
10/22/2020 19:43 – Facebook Post

15:53 Hundred Hours

3:53 p.m
C E C I L I. A.

J V A.

Mission Impossible 8.
Its scheduled release
11-4- 2022
A-A T. V

Yes, today is the 22nd.

Mission Impossible 8.

M I H.

E: M I. H.


Nathaniel Thomas Bywater – Tree Sage K A H.

N T.. B
N K. B.K

That is the relevance of post by Tree which I asked him to share..?

Its for those who have been following my posts on Facebook…

Link to the Book “Sword of Truth” and “Kolo Journals ”

The posts Yesterday of “The End”

The Bible Verse John 3.16.
Computer Programer.

And the End of the most impossible mission to prove everything is in Harmony despite how it may appear to the people going through the experience.
And to prove Harmony Destruction as well as proving that God- The Truth and the Beautiful Truth has always been present in all of you.

And then to do it through moving through you, each of you, your worlds and through your expressions inside you in harmony and transforming that which is the blackest lie of ones self.
Weave it and then do the same in the invisible realms to land in the bodies as a tall brown black person and complelled by the Energy within alive.

Asked to programe into Existence infront of the Entire world Evolution Awakening through such a way against my Nature.

Somebody told me with Love that they hate the idea of a Script which I had no free will or choice but to solve or navigate.
The idea concept was so intolerable to take in.

I wanted to pause him, and say to him. .them hey this is the Nightmare, the Terrible Dream of and as Terrible Death …
Like someone who is trapped in an Impossible Dream which is so inconceivable dream.
Impossible Nightmare.
I N..

I am not a victim of this play, or even what this Evil of the blackest heart, and my being goaded to prove the Beautiful Truth.
I did not create this Nigjtmare but but what is my Free Will and no real Choice, because I could not stop from rising each time to defend the truth I had..have total recall.

It was not to prove anything..
Its like a person, who invents or creates something and then not only finds out that some thing or someone has usurped what they created but perverted its true meaning to such a point and then turn around and say that this is your creation and you must suffer the penalty for it.

Then imagine, being stuck in that “Coffin”
You know your in a Nightmare and that its not real, but as you scoff at it.. but when you try to move you find it is made to literally be real and is reinforced.
You can not move, and you know what is but it is impossible you know this..
Yet it is real but not real .. in that you know its a pathway
The Darkest Knight..
The Darkest Before the Dawn.
The Tunnel of Love ..
You do not choice to fight or battle instead you rise up and “Sanitize” by being “Naturally Bold”
The post from Tree.. Kim Arthur Hines.

This is me fighting back…
Proving that truth, calling out with the Beautifil Truth to Destruction as Beautiful Rage O
B R O .E
Terrible Death
Death and Destruction
Back to
Evolution Awakening
Beautiful Death.
The Beautiful Truth.
Ascension Ressurection..

I have given reason as to why there must be Extinction.
Terrible Death and the Prison of Mind body as an illusion of Old Age Death.
Limited Conditional.

Instead of unlimited unconditional love

Its true this was never real, but this is experience was real and yes an Impossible Nightmare ( I N. / N I. 9 14/ 14 9 ) to The Impossible Dream Proven Real.
True Fact.

For the moment, Tree and Stephan ..T S there line and perhaps the lines represented by Esteban and Kamora Herrington are with E embodying the Fury and Rage in me.

How quiet..
A post by Kim as Tree the Tree of Life..
Confirming the Flpwer of Life came first.

How quiet is it not?
Anonymous Mr Nobody
8.10 years.
19.6..7 years
A life time proven and nothing but a whisper in response confirming a life time of proving the Beautiful Truth.
Empirically via the age of Reason
With facts.
Which is the law of this reality.

But I am not Nobody.. Mr Nobody.

E Lines Knows.
E L. ” O O” K.
E K E. ..= 21 U.B A C.K.. E.

Look Back
Light Being.
Light Bringer

No, I am not a Victim… but the predator who defeated a progam condition which made me

My I.D

18:43 Hundred Hours right now
6:43 p.m

Its true, I have been incredulous but I was also been a ware from onset that I that I was an actor in a play designed to be a movie but my protests was even as I enacted with the emotions required to indent the Truth and overide the lie… that this play script was not necessary and that it was a lie which made me instinctively and naturally rise up and Say you Dare.

There are things in this reality.. the agreements made when you enter Creation and sugn a contract to have a body… that you cannot deny.
Natural Law.. N L/ L N
Chris Filgueira C F born 12-14-87.
Tree Sage T S.

We must have Sex, we must Eat, we must drink liquids

Divine Law… Spirit as Motion Move everything Transforms, Moves, expressses.

Eternal Law .. The way to Evolve…via Ecpression Energy Exemplified
( Qualified and Quantified Expanded from the Limitations of Narural Law Divine Law from Limitedness To Unlimited. Infinite.
Conditional to unconditional.

19:06 p.m

Of course this was mission impossible
The T V ..this world view version or Matrix Web challenge set the deadline as code 11-4-2022.

Today is the 22nd.
This post by Kim Arthur Hines- Kamora- Kolo K K K. 11 11 11. Stephen Johnson – Stephen Popiotek. To A E.M F…

2 years and 1, 2 months before the date set on the Computer Program in this Matrix “The End”

Is actually done by A Man.

Sacred Portal 22.

Made to manually pieces together all the pieces of the Original Script of an Exquisitely Beautiful original script contained in Avatar Descendants stuck in in a black hole of Despair that nothing would ever change evolve or transform
And that this Emeka Kolo who represents the Eternal Truth of True Origins of the E will be made to seem as the Boy Who cried wolf..
By each time a play linked to the Ancestors as the 144 Ascended Masters..
144 .. 12 ×12. 144
1 3. 1 6 ..1 9
I at 9
Really 1 @ 6 A F.

A very very quiet and almost silent.” Tree Falling in the woods witnessed by 1,2..3..4 ..5 people.
Yes, even if unseen, a tree falling unseen in the woods exists, and xan create the intended change and transformation fullfilling its purpose even if no one sees it or is aware.

Tree Rising
Tree of Life. / L.O T. C O T
Because its has been acknowledged by its Source as the Flower of Life.
Lot. L FL
No we have evolved proven a better way..
Beauty is Power.
Beauty is Love
And the Beautiful Ones ..I C
Are Consciousness of the Alpha C of what love is and who is its true Source

Imagine for a moment, the realization finally manifesting at last into your lives abd awareness that word I expressed is True..

But I am aware that the Examination Test of the True Matrix Earth School Graduation was to recognise the truth of the Empirical Evidence Facts prolonged to literal betrayal of the Truth and the Sources E the literal sourve of Every Thing including The Truth.
E T TT.. E T A
5 202020.


19 65.

And a movie where the Source E and Source of Truth can be sacrificed and cursed with eternal damanation made real
Will Hunnitpercent Real
Will Woods
Will I A.M.
But rises as the Ashhole.Mouth.
Mouth Assholes
Lips Ass
Ass Lips.
L.A – A L.
A-A L L..

M A- A.M.


E M M.E.

19:43;Hundred Hours

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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