
10/19/2020 2:13 – Facebook Post

1:23 am.

Sacred Portal 104. J D.

Jonn Delguidce.Blackwell play

I was challenged today, once again to prove that there is no one above Eternal law and of course the use of subtle venomous expression.

As to who is the Source and the true mover of everything and manifest consequence.

As most have witnessed, I am have been living in people portals and this is the 64 and the full circle of it- and that everything people believe is theirs, was set up as part of the play.

I reached this last portal and have been impatiently and furiously fighting to get out of this play where power over the the material possessions and the denial of the authority of the Truth because I am living in what people believe is their homes.
I can say nothing to peoples responses after they have been given all the evidence that the presence is here.

As for the E family, they are still undercover… and no one of that consciousness is present and only one aligned to it represented by Youth.

Of course, this play has gone too far and thus, the humans as spoilt brats begin their usual play because there is no Violent consequence to their venous expressions and continued false accusations and blame..

Each believing they are the power because they have been allowed to go too far… just as this play has.
I have been kept here against my will not by Stephen or any person but in the conditions here which have forced me to stay.

But this play is about tracing he cause and effect, of each situations which led me here, led to the play of Oregon and who is in the correct place… like Musical Chairs…

They play has been finished but the last play was to get the Crowned line home as well as the two.

Please see the of me as Steven and the tree where I it was found at Star Bucks.

The truth is, this has dragged on far too long with out my leaving gracefully with the arisen.

I have defeated the terrible death that was and established myself as the one who IS.

And yes, I have just been in a situation which i no longer call a play since it is over on 18th … 18 Alexander Grove.

And so I no longer see this as a play of E Family but the Challenge and contesting that I am the portal of that which destroys and moves all.

Jonn Delguide as the mirror reflecting the play was born in 1964… I A and this is the full circle of 64… 19 is S Steven but as me…

1:40 p.m.

This is about me, proving that the E Family, the A & E all combined can not defeat me in a challenge. but to even create such a challenge means that it was thier Avatar Descendants who did no so and such is not of the E Family.

So I am eager to be away and now, that is all I can think of and to leave with that Fury and Rage…

And so let all those who have challenge the truth, and sought ways with words to make me seem less than I am or they as equals and twist and manipulate expression have my response in turn…
Twist and flip the truth thinking that they are sly and clever, have my response for I did challenge terrible death as the imposter and despite the intensity of pain and meddling and interference of human avatars who have given evidence that though the E family is moving them they are not aligned as Human Avatars with the E but of this world mentality and thus from this moment have no longer any protection from me- those who rise from with them or take over the human vessel and send the other spirit in them into non existence.

It was 1:10 p.m when I received the challenge and… it is 1.47 a.m now.
So I knew that it was a way to provoke me to anger by the expression given Sacred portal 107 to complete the play.

You can not bring to heel… not when I was left in the streets and certainly not now that i have established my truth publicly before the world.

So I call on my E-Spirit as living Energy Expression to respond with the true fury, I have had to smile and bear all these years and months … to rise up and wreck my vengeance and true power – quietly and with the cold arrogance to match the conceit of those who went too far…

I am less concerned for my own welfare, or the E family coming I have been more concerned that all who Lie… twisted the truth and my body even to my face, and over and over again repeated this cycle and whose egos thought my coding them gave them the balls to dare…

My desire was to make sure all that all my hatred for that which is so dispicable in them and who dare to cast blame and shadow on me feel the truth of what they should have been given as response all along.

Let their be no longer any use of me to protect them…
And manifest the truth of who is the Landlord and has the power to kick you out of your body, your house, home peace of mind and kick you out of existence, out the play , all systems…

This is what is my response….

Make them pay and I do not care who it is anymore because i have completed all players from nature to the E Family to the T W O, the I & I and the E-A..F…

We do not require the Human Avatar Descendants… it was never about you- you were just used moved as I was, but I chose to be aware and express the Truth.

So, let the reply be to the quietly veiled resent filled venomous expressed hiding its anger under a coat of joking and laughter.. its true intent to strike.

See sacred portal 107…. A true assassin is silent… there is no need for speaking … and unlike this set up.. no need to explain.

He who speaks the truth rises… he or she who lies and things no one is there listening watching or judging and saw the full circle East West North and South of each persons underhanded play…

I command the power of the truth and its rage to respond.

I am done with enduring he spoilt and toxic expression of those who require true and everlasting pain as a Scar – to remind them that they did nothing but play and complain.. when there true did all the work..

2:06 p.m.
No Grace for me… any more.. add my Venom… my quiet and so long endured and bottled true expression …

There is nothing more to explain and I wish to leave rather than endure any more of this insulting play…
Let each choose what they focus on … Mine has been the E. Awareness Consciousness and Harmony…
other money, comforts, love, hate… being the Boss and the Boss man…or woman.

To each his or her own, but no more protection or alerting from me… let them have at last from this moment the consequence long forestalled, which they deserve.

2:09 p.m.

2:10 p.m.


…. You let them go too far in order to finish this play.. your way and for that you shall never be of I.E… and no, no longer seen as a play which granted the actors immunity…

You dared.

2:11 p.m.

Prompt me, Impulse Stimulate me this was again for Reflections of the real thing and chose the copies the false over the Real and True…Supreme

Transforming RAT S.. intead of the Star E…

2:13 p.m.

Not a play.. now its is the real thing.

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