
10/22/2015 20:56 – Facebook Post

From Dragos Gheorghe…

Bianca Gai..us

Bianca means “White Shinning”
Gai meanS Gay-Happy in English…
And “My Father Rejoices! Joy of my Father” in Hebrew

Lancelot Knight in Shinning Armour…

Gaius Cassius Longinus… and the Holy Lance..H.L…8-12..2O…96-69…

Which created the last “Five Holy Wounds”
F.H.W…6 8 Double V…22….66 ..88..V

Who testified “Surely this must be the Son of God (Harmony)”

Original Holder of the Spear of Destiny..

Gauis means “Joyous”

Cassius means “Narcissus: Which means ” to Sleep”

See play and most recent post on Narcisus Echo Sleep”

Long as in “Longinus” means “Dragon” In U.S (Universe Supreme)
A.S.U..Meaning Language” in OINri Igbo..
Code Aylin Sendemir Urkmez..A.S.UU.S.A

* See Bruce Lees Enter the Dragon”

The Dragon Represents Order…
Order is represented through the Stars- The Celestial Heavens
the Stars and the Either (Bright Lights Dark Lights…B.L..D.L..2 12 412..212 is area code Manhattan.. 412 is Vicki Cashmore and Yeshua Sananda Daitenku
both became a Face-Book friends at the same time, 412 and 413, I “lost a Facebook friend, so both aligned to 412..as well as 411 -413…x44 DD..52 E.B.
Which created V.C…Y.(E) S.D..
Which aligned to Volga Yildiz ..V.Y
and to Ahu Yagtu A.H

Which I aligned and solved yesterday..
By aligning that both participated in my very last Show in Istanbul called the story of Colors.. Ahu representing Dawn Revelations (D.R..Donna Ruth and her friend Dawn)- of Tree of Life Transforming into Fairy Lady…
1A The First manifestation of the “See” of Ah-tomic Manifestation (Twins) A.M.

BamBamm Rcg Vegaa

And Volga as the as the 6th Stage as Contemporary Future Modern Man…

After a curtain was drawn to reveal each stage…
And before that there is a lone Voice Rapping in Poetic Rhythm, Ryym and Reason- as he recounts the story of the birth of Colors at a Bar where he is the lone Bartender…
As he speaks, to seven customers, each appearing one after the other as he moves from which appear on a screen 1-7 colors..
His expression describing each color into existence..
The first being red which appears brown bark of trees to the ground beneath our feet in the 2nd stage birth of life in Africa Brown Orange (Red and Yellow R.O.Y…) Where there is A Royal standing in the living framed picture when the curtains are drawn.

The Eloquence of the voice creates a sort of trance (not Dream) in which each person who comes to the bar to hear the Bar Tenders ( Yes Represented by Rob Barr..Dragon dude), begin to see what the voice of the bar tender (played by me sees, *I strangely dressed as an 18th Century Count- Frilly Shirt and all. But underneath I am wearing what appears to be a futuristic clothing. A silver mesh very similar to the “Mithral” which Frodo wears in the Lord of the Rings. Indestructible light Mesh made by the Dwarfs ( Puto)- A Bullet proof vest, a Knight in Shinning armour?.
Mithrander is what the Elves call Gandalf..
You might note that even as we speak, I weaving, (through Divine and Devine linking) the Mesh, revealing the mesh indestructible of the Truth of the True Mesh Lines of Longitude Latitude created by Expression E even undercover of the Plan E.T and the Unified Field O..
As Well as how Excitons Dropletons E.D,- a new state of matter, which creates a Sphere and an indention which reflect the First Drop (Link Rain Drop) on a Still mond which creates the first Circle which creates a ripple effect- ending in waves reaching ..Solid Ground Echo Narcissus David…Lancelot- Gai us Cassius (Narcissus) Long (Dragon in U.S..the Universe)…

As he speaks and they his customers listen, the two align and a David with Golden Hair (G.H 7887) Appears…
And he begins to act out the Voice…
he dances alone, until his twin appears..

*See post of three versions of Narcissus Myth, the third one by Pause-Anias,
out of Ovids first version in the his 3rd Book “Metamorphosis” – tells of version where Narcissus falls in love with his Twin and does not die..
As three version for example of the Christ Story and three different outcomes..

You follow my drift…

And see where this Loom of Ariadna and Penelope of is going..

A Loom to Alluminate (Allude) -Illuninate by combining 1-7 Colors which builds a Tapestry , Film, then enactment to See in real time. Merlin Mithander Alexander is saying as I transform Myths to Facts through proofs of truth of how to turn a vision into a universal fact for all to see…
Magician 8 Gandalf Merlin,.. Mere Line.. Mer the Sea.. Aphrodite..

