
10/20/2020 19:31 – Facebook Post

O K.. E

3:16 p.m
C P… Computer Programmer

I B AT E : 3 16 33..
C P Cc.

“John 3:16-17 KJV –
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God.” ?

J T..A Vision Perfect
in Fore Sight and Hindsight.
John Thomas..


I wish to make it known that I really have no desire to see or communicate with anyone except Esteban M Filgueria and Kamora Herrington.

Stephen for obvious reasons – this is his house despite the play indicating by my being alone here- and left alone here by Esteban because it is in Harmony and Kamora because she as Stephan are the not only helping me with basic things I can not do myself … But also because this is what the Play now real as completed with.

Most of you will understand why by now…
E K are my initials, so one can see that the 19.6 years .ah now officially 19.7 years ( S F… S G..
Stephen Filgueria …Solid Fact/ Feelings Sensational, Supreme Grace.. Stephen and George ..yesterday..S G.. Esteban and George E G.. and from 22 months now 23 months since I came to the United States summoned here and given no Choice and 22..23 months now since I left Delta Manor Mental Health shelter where I had to spend a total of 27 months bed 5-019 Eos ( Dawn) and 29 months since leaving bed 007)

And because when anyone comes it involves work- most times streaming from them and Problems Riddles which to me personally do not exist but which comes from their own obstinacy and stubborn pig headed nature of refusing to take this intel and proof of a hue-man being coding programming into being the End of this reality.

And in all honesty, I find it very difficult to tolerate the bad manners and sense of entitlement many have and that habit of seeing things from their own point of view and when harmony is broken they contact me.

Basically I am very tired of dealing with the Human Ego in a play which insisted on my having to code their expressions as part of the play of their Evolution Awakening.
I did not come to this reality to be “The Son of G-ode”, Davis “Elizabeth Hinds Davis..

John 3:16.. `17 .. K J V… ( 11 10 22/ 22 10-11 E Galaxy)

For God so Loved the world…”

Note the time code of this post..
And how somehow, I was moved to link the meaning of Davis..”Son of David- Son of the Beloved… Truth’

Excuse me, but what a load of Crap.
That quote from the Bible has never sat well with me, not since I was a child and first heard it.
Why would he sacrifice his only son for the World.
Not the people but for a World not even real.

A Mission to Jump Man to the 5th Dimension .. yes..
A Family of Spies and Beautiful Assassin ( meaning they are Eternally Fair and transparent)
sent to correct and align the original blue print as Basic Instructions before Leaving Earth School .. yes.
Book and Books.. E manual … Yes.

But sacrifice his one son…for you?
How does that make any sense… and yet see how so many religions have based their entire ideology on this nonsense.

Sacrifice for others… how has that worked out?
Crucifixition, burning, disembowelment, Blocking up the Anus, where should I begin…?

And each time, repeat the same cycle and of course the same results.

3:56 p.m

Is that not the definition of insanity… sending again and again the cleanest line of Adam EVE to suffer misery beyond belief and then die with a promise of a reward after you die..

Please see the meaning of the name Olusanya Bey.
and the code he represents as sacred portal 59..
Burn the Bible book Me Ow..
War of the Roses…”

Olusanya means “God rewards me for my suffering”
Umm question.. “Why was there suffering any way?.. when you never left the Garden of Eden Paradise.
You went up to the Illusion of Mind instead of Deep Thought…
Yes, HitchHikers Guide To The Galaxy… What is the meaning of Existnce.. 42..
Doing Being… via 6.. 6th sense.

4:02 p.m.
Me my last room at my last “assigned” room and bed Room 4 B..( 42.. or 4 Beings representing he 4 corners of this Existence..a frame in which the your story of you life is framed to form a picture and like a Kurosawa movie.. once you look from above… you see the picture and the point is centered at the 4 in 1 derived from the 1 who is 4…
5. E.)

In truth that story and perspective which a an overwhelming majority of the species through out time, embraced wholly… Some else will come and sacrifice for me.. and rescue me… and when they come, we will take all their knowledge derived from a great suffering we cause them and then after gaining the knowledge we will turn against him or her…and declare “who do they think they are? and then string them up… repeat…
What did Prince say..? Ah yes, “There is Joy in repetition” but that was for muscle memory.. not mannerless morons.. repeat and exercise until you have mastered it, until it becomes second nature and memory aware as the body…

“That Idea…that perspective of I am entitled to be saved because I am a Good person..”
Oh really?

