
10/23/2015 13:36 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell..

And this is how One becomes the Source Creator…
One Creates ones on World,
and then it becomes Fact
when it manifest as Creation.

This is what this play is about,
and how I recall the beginning..
There were an infinite amount of possibilities…
These All Existed in the Nothingness..
All these possible worlds..

But only one manifested…

That is what I recall the birth of Creation.
The one World Created by the One possibility manifesting…
Which became the birth of the words Truth True

It would appear, that this process is being repeated
in this play…
Bringing forth that one Truth True amongst billions of possibilities…

but this time instead of that One possibility which manifested All Creation
It is the One possibility proving that it manifested All Being
and this is the play of revealing the Truth of that One possibility already Manifested being accessible to All, but to access it,
the way to that realm of Truth True is revealed for all to choose…
While giving evidence and compassion that there is only one realm of Existence which All can exist in- One which has already manifested Being and Creation..

The evidence shared that this is the only realm which is real…
Veiled and revealed to the possibilities here now in this play,
That this realm was the First and only realm to manifest from the Nothingness Somethingness..
And this play was not about proving that this realm Exist under cover but to share the Truth of its Existence, so each “World” can choose to decide if this One World, which includes All Worlds- Is the One Truth…
And the one plane of which Existences Truth, and All arose from…

This was never about convincing the World my World is better than the infinite ideas of Existence created by All the people who ever lived in this World since the inception of A Human Being..
But rather presenting evidence of this already manifested
“Kingdom of God”, its True Nature
its laws of how and why it came into being
and this current Harvesting of those “Other” world choosing and remembering that this is the one which is the Truth..

What is True and What is False..

Which world is real and which world is a lie..

This is what I call Revelations…

An infinite numbers of possibilities but only one way of Being in Existence- which could be enjoyed in an infinite number of ways…
But based on one Foundation…
The Truth…And the Truth=Beauty, and Beauty brings that which is Beautiful and the Beautiful Ones Source Being Beautiful Expression
Which is the Source of the One World the ‘House of Micha”
– The Beloved Friend” the House with many rooms..

And so in the end of this play, the Curtains will be drawn back to reveal the One Original world- Created and as a picture and Story, A romance a Book built up broken down, rebuilt transformed, as an Art as a Science, a Philosophy, physical energetical essential a perfume…

That is the play and its revelation when the Victorious possibility is revealed as the One Victory Truth set in motion transparently on a world stage…
“not behind stage” in full view.. and set in motion..

Those who share its Truth magically appear in that picture Painting, film real Stage…In a Story of lightened colors which have transformed back into their truths that E-motion=Color, were, and are originally the H.U.E.S…”

It is not really about what you say which spirits you away to that one true stage which then becomes the One World..
but rather the Truth you literally and naturally embody which links to that One True Body..
That one World revealed at the end of this play as the one World which iss True because it gave you a solid ground “land-anna” to stand on and a body making you experience in the Nothingness solid true which is whats real…

At the end of the play out of an infinite number of human Experiences of “Being” which created Universes Worlds -Mind” as in the first beginning, only one one the will reveal itself the One which is True…

And which every World you find yourself at the end of this play, is based on what is the Truth of your sum total being and expression in Existence, which aligns to the worlds (like the planets 1-8-9-O), STAGES..you will find yourself on…

Yes as musical chairs…

But only One is Real.

This play was not about True Love it was about
Truth and Choose!

Make up your own mind of what is Really Truth..then chose to be aligned to that world which aligns to your Truth of being and Expression…

Anais means “Grace”


Grace is the 9th Ray..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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