
10/2/2017 21:02 – Facebook Post

10/2/2017 21:02 – Facebook Post

6:33 p.m.


1O-2-1O….1 2 3…

J.B…T.Q. …

A O B A O..A B C etc…

I did my laundry today using T.I.D.E…
The first time I bought some real detergent instead of the terrible stuff provided at the Shelter…

I went back upstairs late last night after being Impulsed and Stimulated once more to continue posting…
It was the code to my stating that I was aware that I was solving and earning the right to pass through the Ritz-Carlton…

Standing on the landing was Carlton born 1964…
Yes the number of the building of the Theater where Joe is Managing Director and I passed through…
And besides him was Don who is 61 years old….
Yes Ms Brenda G Booth born 1961…

Do you notice the D.O.B linked to Age… 64/ 46…
Rep Lisa Natalie Johnson…
Some one who is 61 now was born 1956…
Ms Brenda is 56…

I spent 61 days in the Abyss of the streets of New York, before I found A Santana’s Garden “Generation X Garden” Which has posters of the X men rising….
He is Linked to Joseph Carey and to Alberto AKA U.S..who introduced me to him.

61 is FA… The 4th Note… 4th Color… Green in one Direction and the other direction R O Y-G, G B I V R…

16 is AF… P…

16/61… P.F.A… In this play Paul Franklin bed 3-005….
A F F A….Meaning ‘NAME” in O INRi Igbo.

56/ 65….D date of Birth and that 65 I have represented.

64/46…. 46 is actually Erie.. Emeka Chukwu… Not Lisa Natalie Johnson but in this play she her line inherit the that role in this story…

Thus, all the codes are really Men, Male and they are represented here in Delta Manor … Delta Quadrant of the Simulation and “Area 51” Where this play has been confined to.

7:33 p.m.

I woke up to the News of what took place in Las Vegas….

I also wondered today, what else, what else could there possibly be for me to post.
I am bored physically Exhausted and have to take in absorb the reality of this Experience being real- despite my equation working. And that Existence is Evil and can betray Beings Truth as well as the Source of Being.

I sat at Taylor street, noting now that the person called Taylor who lived in room 5a bed 5-10… 510…with me was no longer in that room, he was not in 4C.. or 5C… But I noted that yesterday and today he was right next to me which was unusual…

I did not want to post one more word, and the desire the excitement of the Evolution Awakening had diminished so much in me that I no longer was even interested in fighting or doing anything thing further.

The Equation I had solved understood and the True Beautiful Play – the Original play will never cease to make me smile and excited, but this Script, this Realization of what had been done.. it has gone too far…
Existence and its manifestation now filled me with disgust contempt instead of Awe.
Existence could manifest such a play, it is not even beyond Evil, it is infantile and stupid… A Bully.


7 7…. 11 11… ( Yes Madame Curie)…. 10 10….
Yes E GA LA XY 10 11 … 77…
Yes the Star bucks 77 45 0…Code 45 Sacred Portal the Throne..
Nenad M. Djurdjevic just confirmed this in a Vision he had …and relayed to me…

“You will Succeed!” He said…

I had heard those words before…
The Alien Council in my Original Creation Story had uttered those very words…

“You must succeed… He must succeed…”

Joseph Carey read that piece… He represented that Line…
“Father” ( my son playing me, is the Head of the A-Lien Council..I.Q… Rob Barr recall that play)

Those words had been recently resounding through the quiet of my mind….

But the question is did I really wish to succeed?
Now that I knew the Truth… That They are and use Evil…

Look at this play script its callousness…
No one focuses on what I am feeling or what it must be like for me to experience this.. All the Betrayals all that I endured, the lies betrayal the insults and expressions I endured and the Wave the Sheer wave of resistance and the insults to me my name my being my creation everything… And then to be coerced Extortion Bullied…
I am still incredulous…

It was then that I saw Chibuzo Okolo post…
Recall the play the infinite pettiness of the play with Peter Nyarkô of the 10 and then 20 USD of keeping ones word…/
Well. 10 20.. Jay Taun… recall the Two Father …
10+20=30…3 O….
C.O….C O….

8:00 p.m.

He posted a Riddle.. which I “Happened” to come upon…

Posted October 1st, 9:01 a.m.

