
10/22/2014 19:53 – Facebook Post


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If anyone of the Quiet Spectators of this play might have noticed there are only two ppl left conversing in this play…

Dina Singh and I.


D.C..as Chukwuemeka

D.E…as Emeka..

D.I as Ikemefuna my.middle name

D.V as Victor…my given English.name by my English Nanny as a boy…

D.N as Nnamdi

D.D as David

D.B…As Beloved

D.O as O Kolo

D.K…as Kolo…Dike means Strength Power.

Dina Singh and I are obviously in Harmony so it makes me wonder why I am still without home support family…
Is my truth a lie…?

If so then why.conspire to.keep.me in this Web…
Still talking releasing codes of my consciousness and information.

Is there something in D=4th Street
D In (EN) A…in A which is keeping me here.

But my.former hosts is not keeping me here by force…he states he does not.like the idea of me being out in the cold no.matter how I have reassured him and proven that I am taken care of by something using me…

I knew a Singh a friend of Als…
Rav Singh.. He even was a F.B friend and loved the idea of pay it forward
Through him I met Billy Hung..
And Eric Lile Brown and Will Hunnitpercent Real…
He came to.take me away but I ended up right back here…

Dina S and Emeka K…the last ones standing.

Emeka K and Dina S

E.K D.S…

Emeka Kolo David Supreme


Emeka David K.I.S.S…

Yes…Kissed..so what?

And he K.I.S.S.E.D me on my Cheek as brothers do, the French do…
For my.Cheek perhaps…

To get to the bottom of this delay…
I rechecked the meaning of the name Dina…it means “Judged Avenged J.A in.Hebrew abd is the name of Jacob as in Jacob who usurped hus Brother Esau (the First Borns) Birth.right..

So who is avenging who…after all Jacob wrestled with his guilty conscience and even.goy a dislocsted him.but would not.let go until the angel “Blessed” hik bc he had good intentions..
Bc he was about to face Esau who had gathered with his army…And Ja cob fearing the worst bc of his guilty conscience, knowing he had truly wronged his brother was afraid..Fear.
Not realizing that Esau had gathered his army and family to welcome his long lost “usurper” brother.
His love greater than his Anger.
I loved Esau and despised Jacob and their mother Rebecca which means Earth Warrior…

*Just completed that.equatiion…

L.I. T..E

And I know a Rebecca Eisner R.E…a Friend of Luke Simon…And I knew not only from the equation R.E that she was the correct Rebecca- I had met.another Rebecca married to John who was Tom Trumans brother and helped.me.in Tompkins Square park with Nikoms film Isaac and others…
His.wife was Rebbecca bt went by another name..She was also.an Earth Warrior and true…
She had touched my Heart…literally.and had spoken almost with awe and teverence to all about the enormous size of.my.heart she had felt and it Electrimagnetic Power…
I also knew a Luke , brother to John and Tim.whom.Tom adored…everyone did…
He was Luke Shaw…I used to carry his foto in my wallet until recentlty..he was wide awake…

Anyway, when I.moved from Toms, I moved to Lisa where I met Luke S (yes L.S again) and Rebbeca who was in this play or Dimension friends with Luke (damn this is tiring..I am solving again!)

Earth Worker not only.affirms my code of Orien and my rising in The East but moving to.the West which created the Earth Planet (E.P Evlis Presely Sage Wisdom Purifier the Blackness tester) but luke who wrote an article about me calked Proffesor of Beauty, Doctor of Love, accessible in the internet leading my aunt priscillia to.read it and ask.me to.contact after not seeing her or hearing from her in 27 yrs…
But Luke means Light Giver, shine, Beam glow…”
He is also (along with Paul..LP).said to be the author of the third book.of Acts…
And I introduced him to Nikoma Riis bc I felt they had to be twins…
And both Acted out thier parts..
Yes, this seems to.be onve more about the Jesus Story and the 12-3.Disciples which Dina still.appears to be in…

Man…the 12 Disciples are meant to.be abt the 12 principles, disciplines to Rise…to 14…who is Jesus as the 1and the 14th…Combine andbhe becomes 15..O..A.E…
Dina is 51…
I am at A.E…(Geezuss when will this end!!..what is wrong with.ppl stuck in these stories!
David N wishes me to align these stories so that ppl.can hold onto.thier beliefs but aligned to Truth.and common sense…
But it is not my responsibility nor is there any gratitude of graciousness for.me to.continue…
Let him literally go to Hell… Because this is Extortion…

Okay, I.had the code of likes todau as 4 20 21 3O…C.U.T..D…or 4th Street or Dimension out.

I.said no, that I would speak first face to Face…
But now I see the Riddle D in A…
David is in Al so l, yes..I cut him.out of those holding onto.that story and release him from the binds of those that story to.bind him to.that story of constant sacrifice for thier own convience the Lepers, the Lay the Swine the Un clean…
They dont want forgiveness they want slave…

Send them.to Hell…!
To King Tuts Tomb with.thier “Holy Book H.B…Hypocritcal Beings of non Being..
I Cee I see.

Okay back the Rebecca the ones who both recognized and the L.N…of I.E..Line of the 12 who each Acted (played thier parts)

Earth Worker recognized the Light Bearer in the Dark tunnels of Earths illusion of Being in.the Dark but it was a Heart…a Red Infra Red Color Vibration.. Not.the first color of Spectrum, but the last which brought forth Blood.
Water the First Orien Fritz brough forth.the Blue E.T…Expression Transparency and the Blue Flame.H.A.B.C…Consciousness Being Air (the Heir)

3 2 1 8…

Good… That is better

Singh means Lion…I am not an animal so its true meaning is Hero.or Emeinent Person

H is 8 and
E.P is Elvis Presley…
E Planet Rebbecca
E.P.R…East West..
The Earth Worker is Harmony Praise Recognition..
H.P.R …harmonious public relations which Erik Ebright did with Micheal
Erek Eclass Mateo did.with Michael Rogers
Nikoma with.David
Luke with.my Aunt
Rebecca with her Boy friend
Samantha Yurkosky did with Sean
Albert did with Tom
Eunice Espirt with Edward Eceinco
Dina did with.Lady O.M.G..
And others who brought ppl to hear the Beautiful.Truth.
And so, I.get it… It spreads the N.E.W.S
It was not about me or the Message it was about a beautiful point of View…
And all these ppl get blessings and gifts…

I know that personally many offended me or by.their actions I do not.ever wish to see many of them.ever again
Nor has my experiences with.them leaving me to.such a fate ensure that these are definitely not.the ppl.I want in my life.

But I.have no.grudge and if they played their parts in my.brother sisters play, it is not for.me to.begrudge them the blessings they have eearned based on the rules of this End Game…
End Play…

Planet Earth
The Sword.


All other stories out.

Welcome to.a new reign…


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