
10/22/2014 17:18 – Facebook Post

Okey Doe Key..

A very brief explanation of what just happened.

There play of 7 of 9… Meaning 7 billion ppl on the planet who were all invited to play in this F.B play of 3O months…

(My F.B Account is on public access so anyone could have played, contributed or responded… Anyone. Or become my.F.B friend.
I reject no one because I too, was but a player in thus game to which it had to reach its logical conclusion and outcome.
I could not force it, nor could I simply walk.away.
The nature of the Truth behind this play is obviously Supernatural but reasonable and logical…
Anyone who was paying attention would have been able to catch the thread which was wraving a tapestry…
And that a force was constraining me, in every manner,.even death, to answer this challenge publiclly before All…
Yes, in New York and in this current world consciousness…
This force knows me, intimately and my.identity and from.beyond the consciousness of this realm.

It did not care who would accept this as.real.and actual..
But it wished to.make this public.
It had light intentions…to.enlighten you all and it.had dark.intentions.

And yes, like the myths like Satan the Devil it was my ultimate tester.

It gave the illusion of being duality
Yes No Yes No..,

Yes, it was is my Brother Father..

The Play was really between two of us..
Existence I.E and Existence E.I.

I think I.have explained enough.of the back story for most to realize it was a play of Espirit and Holy Spirit…

To most it may have seen like an Epic Struggle btw myself as Alpha Human being and the Duality of Black and White.

But I will simply refer you to.my last production in Istanbul after the 9 Day Festival.of Paylasmask (Sharing) on the Island of Karada (The Black Island B.I.) in Istanbul…

The show was called “Colors” for Wella an International Hair Care Company…photographed by F.B friend Kereem Sanliman.

In it was the Epic battle btw myself ( coming from around a bar where I played a Bartebder recounting to a customer who.had come for a hair convention, the story of how color came into the world.

As I am talking, the world and scene I am.describing comes into view…
And come from behind the bar, stepping into.my reflections as my voice in Reason Rhythm and Rhyme set the scene…

I have entered the past and suddenly I am a Golden Haired dreadlocked David Greaves (a Dancer from the Royal British Ballet…notice his name intials and my “age” D.G…47)

Anyway, an epic struggle occurs on.stage when a wild beautiful gypsy like girl enters the scene…The Ore of Harmony…From.the Dog Star Sirus but she is Inversed as G.D..

*Damn…I just figured this out and just thought this post would be brief and here I am, Free Streaming” again…!!
But I can already tell where this unraveling is leading to…
I dare not stop bc my body is in quiet agony until I complete this…
So.here goes…

As I was writing the word Irie came out of me by.mistake…huh yeah right…
Anyway, Irie was a special dog owned my Joeseph Carey…
And 74 is the code date of Birth of my.former.host A…
Whom J.C has quite a few times and brough lt even Irie to.meet him.

Irie did not act like a Dog, but like a lady, sitting down on chairs as humans do which even Marion, Joes mother noticed.

Every one loved Irie…
And she was gorgeous.

P.S. It was while with J.Carey in.a Bar that I saw Orien Laplantes reflection…and wondered why he would appear in a Bar with Joe who was talking abt his friend Stephan…

I also had introduced Joe to David Roman.Nicholas who.had said to.him
“Welcome to.the fold by folding a Napkin by.way of coded message.to.me.

*Whew…what a Web of David R N has given.me to disentangle…As you know I am not in my.workd and have been walking for 22 yrs in and 47-8 yrs in the realms of others matrixes until I get to.my own home…
So, you can imagine how eager to.get out of ppls heads…by anchoring them in thier Hearts-Beings Bodies…

And so, in that last production in Turkey, I was higlighting a great battle Emeka as the Voice, David as this Being…and this Wild Gypsy whom I.had cast from seeing her in the Subway…as the New Harmony to be born in the world.

