
10/20/2019 0:22 – Facebook Post

11:58-59 p.m

“Statue Of Liberty Enlightening The World.”

S O L. E. T. W. O

First Dedicated by the Franco People
October 28, 1886.

10-28-18. 86

Please see Sacred Portals.

Royal Maximus Rodriguez Santana

Was born 10-28.. 2011..
18 is R. And A.H.
28 B.H.
10 28
11 28.

Hint Hint..

Lady Liberty E L M.

This was not about a Liberty born 1976
As ai stated that was about Liberty C Liscomb line as Woman Liberating them selves.

But Statue of Liberty Enlightens The World?

No, that is the Story of T W O men

See sacred portals 97
And 86. .

Never assume when I made myself clear or blame another for Ones Assuming without asking to be clear.

See sacred Portal 5:00 ” Stauette Rest when Weary..

Versus 5. Brooke Shield birthing 5 Dimensional Man

F A B. Sculptor.

Franco. Free Person
Fuckin Perfect.
F P. 6. 16. 22.
Arden 6th Sense Victorious.

Wu Man Liberates herself from the Spell of the Need of Men
She becomes the Two in One.

That is what I stated even as the play began to Unfold.
Independence I.Day of S H E.

Again that is a Choice

Go back 8-29-2019

That was the Play I identified and was confirmed.

I was sent as a Guide Brother..
That was my role.
Not Servant Slave, Teacher..
Rather Freedom Liberty
Truth Love
Consciousness Beautiful

12:21 p.m

Chris Franco
Chris Gemino
Christopher Filgueira

A Choice

12:22 p.m

That is what Love is

You can say no..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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