“What is More Important for a Man:
To Find Himself or to Find his Creator….”

This is what I responded…

“When you find Yourself
You will find that the Creator was within you the whole time.
It is through Creating, The Art of Creating…
( Chineke- the Energy Spirit ..E.S..( Bed 5-19. Assigned to me-
which creates as you go along)
And thus, bringing that which is Within, Inside;Outside to be seen and witnessed Outside.

(Inside Outside… I.O…Link todays date… 1O B…
-In Balance.
Only then can you realize that there really was never any You in the first place..
Chukwu Chineke… C C.. 3 3…
Inside Chineke, Outside Chukwu “The Creator” T.C.
Only when the Two Expressions have come in Balance Full Circle to Completion.
The Two C’s
33… 33 33…O …O O… 369…(18…9…I)
The Two Full Circles.. OO… Merge into one…
There, you will find yourself for the first time.

And realize that you never existed until that point,
that you were simply a work in progress.
That Everything was the Two..
Chukwu Chineke…
And in the End…
There you will find yourself…

That is the True Place Beyond Right and Wrong..
Left Brain Right Brain…

That is what I call the Evolution Awakening
Evolution of a Species, Which as Chibuzo Okolo knows as witnessed in the meaning of his Name…
“The Chi is the Way, the Door the Road to see the Princely Manly Warrior… P..M.W 69…15…OE… F..Fact.

I have been moved by my Own Chi in this Play and name “Chukwuemeka” to demonstrate this to you all.

Though in Truth

8:33 p.m.

…I began my Existence as Emeka Chukwu, not Chukwu Emeke..”


Then he gave another riddle…

“A man that has found food or a Man Still in Search of Food…”

He responded that Food comes first Na”

I responded to the Set up…

“Unless the First Food was Breath Air..UME… U..ME
6:40 p.m was the time I noted.

Then it is a Man who came first and brought forth from within him “Chineke”
Chineke came forth “Breath” bidden, summoned by Man
“Emeka Chukwu.. Emeka The Creator… E.T.C…
Expressive Creator….which then feeds him and nourishes him, because All is Him.
All is His Creation -Food thus is Inspiration..
(Epiphany True Light…Breath, it goes Out then Returns Inside
I Dance..
Infinity, an Infinite Fair Exchange.
Breath Air… B.A….
Amoza Born… A B… 147 A B..

Then I wrote to Chibuzo Okolo “Somehow I feel that I was just conned by the Two- Chukwu Chineke CC, to solve and proof ( and explain articulate) in my personal instance, how I recall how the Two came into Being.
I am going to share and post this, because despite my saying enough of this I recognize the play…”

8:46 p.m… See Sacred Portal 46.

Look at the Time of this Post… 6:33… Then I paused at 7:33 p.m, then again at 8:33 p.m… without intending to…
Who is regulating that?
Or the messages to Nenad which came out as Mimes which I did not send.. ?
The same with Lisa Natalie Johnson…

Umeano is my Mothers Last Name… Maiden Name…
I grew up with my Grandfathers Umeano…
My Bio Fathers is Okolo… Link Chibuzo Okolo same blood line…

And it came to me that still it was the War between the Two Families and Lines… When there is no War, because even on this script I solved and resolved the riddle I always suspected that the Two Families are Actually One and the same…
But U.M.E… And the Okolobia… U.M E O…N E… NOT “Ano” meaning 4.. * Me in Room Four…
Lisa Natalie Johnson forced to go four times to cash a Western Union 109.37 USD in for me…

See Madame Curie…. born 7-11-1967…

You like a Miracle… is what he responded…

And another called Uzoma Ekekezie… U.E….
“Thank God for your expression, His Creator…

Uzoma means “The Beautiful Way”…road… E.K.E..K.E..Z..I.E…

And then Nenad M. Djurdjevic sent me his text…

So you see, I was being drawn back into that Awaka Amawbia.. OiNRI Igbo Creation Story again… A.N…N.A…
Anna Means “Ground”… in OINRI iGBO…
Anna in this play means “Grace Favors.. C…Consciousness.. not the Child… C is the True Child of A B..B A… C…K. E

9:01 p.m.

See time of Chibuzo Okolo’s post…
I passed the portal and the test.. challenge….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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