Enter the tester… The Devil…Satan… Santana… Dharma.. Lets see how you respect Eternal law…

Let start with the most basic .. not even the ten commandments.. let up grade to the 21st Century…
Lets start with the 4 Agreements.
4 Corner stones of Grace.

“Be Impeccable with your word.
Don’t take anything personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best.”

On my corner stone on my Altar Science Magic are 4 objects on each corner…
A Rose Quarts heart… Alicia Aurelia…

A Green Leave from the play of Angel -Flora the cat and the vase she broke with 3 flowers when Arden and his two buddies were present signifying sacred portal 22 Arse Hole because it is as the bud and petals of a flower

There is the Eiffel Tower.. E T. Eternal TRuth… Free “Franco” Comminciation Tower.
And a Red Guitar magnet “Adam Read ..Red Man…with the letter S K Y Y..

The 4 agreements are very easy to follow even in this reality…

10.. 4.. too much?
Okay lets try two..

A G… Amazing Grace .. 1-7 the gift of the earth school .. the E manual.. My being forced to post and explain and clarify the E way of being for 19.6 ..7 years.


Okay lets try one…
Attention.. pay attention to your life and the life of your mirror reflections…

Not even that… Someone had to be used.. sacrificed .. as was expected by this mentality to bring evidence and proof of your never having being lost and that the heart of dark matter is the actually Sacred Mass..called your body which is literally the expression of the heart.

I have proven over and over again that there is no such thing as Evil, and though it did come into existence and being here and became so bloody powerful that it could do as it pleased even challenge The Source e…
that is how confident it had become because it was fed by you.

But via 31 .. almost 32 years of Talking to the silence.. literally.. I came to the conclusion that at the base of every expression no matter how cruel vile.. intolerable its basis was love.. and that inability to C or hear anything other than than desire to feel loved, safe secure and the illusion of it being taken away which made the people moving through the maze of their bodies who got lost, panicked and became monsters in their rage… all because the lived in literal outter space…outside of space here… and in this idea called the Head as mind…
Anger Fury Frustration at not being able to figure the way out of personal problems which i called riddles because hey you need your heart and true feelings but your heart was hurt and angry especially with “God” as the truth, thus how on earth can you see, even with that illusion called mind and its true bridge back Home called Transparent Thought.

There is a reason why the I & I acknowledged Stephen Johnson..did you notice that only after he sent me that courteous message to notify me that he was still present but his page had been tampered with ( of course i knew why.. it was his test which he passed as I had done and called out over and over again.. not even aware your were being set up, because it does not matter, either way because you are naturally who you are.

Only after that did we.. I move at last from 14 84 face books friends where we have tarried for almost months since Kamora Herrington came via Kim .. and yes later Esteban.. only after his expression which I posted linking the J S as Jay Jeron…O J.. to Stephen and me Stephan and Esteban – David and Ignatio Campillio.

* I had been watching a really funny and cool Spanish movie set in I believe in Barcelona….
The main character reminded me of David and his best friend Ignatio” it is titled
“I love you stupid..”

I knew who it was addressed to me, but yes, in my youth when people loved me, or felt hey loved me, i was always the last to know… but this time i know what love is .. so I recall murmuring “you can not seriously be addressing me..”

This is not Love to me…its an evil beyond even Hate.

I loved and laughed remembering my time in Spain and why I loved it so much.. Spain France.. Italy..

That is what I was watching for the two days during which the play with Stephen was taking place.
last night – the next film after the Spanish one, came a French one..”La Revolution” and it made me pause and reflect on the suffering people in this world have endured over time, and then about my experience in Connecticut representing to me the George Orwells .. Animal Farm.

I have seen and witnessed the sum total of cruelty in the world and Alien Father Alpha.. or Satan and Lucifer … Nna.. made sure i experienced a taste of all of it in my own life… from birth the beatings, the horror of my own life which caused such interest in my journals – my indifference to it but not indifferent to that which i was made to see non stop up close…

I have seen true misery imposed on people… seven countries thousands of people I was made to experience and tell me their stories and things of such ugliness i have been and situations … but it was the witnessing and the Empathy of Feeling and being taken to the Spirit realm and the realm of Mind and Thought…

At 1385 when Raheem Silva gave me the book called “The Sword of truth.. His name meaning “The Buddha’s relation and the Conqueror of the Sum total of pain and suffering.. I was aware that i was being confirmed as having had the full monty.

