
10/23/2015 19:36 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell

But this is done and discovered Naturally,
and so the Torus is formed
of the Full Circle I
Meeting the Full Circle of All and O.H…

And this creates the Point of Infinity…
Anomaly Singularity…
I realize by being myself others Rise and I rise and they rise..
all quiet naturally..
Human prove of right to evolve to the Final Stage in Evolution
Hue men Bings..
was Explaining how the Perfect Symmetry Orb of the Individual Link with the
O.N.E -Harmony H=A.LL..
Aryana Luna Leone
..which ever Existed
and the O full circle of Consciousness OH of “La Mode”
Mode of transportation
Mod as in the Present Consciousness of the
“A La! MODE”

Michael O Donnell…M.O.D.E …M.D…(Medical Doctor of the Human Dark Matter – A dark nature brought to Memory Dawn Remembering..the way we were”)


Torus Truth

the portal
People Individuals…

All One…A.O…
1 O… The O is constant not as Zero but as Number and letter
Consciousness Expression Form..
all one…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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