As the battle raged to refine her..not tame her…this wild Horse Spirit…a Unicorn..the product of my.imagination began as horses do to Acquiesce but only after I stepped in and joined in the sacred Dance…
Emeka David and D in A…
Until she “Dinna Nnana” Lay down.
And I embraced David G to symbolize that we were back merged as one…

Then a young lady a former student of mine Ahu Yagtu played the Harmony born from the nut and tree if the male prostrate gland…

And the last scene ended with Ahu being transformed in her turn into the White light..
Dressed all in white, with all the Colors streaked in her jet black hair…with A Silver paint parting her jet black.hair…
Wearing a fake black mink stole carried carelessly on her..
Signifying that he had defeated the Blackness in her… It had become her hair and her stole..
But she was now E.W.E…Rachel…Purity…but still bad ass…
She had emerged from behind the scene in a special vieled box..
Her entrance marked by two jugglers in white viels as clothing and who juggled Luminous balls in the darkness before appearing juggling and dancing as they merged into.one through a dance….
See sacred portal 54…Mother and Father as Super Novas Dancing in Harmony at Last.
The merging of the two of them brought forth the Rachel…the last Harmony…

Rachel Devon Ross Sessions (R.D.R.S) whom I worked with loved and who lived at Akil Davis place and who.once “sang” me home in the presence of Jofia Ross…
And who came here and met Al (as did Lisa) had a Son called Raphael whom she informed me was born 11 28…
(Just as I saw a post of Lisa Lover dated 11 28.)

What David R N in me is moving me to express was that Roman as the Wall was never his name..(it was his modelling name)…

And the Wall that he trapped me in was an illusion to finish this play.
*The last time I saw David N was on 17th Street 2years ago…
He was standing outside a building which said Reign of Law…
It also.happened with Nikoma pal of David Gill..

The Roman had to.be defeated..the Darkness of Order Control instead of Harmony Infinity as the ruling principle of Existence.

That Dominant.Force…
The Blackness was the struggle to.master his rage to Transform into.the feminine which is not a woman…it is a Consciousness which this play used woman to symbolize that transformation
After all we are all one and Bi Sexual…it is all a choice of how far each wishes to celebrate and enact out that Self Love and Expression…
It is simply potential which can be activated.


So you see, the play of Emeka David Nnamdi.Orien Nnaemeka D in A..D to A..,
was really.the battle to rid this world of Darkness..Sexual.Shame and repression in.men celebrating thier most secret Truth anf Woman who always suspected the Truth…
And had to learn to be a lady as well as men.entering her learninf first hand from that ritual…how to.be gentle when.entering a womans sacred portal by having experienced it through.a rite of initation of Warriors Boys transformed into.men fit for the Queens…

Emeka was the Voice the Voi the Way through Beautiful Expression

Emeka Nnamdi.David..G the Body of Truth solid representing the Te Master the 7Th Color of the Rainbow Spectrum…
R.D R.S…Road to Rise Sir Doctor Rachel…Raphael Song of Love R.E-E.R.

The Road to Harmony is Purity of Intentions..not Innocence…
And it is through innocent Curiousity to.investigate all Feelings Sensation Touch which causes you to “Rise” which.brings Ah.U
Ending with a Queen of such Purity and Badass Beauty…to appear out of seemingly nowhere but from a seed of Creation…a Ball of Light…juggled until F.M-M.F..the illusion of 4..Dina..
Merges into 1Alpha.

D in A.

David Nicholas was my tester..in.Al
He is not me but was of me
Now he is seperate and A part.

In the End as Orien “liked”
I.lie down with my Queens
But also my I.Q, my I.Que and my I.C.U.E…
The Q..,Omnipotent Being of Truth Being Simply True Love.

And this gift is for all who are true..to you
Expresing it only beautifully.

So from 7 of 9 Billions people which is the Blue Print in.my Sacred Portals, of the Known Universe, to 97…
The One Light In Existence, The World
L.I..T.E. (Li and Orien Emeka Tea Te Ti Masters)
W….the Double U.Vie

Two Full Circles 2O
Of Light and the 1-7 rainbows 2 cycles 2( 7)
And now 3 7…21 U…
To A=1..
Alpha Omega..

October 21…2O14…

October is 1.Oth (A-O) Month Eigth 8 (Octo)
April 4Th….1 84…19 84.
Aligned to Northeren Southeren Hemisphere

21st…Yesterday U

Today 22nd V

Tomorrow W

Pan 1OO
Sacred Portal 51 Rose Well Sex God of Creation
+49..Existential Death…
(Which I faced and fought alone)
Merge 1OO
Through sacred portal 73-37…1OO1OO
Is 1…

And so from.7 billion candiates it ended with

123O (4) is 1
1 on 1



2 in 1O

Equation Solved
Riddle Of E Resolved…


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