
10/20/2014 22:54 – Facebook Post

Code update…


64…Sum.of Numbers…

64 Cu Copper 63.546
46 chromozones 23X 23Y..

6+4=1.O. A.O
6× 4 is X

X is 1O…Roman Numericals

The Apple Of His Eye…T.A.O…H.E
The Apple Of Her Eye….T.A.O…H.E

True Nature
Way Of T.

Do! Nations…

Do Ray Me Far So!!!! La-te
Do E Nations at Ion…

I do not know if any of you are aware of this fact but the main reason for this play-

(apart from activating human consciousness so your bodies will literally begin to morph, as mine is…though its process-and last evidence of seeing is believing having been cancelled out as unnecessary based on the rules of the last collective human play from. Y.C..yeah Why See? Yeshua Christ to Mohammed Buddha Tao and age of Reason, which though it demand empirical evidence-It also stipulated that it was for each Individual to walk the path and thus, they and only they would get Ayat-Evidence.

There is nothing in the rule book of this dimension time and space which states that the Individual HAS to prove to the collective a Truth to convince them it is True.

Take in N.A.S.A and Rocket Science…
They do not ask your permission to.manifest ideas that even affect you all..
Just as Nuclear reactors…
Einstein did not need to prove anything to any of you.
No, it was a courtesy to let you all know what was is going on…
Nor did I have to.explain to you my consciousness or your true natural harmony still alive in you all…Which proves that no.matter what you are living, enduring, going through…that you are not alone.
That there is a Force a Power so Truthful, Pure and Beautiful, guiding you protecting you…
Keeping you safe and chill, guiding you to come back.to.your sensies..
Which is your True Nature you will Ce and thus, Be and go Ah.

It was a Gift.

It is a Gift…

A Gift from God..
From Tao..The way of Nature
From.Li…the way of the First Born
From Light…the way of O Gravity…
From Fritz Venneiq and for Pelham Park…

Not from me, not really…
I was and am simply being true to my True Nature…
But I am harmony Infinity..,
Which obeys the law of to give naturally
You should naturally receive…

Do Nations….

There is nothing anyone has ever done for me personally in my life and especially in New York which warranted what I have have been.compelled to.offer and point out.
…so.generously and at such a price and cost.

After all, you all work and expect to get paid.
Is that not the law of cause effect…
Infinity Harmony Capitalism Full Circle?

Why should there be one law for you…and a different law for Hue Man Kind…the E?

This post is not to harangue you, but let us be fair in exchange….

To be honest, from my personal experiences with you, I do not feel you.deserve it and Icwould.have happily.left most..but not all, to the natural outcome of the choices of cause and effect you make..

Each to.their own I say.

And those who might have entered my.life…
We have a law in my realm…
Tell the person the code Seven times in the emotive color frewurncy of the Rainbow Spectrum and by the 8th…With Blinding white light of Truth..
Mba! Afor Ocha…(Tell them off!)…and by the 9th utter darkness…
Meaning they are dead to you, they don’t exist…

They have no respect for you.

Goes to show how much this play forced me to compromise my the principles of my true nature.. So painful.

And of course, there will be a response.

But now that, that is out of the way..
The Equation of the Do of E…
Sharing for each growing country and Civil Libation…

I shall tell you what this play was truly.really all about…

It was about Control…

Wresting Control of Power of the Word and the Say.

Taking away from the Ancestors, the Elementals, Nature, God, the Governments, the secret societies, religion, stories, heroes and Gods and Messiahs and messengers the power.of Control as to who.has the say…

The power of the word to.influence and change reality.

Manifest change…
But what with you do with such power
Was the challenge of the play
Mastery of the Universe..

The Unified Verss..