For that is what happened on the stage… As I spoke as the voice behind, recounting my Story of Colors, David appeared, then his Twin, the Black Raven Haired one..
And they fought on Stage to come in Harmony, until I as the Voice speaking Verse and Song also Joined in the dance to tame the Blackness and birth her from the blackness to the 1-7 colors and finally to light..
But recall the 1st stage was not Africa, cradle of civilization- no, the first stage was the Birth place of Gaia- the mystical child of which the Elves and Fairies were the witnesses..
Meaning the Last Stage and scene in the pools of my reflections- in this Story of Colors 1999- Istanbul Constantinople (I.C) 7 was actually the 1st Stage…
2-7 Brought an evolution of Harmony to 11 88..1-8..A.H.U…
She became Two..
See sacred portal 8O.

When the Raven Haired Wild Harmony had been calmed, not tamed- it brought David to the role of M.C silently drawing the Curtains framing each stage, framed like a painting but which contained living beings, which when thier music came on and words plus Golden Haired David, would give them their cue, each painting suddenly came alive,,,

And this is how each “Customer” at my 16th Century Tavern or Bar came to see what I voiced come alive… Literally..

Thus, Stage 1 and Stage six are the Twins…11=88…66…6688..68-86..
Victory 1986..
I one a Cup which as the Exciton and Droplet, Waxing and Wanning of the Moon, Orb Drop C-up, and “Flying Saucer” (F.S… Stephen Filgueira..Feelings Sensation which led to Waves Hitting Land..the body solid…It brought the truth Echo Response..An Orgasm and Organism -Organization Evolution of Expression of the Seed.. See-men who went out to C, but all of them fractals of me..
I just completed the equation of F.A today..

Fa as the 4th Dimension say AH.


F=6..2C…Ah two Cees link to form a full Circle and from the 5th Dimension we created 3 Dimensional the symbolic reflection of the Perfection of Symmetry an Orb.. Bro…
E,N The Two but also I.E..the 1. (IN…the Play) E+N=14+5=19=S…1+9=1O…A.O..Albert at 268 East 4th street 4-9 years..O Full Circle.. then A-O to J…10..
Jonn Blackwell…to prove there is no such thing as Nothing-Zero..
New Zealand…V.C
Alfie Nze
Only the Filled Circle..
Filled Already by E…
Orien Laplante
OH! Rein..La (6th note Solfege) Plant (Green- Under Cover in the Story of this world) is E….

Was already filled by E… in the most ancient Past to the most immediate present..
Undercover in my frilly white frothy white shirt of Count de Monte Christo- is me thee Mesh..
the Source and Creator of the Weave Web, Mesh and code of the Blue Print and plan et of existence

16=Letter P… P=LAND E.T….Extra Terrestrial..

Expanded Consciousness and always more room to improve..
upon your reflections of your Expresiences Truth of Existence..
And that no world, apart from your world revolves all around you.

The Sun…
Who was there at the birth of Lady Gaiah Harmony…
11 22…C,O,D,E…
“You see I recalled I “Wrapped” her into Existence..
And David was really the E, the Voice of my Espirit which moved in Existence and took form in this world as Yeshua Osirus Utter-us-Orion…H-era Aphrodite..

Ulysseus Penelope (UL-Yes see U.S…P.E.N ..E L..O.P..E)..U.P!
“University Place..Rob Barr and I first met he wearing a purple lavender Violet (ti Vi) Dragon T-Shirt Reflecting my Energetic Expression aligning to his own Ahtomic Manefest expression 13-14 years ago..
both of us dragons but me the Source, already in Being Expression Kinetic and Robert :Meaning :”Bright Shinning”. was its Potential…
I am the Original and on T.V the Energy Consciousness which I was represented showed on the T.V Screen with the actors of that potential being the ORE from which that Potential in them could be.. The human Beings were the Ore each of whom had the potential be the Truth reflected within me outside on them the T.V and the Actors in a show- a Holograme of what each could be as I passed through All that I already am…
right to here, 18 Mountain View Echo Narcissus is what was done to me as the Twins..

Ariadne..Theseus…(A-ri-ve a D,N.A…River. D,NA :A River links us..The-See-U.S..
the See of Universe Supreme..
Dragons of Existence D,O.E…Do-E…Doe..a Deer

Code Transmission Conclusion..



The First and Last Note all in one as O
Perfect Symmetry..

Do Sol..La-AH!

8:55 pm

T.V 1

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