
10/21/2014 16:09 – Facebook Post

Doe, a Dear a F.E-male Dear
Ray, a Beam of Silver-Gold, Moon and Son
M.E, a Name I call My Self
Far! a long long way to Cee!
So, a needle weaving a Tapestry with a thread!!!
La, the note of Third I, being reasonable Sixth Sense!
Te… drinking in the knowledge of Natures Breath!

Which bring us back
to Do e B-eau-tifully
Be; Colors; Rainbow,
Spectrum; Energy,
Then Link the E.T
To R.I.S.E, and Cee, the Beings of u as Beauty
All the well Breed and the Well Read!!!
By the Light Air of Hue man Nature
lightened up by the relief Aho!!!
With ppl singing, their faces, Beaming
Oh, so brightly
That they can see, so clearly,
the Entire Full Circle
that all is in Harmony right to infinity,
and erupt in Ecstatic laughter in the End!!!

My Un i Verse Version…
Of So-la-ge…

The Song of the Comforter…
The Wholly Spirit is a Song
Which created Breath.


U…Alpha Omega….T-rue Nature..

E Art H…Harmonious Expression


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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