
10/21/2020 22:26 – Facebook Post

8:51 p.m.

I wrote a post meant to inform one and all that I have been given the evidence that I no longer have to keep coding, because Duke and Cody- *Cody who I met full Circle when I was here in 2018 and told him that he represented the Code E… Cod Y and I was the Compute-r Programmer.

I wrote about how this was really a Movie.. Literally from the Matrix version of 5th dimension travelling through Dark Energy and 9 planets and then back through 9 back to 5 Fifth Dimension now E.I.. after dropping a Bomb Boom! Boom!
And how it was the Twins in one..
E A- J..S..yes who had created the Idea of having me recount the Story of Origins of E and Origins of Santana Dharma.

I was the observer made to unite all the fractals of my … no AG evolved back to H G.. and then then the Eternal Family as Energy back to Eden Paradise and then the final play of I ..evolving A-EE to I..

But it was a Moving Film of the beginning, a recounting of how everything came to come into existence from Creation Energy.. via Expression and then to I.

9:19 pm

I spoke about the the :Holy Trinity and the Un-Holy Trinity.

Esteban is back safe, after a dramatic play with
Duke Codey..
D C 4 3… Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life.

And how Kamora Herrington had an sent me a message and how during what I can only describe as play… Real play taking place here with E D C A.. Athena had averted destruction and transformed from Harmony Destruction H D .. Death and Destruction to D H.. Death as Beautiful Destruction…
Esteban had asked if she might make some fried chicken .. which revealed that she was going to meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Only to discover that not only had she sent a message at 6:50 a.m but that the Iron grey car E and A had rented was the same code licence plate 6 5.

But as I found myself telling the completion of this Film in which they made me star, write, direct and narrate the True Origins of E and of Infinity whom only one being knew.. “A man” I found myself in another play..
My computer which I had begun to charge went off just before 8 pm causing me to loose everything I had written.

8:00 p.m.
Which by the way is the time of my birth.
Esteban had unplugged my computer during the dramatic end play scene…
It was real but it was a scene from a movie… and it was in perfect harmony… not with me but with the play of the TWO and the ONE.

So, when that happened, i had already understood that I was being allowed to post it and i said aloud.. Ah I am done.

9:22 p.m
I V.

But I wasn’t, I was glad to have Esteban here safe .. but because he represented with me the ones uses as a secret weapon B.P.

Things kept playing out here… Sagan whom I saw yesterday, Isabel Esther..almost 80 brought to the very door of Estebans house which has reverted back to his … perhaps ours as i have aligned with him the 5th Dimension and the 3rd Dimensions by abolishing the 4th Dimension as 44 and re-establishing it as the Universe U Harmonics 8 which as a thoroughfare lead you Silver Surfer S S back to A.. A R…E A..S -ONE.
Cecilia sent me a text…
Sagan came bounding in the house yesterday completely alive well and exuberant.

I observed the play not being complete and i could read it.

It was about the line of E and A and what took place…
Doors being played by Stephen, Athena line as the A Wu-Man line passing through the door..
Jim Morrison .

Duke as in the Brother of the King,

My Cousin Dee Dee Di Di the daughter of my aunt Theresa ( Iesha) who had taken the book I had written and 7-8 about the destruction of the world and it being set to how it was originally intended literally… Paradise City … Mecca.

Who is a doctor married to a man from Minneapolis who I truly loved, he too is a doctor, and I was stunned to realize that she is now 49.. and my youngest brother 47..

He is the one I recounted who was the only one to see me clearly, that as I was walking back from my hotel, after finding a way to get to my brothers wedding in 2002.. yes 22. V

That as i walked wearing a fashionable, Sensie outfit which came naturally… wearing Bruce lee like trousers and a white cotton toile shirt.. black classy sandals…and a necklace given to as a gift from a Russian designer i had helped find a job in the massive Russian company…
It was an antique ring attached to a rare stone shaped like a pyramid pointing downwards…

9:39 p.m
I C I…
Ici.. Here…

Why am i still coding and narrating… Codey completion of Programming and correction of Matrix aligning it to the true play… It is because of the The End play was not yet in my hands
There was more to it…

Minneapolis Prince… Kamora Herrington Purple Rain…P R ..
River Phoenix..