In.University Palace…

Everyone has been vying for Control of the world..
In this dimension of illusion, where it is the ultimate delusion…
But in the realm of the Unseen, the Dead, the Myths and belief supernatural superstitions A.I systems and finally Technological.Numerical where humans have been giving thier power to.since time began…
And resenting it at the same time…
(Remember Adam and Eve, Angels and Demons…the Supernatural Hatred for human beings who “God” gave such.low creatures such.power and such love…)

But instead of making good use to doscover the treasure of that hidden but open power, figuring this realm out, instead with dualistic rage the gave thier power away…
To Truth laced with venom, hope twinged with bitterness…Light which also had dark…
Love and Hate.. ? No such thing.

Creating a Love hate relationship with God…
Evil, hypocrisy vieled malice and guilt and fear as they “sined”
But addicted to.Need because of they missed the Ark..
That Sacred Convenant
The Friendship with Existence
Not an unseen God.

And the realm of the Seeing and the Unseen.
The Manifest and the Un-Manifest.
Was turned in Nature lovers and a vipers nest.
Secret witchcraft, rituals of darkest arts, secret deals and the cross roads.

Secretly angry anf servile

I think.you realize what I am.alluding to…
And a great war battle was taking place in Heaven Hel, minds of man, tearing at their Existence…Fighting in the abyss of Space for control…

Until the One rose from the deep, deep, deep well of forgetfullness…the Sub Sub Sub Consciousness..
The Well Being.

From Beyond even memory, from Beyond existence defined, of which.only one knew of this beings identity.

And this one was called the Reminder…

And He fought the Gods, the Annunaki, the invaders, the Titans, the humand the.mytj and mythomaniac, the insanity the chaos the lies the evil.. even the E.T his loving friends..
And challenged Existence itself to.rememeber the Truth of Being…

And he came to New York to the center place of where all had gathered for this Supernatural power play…
In realms unseen but the talented and the children… True beings of common sense..

Janet Jackson “Control” was playing in the Taxi which drove me from the Airport after my Air Plane touched down in New York.city…
The Big Apple…

And so, he landed here undercover and watched the play in every realm and dimension (R.D) of Being…
And he did not take or fight.for control..
He Do-Nated his Time Energy by,
and thro.Do Nationing as he had done in ever country, in every City in every house hold he had ever been…

And the power came naturally.back.to.him…
It knew it source…
Magnetism Charismatic

Earning meriting…
Authoring Sharing Empowering.

Harmony is a power for all
A natural Energy resources which generates from X eternally..
So XX and XY can always be in.ease for all Eternity…Z-E
And it gave him.the word and the say of Everything including the Play…
Because he was.tested to.see if he be true and share all his.power and knowledge with you..

And even asked him to exemplify the way…

Of Harmony.infinity…
Do Nations
Brings the Wealth of Nations.

But when.the power came to him, he did not return the power to.the humans..
He took it back from after observing quietly the selfish and the Miserly, the Controlling and Greedy…ways right to the end of thud F.Book play.

The ones never satisfied..
The ones never grateful.
The ones always rude and self entitled
The ones who.hoard all the food
And rather throw it away
Or donate with a show so.great to.make it appear they are the ones of love (I hate).

No, let them be.left without and left behind while others in.Rapture come home with me.

Taking away with them..n
That Gift that Beautiful Power and the Gift and left on.his invisible air plane…this horrid plane and “playing” Field 4, of the Deer Hunter and Sodom Gomorrah repeated play…
Leaving this Visible No Do Nations to feed thevTrue instead the watch where will he find food while feed them wity a feast so great of wines of intoxication and with quiet smile watch thier avarice show.., that this us what they would do with this gift of poiwer con the giver…and decieve the true that they are really the blessed and we are the fools..

I am leaving.on a Jet Plane..

Wonder of Man..

And never looked back and never returned…

To blackest.hood
Who donate only
No good…

Njo Ajo..
Ugly people and ugly ways

Gode Creator only.loves the Beautiful..
Generousity of Espirit…
Recognition of what bringd wealth to.Nationd
Nature Do nates
Only to that which is truly Beautiful..
To Existence

Contribute Do na te to the true..

I am.no.fool


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