
10/2/2016 14:46 – Facebook Post

Opened my computer..
and this popped up along with a new Face Book friend…
And an unbelievable play which has brought me back against my will,
to Starbucks 1385 Metropolitan and Wood.. M.W.
Border (Represented in this “Model” miniature version of the
play depicted on Angela Marie Alexander A.M.A (Awakening) page
I am sitting now looking out the Window facing the Woods Street and Macys.. (Yes American-Chinese-Taiwanese..A.C.T..Billy Hung B.H… C.T.A in order of immigration… Lord YI (Li.. Flushing China Town America.. 2013-2014… I believe, you get the picture.. And the truth about Quantum Time Travel..)

There is a guy opened up his news paper, at the precise moment, which I opened to see my 762 Face Book Friend…and what was done drag me here…)
The Caption reads “It’s hard to Believe”- as if some one who doubted my expression of Truth of the Influence of the Ancient World and the Science we created, could ever be manipulated and used in such a foul and sinister manner on a person.
Watching from the 5th Dimension, what being existing in the “4th” Dimension Consciousness and frequency of Nature-Time and Space…
Could not believe what I have been stating it has been doing, and set up a play to find out if it is True.. With me as bait…
Has finally, see for Itself…
The Truth.

1:44 p.m…
144 Ascended Master…(12X12…144..Thus, since it is Multiplication Expand, this is the Past… Ancients who died and went into a non existent realm which they thought would be paradise..or the furthest point of Existence…

This was First posted

May 22nd 2013…

5-22-2013…33… Yes 33..33 Street Michelle Lobsinger- where I wrote the Creation Song.. 3 6 9….

And 2016=36..9

Emeka Victor F-ACT-Frank (Free Man) Ikemefuna


Lord Yi (Li) my Face Book Friend who arrived the very day I was leaving Kew Gardens and Billy Hung’s company who is Chinese Taiwanese as Billy H but not American…Who arrived with a Panda Moji…
Whose name means Light..
Which led Billy to ask me to stay a few days later when I informed him that I had found his twin but as Light…
Billy knew at the last moment the truth- (His Brother who was helping him remove the antiques is called Tom.. Twin…Li Ye is the One of Light..That only part of Billy I recognized)…

Lord Li (Ye) is the only one who was able to respond to my Challenge 3 years ago to all my Facebook friends- that since I had identified each and everyone’s “Highest Potential down to their Avatar-Descendants”, was there any one who could do the same for me…
Kachy Ihem gave a close description…
Orien Laplante gave my literal code name in the 4th Dimension as depicted by the image and the light shinning on E.Pan…(Not a Goat)..
He called me the Beauteous Beam…Brooklyn Bronx.. B.B..2 2.. 22 V..
But only Lord Li (Yi) quietly and elegantly simply went to my albums and selected five of my true faces- which I never told anyone were me directly…And I have thousands of images as my older Facebook friends are aware…

He chose 5…
and the 6th.. me in a Womans form…
And posted them..

I have introduced him many times as My Sensie from beyond..
That I remember him, as well as Lord Orien Laplante..Great Spirit…
as well as Kachy Ihem..The Beautiful Darkness..
All my line of Sensei’s whose play led me to them chez Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson and Tim-Beyond…
Which of all the people Evan ALexander Judson can testify to the play he and I exchanged…And the invaluable intel he was able to share with my consciously accessing that frequency through C..Imagination and Love…

But Lord Li on the Bench…
Chinese-Taiwanese…was of the 5th Dimension..
2:06 p.m.
See the photo of him I shared sitting on a Bench..
And my sitting on Benches for the last 15 years, – it represents “Stepping out of the Movie” and back into the 5th Dimension Consciousness..
And be the Observers-Watchers-Law (O.W.L) of the Play…

This was one of them… he chose and presented.

I have stated many times, that I am not really addressing you the public, that I am addressing the “Unseen you, unseen by yourselves” – but a family already in Existence… And 100% more real than you..
I am also addressing you in the near future.. after the awakening..
This posts to you, in this present state have little meaning or impact to you at present, except to activate my Family in you and consequently, wake you up.

But this posts are for the you, and your children, after you have Awakened..
Then these posts will suddenly be… much more precious and valuable (And unfortunately, Shaming… “Shame On You..”- which I had hoped to prevent..)

This is the Title…

En Kid U
U ID KN (KING) Natural Existence.
RM Supreme K.”

1:30 p.m.

2:00 p.m.

Recall,that George Philip Roc was born May 21 and how he was the one I was “Spirited Away” to meet on May 8 2014.. which was really meant to go home led by my Father Guide of this Evolution play…?

Recall that Lord Sensie Li (Ye) I called Li because I knew him as L.I.G.H.T…Dewight Smith..
OF “DE” Light..

The Book on my Face Book is a also a Roman which has been going on for 4.6 years…Every day…

I still find it absurd of how people who have missed so much of the Action, the play which made of this story…
Which is not a Narrative but an an Interactive Narration…
I.N…9-14… Sept 14th, 2016…
See the play of that date..

2:22 p.m.

Victor B..

..who come at the end of the novel, a Roman-C.E
and play based and unraveling in Actual Time Consciousness…
And the Judge Condemn and risk their very Existences on something they have no idea is about.. what happened and what is going on.

Which is the same about believing in events from the past, which they were not even present for- and are willing to kill, torture and sacrifice others and risk their Existences for…

You were not there in the Past, you certainly were not here, when it was presented, or even in the actuality.. and you certainly are not there in the Future..
Because the Future is set in the Past which can only be found in the True Present..
And the Truly Present….

How could you possibly stake you Existence on something you were not present for. past present Future..Or even Current Actuality…

That is why I was doubted… by my own family of E.T Consciousness
they thought you were Mentally Ill- retarded and sent an S.O.S to give a cure to your “Mental Ilnness”
At which I protested, because I said there is nothing wrong with Humanity..

My Collection in London-1991…
At Nicky Cool Bar Cafe in Camden was called
“The Body as Living Art”
Truth Beautiful A La! of Sixth Sense..
The Very Body was designed to recognize itself..
The Beautiful Truth…

Nothing real can ignore the call of The Beautiful Truth..
Which means that no one here is Real…

This is a Play…
This is not real…
And your real selves Exist in the 5th Dimension..
Because right to 762 Face Book Friends Adaobi Onwuasoeze
And Xheni Messina posts of Arno P…of the Foundation of the Matrix… Codes 26-62….
That only that which is real, is that which is moving you, in perfect harmony of a play which only few, are now gradually aware.

This is how it was in the very first beginning of those “Added”- the Potential which became Kinetic and hence the Evolved you…
Only difference then was that not Exist then..
But the E Exist now but not as you, but as that Energy which responds only to me, while none of you were even aware.

E.P.A.N..O.R (E) A.M.A..

2:42 p.m.

None of this is Real…
But it is all True…
This play and actuality of E Cruel and Indifferent you could “Have” been if you had arisen in any other Frequency Consciousness other than the E Harmony Consciousness which I rose with out of All the infinite possibilities of what could come into Being and Existence..

Only One..
And He was not Chosen..
He simply Was Is and has always been E.

2:45 p.m.

B.D.E…L.I.G.H.T.. Double V.. V.V.I.G.H.T

2:46 P.M

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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