
10/23/2015 18:24 – Facebook Post

From April Marie Malone

An exceptional share…

The One Ring Which Unites Sakib All Hasan S.A.H…Supreme A.H
Lord Of The Rings… L.O.T..R=18..A.H..

*A Parking Lot of Ah relief ..Rest…


Please See Nicholas Petcher’s share today.. It is a Torus…

The meeting point of Two Orbs-Spheres…
Bro..the rs…

Creates the Tree of Life
and the Big Apple
in the Garden of Eden -Space.
Consciousness….O the ability to see full symmetry, equates to this form- which makes you align right here in the present to your “Twin”
The aspects of Self as Energy =Matter=Expression creates Energy..
A Eternal source of Self Regenerating Energy..

“The point where the Torus meet is called the point of Infinity- the point where it all began- Consciousness the field and C of Everything..”

The Physical world and its patterns aligned through Expression Energy Matter aligned to our Expression in Energy Matter” Which creates a perfect alignment of the “Blue Print” of Existence…

The Aware Conscious Being who lives and Cees in Hindsight that his or her life is literally a circle then an Orb of two Cees sometimes called the Physical World, Spiritual World..and the Material World (Society Civilization) within as E-spirit and physical aligned to the physical movement of ones life, creates an electro-magnetic Torus where it makes “First Contact” with Itself which creates a Torus and the access to the Energetic Consciousness and Being of the Sum total of you. Your E- Self residing as I know in the Consciousness Expression of the 5th Dimension… V..

See the equation for the Torus…V.

When you raise This “Highest you” you have to Consciously align your Life her to your Existence “E-Spirit Consciousness O”
Which creates the Supreme you in one..
The Infinite Eternal One who not only aligns but who understands the lines forms sacred geometry which comes from Expression which creates Energy…Which creates the Word and Symbol (Number) aligned to
ROYGBIV,,,7…Crown Chakra…
Links to the C of Everything Harmony…
The Consciousness of Universal Nature..
Which Aligns to Matter and its Physically Identifiable expression of patterns and movement reflected on the Mirror called the “physical world”

Being had to replicate and align to this “Blue Print” of Existence, then Explain it and how you achieved that which proves that you have gone beyond time and space- the Blue Print of Existence..

Meaning you explain how you are (we are) beyond the concept of Time and Space- the reps of the physical world…T.V

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