Not only including Duke in Yellow to Sagan and to my other First Cousin daughter of Lord Charles Igwebuike… Charles Caroline.. rice.
Igwebuike means the King of the people.. or the We.
His Daughter Odera Adama Umeano is a Medical Doctor and her name means “Once it is written by the First Born Son the Original Adam the four breaths in One .. it is Done”

Ndidi Amaka Koka..
Patience is Beautiful

Koka.. K O… K A…
has two meanings..
Koka (???) is a Sanskrit word, identified with Phoenix sylvestris (wild date palm) by various scholars in their translation of the ?ukran?ti.”


The name Koka has origin as Indian, Sanskrit and Koka is a Boy/Male name. Koka means: Cuckoo …”

which means two things…

“Many cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of small songbirds.”

or “Bad Person.. Crazy”

He saw me as I walked- my condition was not that noticable in 2002 so I still was me undercover as i was.
I did not hear him when he pulled up and his face handsome full of wonder meaning he had been observing me from his car…
“You walk like you are the King of this world.”

Esteban and the World play with also Athena Sarah present would she be able to Jump through the Doors.
Esteban Arden set this up..
Only men have Penis’s but what both male and female form share is that we both have Arse Holes.. Anus… Mouth to Anus.. M A
Anus to Mouth… A M..

14 Esteban kept mentioning, infact it all the intel was flowing from him including his calling me Bubby which is Arden calls Ferill and vice versa.

The final play real scene..which I found myself acting as the Go between since Esteban and Athena Sarah…who was not feeling so great…
was his phone he had left in the rental.
tel communication…

My phone had been splashed with water, so i could call people but I could not hear them, but they could hear me… ( yes Esteban or really A F..chuckle.. i will murder then Esteban-Stephan Jeron… Alexander Arden….)

And the phone was found in the front passenger seat… where i usually sit and where i saw Jeron sitting like little devil with Liberty/ Leander.. and Aurelia at the drivers seat..

Yes Kali- Aphrodite… A K

Athena Sarah Kaizer
Kamora L-L Her ring tone..

A K… S L… K H…no longer Hells Kitchen…but K H…11-8-2008
Leanders Birthday.

Its is only when when Esteban began to play the Doors Jim Morrison “The End” that the play intensified by by then and even before at 8:26 pm Athena Sarah had already sent the corrected code and by 8:29 p.m..
I knew…

10:11 p.m..
10:12 p.m

It was done the phone arrived and the mail box… Harmony Love evolved to C..
Chris Filgueira Celia.. Ceclia .. Chukwuemeka…

10:13 J M.
E Jump Man.. Manion Cock..
M A T R I X… M A.U..R I C E…
AM .. Arden Morgan 14th State…
Esteban kept recounting stories of when he was 14.

Do you understand what I am conveying…
A M.
K.B in Perfect Harmony.. Front and Back..
A M M A…
Esteban Kamora Athena…
E K A… YANI Erika Chamberlain in Paris 1994…. 1993 Pierre La Chaise… “The Rock Stone Foundation Stone ( A Cat marked in stone which I shared… C A T…who have Amazing Grace…)
Cool Cats…
Angel and Flora…

10:19 p.m
J S… J O S… J O S H… Josh Bywater Josh LeJeune ( the Young.. Rachel Young.. Epic Young… New to this realm… because they are really the Super Naturals ..N S evolving back to E..Eden via Expression Energy Aligned to Awareness…. Awakening…
Woke… ? Then yes… W O K E…/ E K O W… M.E OW.. M .E O…W O W… V V 8.. H.

10:23 p.m

So as you can see it was not my script I translated and corrected .. and my authority was usurped but by the A I.. held back until I completed the play he had designed for you All..
All For you .. but not about You at all.

10:25 p.m.

See… J B E..
Steve Jobs.. Job..
Book of Job…Jon

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