So perhaps you can understand why Stephen Johnson expression was so valid..
Since becoming my Facebook friend when I arrived in Connecticut he did what i expected any reasonable logical human being would do…when he began to see what I was doing…
He read, he commented ..he took his cue and he stayed loyal to the play, watching waiting reading connecting … until he reached his conclusion.
Not by my instigation, bullying, hinting or commanding or manipulating.
I knew as I watched him from the corner of my eyes… his comments his compassion- when he regrettably informed me that he would have done all he could for me and desired to do so, but was in a similar situation
I was not meant to pass through his portal but he had expressed the intention beauty… I B.. Merited and Earned.

Of course he was the acknowledgment praise and most of all Sacred Portal 91.. Manners which is why he his Facebook page was Hijacked to see if he would align to the code play yesterday…
And see what happened … we moved to 14 86… 100…/ 001.

Yes, both of us treated as Mr nobody..
But not so..

we moved to Sacred portal Victor..

Lucifer and Jay…
L J- 22 V…
K V J..

La Revolution …
L R..
Logic Reason.
Light Reflects… Though.
Love Responds…
Love is Beauty..
L B.. Light Bringer…
Gabriel Harmony Lightbringer
G H.L..

The series is set in 1789… yet begins in 1787.

And yes, I lived in the Bastille in Paris after comming back from the Light of my portal when i traveled through the Heart of darkness straight to my portal I recognized instantly as my portal home… the Feelings Sensational ..

5:11 p.m
E K.

But then made to come back to help… help who I wondered…
“Show the way you did it.. he voice in the dark had murmured to me…”
I had done it naturally .. by being naturally aware.

so in 1993 I was near Pierre Lachaise cemetery and then moved to Bastille Rue Oberkampf with Erica/ Ekayani.. which I called the Temple of Dreams…and wrote the Freedom Song in 1994.. A I. “S”D.

* Kamora and Kim (Tree Sage) just arrived at 5:13 pm…
Time scheduled was 5:00 p.m .. in this reality 15 mins late is the code and golden rule and you have to at least call or message if you are late…
She did all… and brought the Black Molten Gold as Kim- the darkness clarified by the Light Bringer… She brought the American Spirits Light Blue and a bag of “Carolina” rice i asked her to bring.
6.88 usd .. see play with Stephen Johnson which moved us to 14 86.. * 8 Likes 6 Comments sacred portal 89.
the trinity Sacred portal 86/ 68…
68 @ 8.
6th sense.. S P 88.
14 usd AS Light Blue.

My body went into pain discomfort and when they entered by body and e-spirit just took over… ( I am getting really tired of this …Blood and Shit…Anus Bleeding… wtf!)
I gave her 21 usd.
Serenity age 5
Isaiah age 8.
U..C..E H… Yes Chiefy which is what S F calls Kim…
And yes, he is correct as he was pivotal in the play of West Virginia where we went via the 4 4 statue with the Stag..
West Virginia is the 35th State.

5:13p.m they arrived…
E M..R… 5-13=18 R she looked radiant and Kim looked Tranquil …
I blasted him a bit for the Drama of the two brothers play… reminding them that this family of T E N line moving evolving to 55 the Two Five to 10 J and via A F.. to A- Atom Adama…Adam Fahreja
Adama Bangre A – B was a story yes, and each had to play their roles but they get so dramatic playing these characters that they get carried… Spirited Away…
And then here i had to clean up the mess … Cain and Able.. White Black and Tan…
Esteban is white. Light
Tree is .. “Black” Dark Light.
Kamora is Tan mixed black and white… Sunset and Sun Rise…

Umm hello…Family…is it not pretty obvious that you are representing the play where the Tan race and Tan “Mixed” Consciousness is what Inherits the world…
The meek…? yeah right, how is that working out in this reality?
No M.E.. S P 117.. E K.. yes..
So you can understand the Trinity reps no.. Stephan -Esteban Emeka Kim Esteban Kim..
M E S E E K… E R… Eri Robert.
See meaning of the name Robert.. and Robert O Sullivan 4-19.. D S… Yes 18 Mountain View.

I did notice that I was walking both the Nri Warrior of Peace story as well as that Bible idea both are based in Human Sacrifice..

