It- knew he understood…

And yet why is it that there is no Joy…

9:25 p.m.


That is the Question….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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