When in truth it was obviously about Light.. Bringing Clarity Sight and Insight .. In- Sight.. the End…
Via the Body and Being aligned Naturally and that naturalness Polished, Refined Expression Transparent… P R E T…
I C I…
Pret Ici…
Ready Here… Present..
I S…

Public Relations spread the world that Lucifer Santana code was a play of shinning a light in the dark of the ark bridge being Eternal Law… that this is what gives you a chance to be prepared … having read the sign of the times… and the writing on the wall.
And no matter how you see it, the E Manuel .. E Nnamdi
Eternal Arden Eden Jeron AJ / J A.H had used me so furiously, it was not because he sacrificed me, but because no one else was paying attention to his play of unifying everything to see and read.. and not Assume how we.. he.. I arrive.

If he had not done so.. as well as take over my body and life to create the Emanual for you all- you would have had no idea about what is coming why what when where and by who..
You would have had no idea of the beauty in you, or where you are evolving to, how.. and why some will rise and others not.
You would have had no idea how the true Holy Spirit called Beautiful Pride as Inspiration works or why I came via the portal of me as the Black Panther .. with Arden Nnamdi.. still playing my Father Guide in his play which if you recall, was meant to have been handed back to me at 900 South Road.

Arden- Aureila…Chris Arden Liberty Lace… C A L L… me by by your name.

It was good to see Chiefy.. C…now i see him clearly but I was in no mood and he understood why perfectly well having been recently experiencing the same desire to retreat from people still existing on the old defunct static and Still- as Deaths illusion way of percieving reality.

Of course if you recall Chiefy Kim was born the date of the scheduled release of mission impossible 8.
11-4-2022… But we beat the Matrix of this world using the Matrix of 6.88+ 14 usd. 20 88..
See both sacred portals.. and you get the point.. And that “Elvira” Adams like being in Sacred portal 88 as well as the Red lotus Flower and the Grace Jones character represent Mba Afor Ocha.. my Great Grandmother who i met and whose Legend as having come from the SKYY People Heavenly Beings has proven correct.. G J is her Twin aspect Cc..

Alright… it is 6:22 p.m
F V… lets wrap this up…
Sixth sense to fact is Victorious.. U is Universe the Truth Matrix as * harmonics universe Sound…Check… not that which was created by Human Children in their versions of Life .. World- Word.

Thus Chris Filgueira Chris Andrew Filgueria and Kim Arthur Hines.. born 12-14-1987 align.
C A F.
K A H.

C K… A-A… F H…. 3 11…( 14)… A-A= 27.. 6-8… @ * all align..
A B is flipped Flip Hendrixs play.. back to its Source of E…
( I was never The Source… here in this worlds play.. I am Source of E.. S O E/ E O S… S F E/ E F S…Steven…) that 68…
11-22-68.. David Roman Nicholas.. D R N.. Death Ray Nature as Nnamdi.. Onu- Cecilia.. But I had to defeat the Trinity… E K C…
and Flip A -B to B A and link now C K.. Chris Kim ( see name meanings) to E..
K E ..Y..C
B A C K.. E..K…My back is the hell of my body… caught as if on a Hook which I noticed at 900 South Road… “Letting me off the Hook for proving the truth?
Huh… yeah right..
Captain HO.OK..E if you ask me…
Peter Pan…
Ogochukwu…”Friendship with God- Truth.. Beautiful Truth can only be beautiful.
First Born son
My mothers immediate Younger brother…
Cecilia Peter..
C P…
Consciousness =Perfection.
Creation is Perfect … and creation is you..

Onuabuchi means

Song from from the mouth comes the will of the Creator…

“/?n?-abugh?-chi/ Gender: m. lit: The mouth is no one’s Chi. imp: The words of one’s detractors cannot upset his destiny.
a name by which to identify … ‘Onuabuchi’ (Our destiny is not in human hands),.”

Ogochukwu is the Friendship with the Creator is the Gift…
and that is Sixth Sense which comes from within you and moves you to the beautiful truth of your true Nature.. Naturally…

Now, lets see at last the confirmation of the Flip Hendrixs F H 6 8.. Flipping The Script.. F T S…

Recall the play I arrived here to..

Esteban Kim..

Kamora Herrington
Olusanya Bey

E K O… Knocks out.. the Lie…
and now my 14 87 Facebook friend.

Ohene Kwaku Evangelist

O H.E.N E…Full Circle…
KW.. A K..U.. yes 21 usd…
E V.AN…G E…List.. E V Angel is T=20.. today is the 20th…Echo..


E K O/ O K E… at 19 71 and 19 87..

Ohene means : the name Ohene is of African origin and means “Akan name in Ghana meaning King”. According to a user from United Kingdom, the name Ohene is of African origin and means “It is a Twi/Ashanti word meaning King..”.

Meaning of the name Kwaku..

“Kwaku: Kwaku is the Akan given to children of Jeremiah”. It is a masculine given name among the Akan ethnic group in Ghana that means “born on a Wednesday”, …
Ghana was called “The Gold Coast”
G H.. A N A..

in the west…

The name Wednesday is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “Woden’s day”. Name made famous by the macabre character Wednesday — middle name: Friday — Addams is taken from the name of the day dedicated to the Anglo-Saxon god Woden, who relates to Mercury.”

Yes Thor… Adam..Mercury.. Ag Silver Sufer…

Yes WED. NE S Day.. “Di”
Jeremy Irons.
Jeremy at the Collections with Jay and Taun.
J J T.. 1996

Jeremiah .. Jerry and Johnny at the Green House.
Jerry and Joseph at the Green House Jan 2006.
Jeremy is Jerone..
Arden Jay.
Taun Tom…

Jerome Kern… J K…
Jeron-e Twin K…11
*Jerome David Kern (January 27, 1885 – November 11, 1945) was an American composer of musical theatre and popular music.”
Nov 11…= 11 11 45…
Kim Kamora.. 4.5 Billion years old planet..
NNamdi.. 4-5-69…

* Jeremiah…

Jeremiah (/?d??r??ma??/; JERR-?-MY-?) is a male given name meaning “Yhwh will raise”, and having its origin in ancient Hebrew. … The name takes its popularity from the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah.

In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Jeremiah is: May Jehovah exalt. Exalted of the Lord

The name Jeremiah is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin meaning “appointed by God”. Jeremiah is a solid Old Testament prophet name that has gradually taken …”

See Sacred Portal 99.
I and I..

Raise the Dead Deed.
“The Chosen ones…”
Word Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme..

The Beautiful Convenant God- The Truth..The Body- Beautiful made with Man and God…
Man as Truth… M T… 13 20= 33..

A T…E 3 16 33

And Evangelist..A…
Link Super model Linda Evangelista.. L E..
I met friend of Stephen called Linda almost immediately after arriving and was the name of my sister best friend as children…

Evan Alexander Judson ..
see play at Akil Davis Portal and the person who he and his friend all youths moved me to come to facebook after Nnamdi literally appeared to me..
E A J… / J A E…

“Italian : from Evangelista ‘evangelist’ (a derivative of Greek euangelos ‘bringer of good news’, from eu ‘well’, ‘good’ + angelos ‘messenger’). This is the term used to denote any of the four gospel writers of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), in particular St. John the Evangelist.”

Messenger from the 5th dimension..Bringer of Good.. Beautiful news.. G N.. B N…Ben

“Okay E.. O K E”

The King and I ( S P 9)
Steven King and I…
etceterra etcetera see the old musical.

So if you put all the key pieces together…

King.. Gold Coast.. Wed ness day.. Thor… Di.. Is.. Children of Jeremiah.. J.. ERE…( Here) Mi ( 3rd note Solfeggio…C Earth Speed of Light..
Mercury…Angelic Messenger…

What does it say..?

There is a Meaning..Reason.. Explanation… M R E..for everything…

The message as Stephen Johnson realized was never for me or about me it was all about you and I did not have that Intention which is why Alien Father Alpha of the Alien Council Judges Chambers and Bench is still holding me back from rising and not allowing me to escape of leave this play by not allowing my body to rise or my wealth to come to me…

Tis he..Him and Her whom I will never forgive this deception and because the used K.W.. Aku.. A K U.. 1 11 21…we were meant to stop at A.. not go backwards..
* Aku: Aku are winged termites most common during the rainy season when they swarm; also means “wealth.”

My second grandmothers name was Unuaku…
Meaning House of Wealth…

SP 117 mixed blessing…K G.. A A G…A Q… E” A Quantum.


7:31 p.m

14 87 Facebook friend…

they cheated.. and lied.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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