
10/19/2020 20:00 – Facebook Post

3:31 p.m.

J S A… 20/20= 1.

Jeron Steven Arden.
2020 Vision.


I was just about to begin to write this post, when I realized that the J in this sequence as Jeron because I had been thinking about Jeron who is 19 months almost 20 on the 25th and reached out to Liberty to make contact with him.

She is calling me back, in about 30 mins and so I decided to write this post because I am obliged to and you will understand when you see her name code.

My name is also Steven meaning Crowned.
that is the tag I found hanging from a Tree in 2017 opposite the Starbucks 1385 Metropolitan Woods.
It is also the little y i found on a tree at Kamora Herrington home.

Stephen Johnson S J.
Stephen ST E.P-HE-N
Stephan ST E P.H.. AN/ NA
Esteban… E. ST. EB.AN… AN/NA
Steve.. ST EV EN…

I have 5 versions of the name Stephen and 4 with the code S.
And since we the script was a Yoruba also included”
“Ade” also means Stephen meaning crowned.
Esteban is the name of my old friend and brother David Campillo – House Of Spirits” with Jeremy Irons, who reminded me of him and his brother Ignacio.

Yesterday just before Kamora Herrington arrived I found myself searching for that tag and rearranged the Altar Science.
It was only later, on hindsight 2020 did i realize that today is the 19th- letter S.
19…= 10 9… J I.. Jeremy Irons… Joseph Isaiah.

I, as all of you as I have been proven over and over again are being moved by a sixth sense which i have established as the 5 in 1.. travelling as The Elegant Nomads T E N to merge with the the One First Elegant Nomad represented by E A.

Esteban Ade. E A.
from the 5th dimensions as one expression- through creation as space 8 Harmony, and then through a prism – a door way which gives the illusion of light being refracted into 7 colors… which came from Harmony of the Universe Space..U S from which the E Family came down as 10 J B Jaymes Bond and thus from 5 to 8 the Harmonics and down through the portal and illusion of three angles surrounded Dark Energy Space and entered the Play of Creation Nature to created the story of 1-7
Seven “S-T..EVE N-Adama David Eri…”

Stephan Esteban was here earlier with friends for a brief stop and he spoke with passion about wanting to do all he can to get me home.
I appreciated it but he was speaking from this world 3D outlook which is the mentality so toxic to the E… it as if they see what they only wish to see which makes it incomplete added is there is no sincerity in that expression or mentality- no one even here trusts this world average mentality and even how they love via the heart but how can it be love if you do not see who you are talking to or acknowledge the dissonance?

4:19 p.m.

It is that mentality some call consciousness which is like poison gas or kryptonite..”Krpt O Night” for me, its does not weaken me, but it causes my body to tense up because of the constant shock to the E system of how people are so irresponsible in how they treat and see others.. even those whom they feel they love… but love has been proven to mean I C U…Full Circle.

And that is what the I and the E Family came here undercover as Spies.. Jaymes Bonds- none with memory – as we entered the Womb of man.

It was depressing being around that frequency of expression and world Cee.. My body went into such discomfort and pain that I had to leave Esteban and George George felt clean as did another friend present.
I really was getting irritated by this presence Awareness activated by Awake Memory Vision and the A F A… Alpha Feelings 6th Sense full circle awakened in me since the eternal beginning and through this life journey mission has risen to a point of taking over my entire life.

It is that which is moving in me, is that which I have proven is moving through all of you.
And because of my awareness, i was used to bring this to your awareness and attention and create such a long long script to prove this to you so that each of you could chose to align with it by merging and aligning your individual life story as Dna to the Sixth sense- which rises from me to all of you.

I was used as a distribution center from which all would converge and then emerge from me .. in this case through non stop expression and correcting and untangling the threads and fibers of this realities idea of existence.

I was sad as Esteban Stephen left and yet glad, not because of him persey, but this play and what he had chosen to see things his way.
Its a choice and this was a play now complete by having to go through this hell of moving from 0 to 1-7 and back to 8 then pause at 7-8 after proving the point of the Pyramid Triangles shape form it from there to a Full Circle of 8-7-1-0-1-7.. 8.. O8 8O..and 16 Perfection of the All Seeing I, as well as the All Seeing Eye.

A S E..
A S I.

and then go back as only the two I E and make rise the Original “Adam EVE” and evolve it from Alien Father O back to I.
And with the Two I & I, go to a place that even the E could not go… The place of Infinity- then set a Bomb of Harmony Destruction .. and then defeat Death as Destruction D A D and prove the true source of that Evil Toxic expression and then activate the Bomb.. Boom! Boom! and together, with Boom! Boom! The living and true A-Bomb. Atomic Bomb. A B.
Blow the who realm of portal Triangle as Trinity give a chance for all those playing those character and caught in that web a chance to escape and then .. yes just like James Bond movies down here… but our version your own versions can not compare in a trillion years with ours .. the origins and original Jaymes Bond play..

Mission Total Recall T R… 20 18.
38… Kamora Herrington just liked something meaning that she is aligned to her two sons 30 and 8 38.
I see.

4:45 p.m.

Yes, I felt the depression .. like a mushroom cloud and a vortex as Stephen left.. Benjamin C K came moments 10 20 mins after they left.
I told him to call him when he asked. I heard Stephens response to him over the phone…

An explosion.

The Bomb.

What a role to play, and of course we were sent to get him out… but everyone has a choice and free will and 22 months later the play is over and truly I am done.

No one seems to hear you hear… or more like they have ear plugs on.
He has all the tools to escape and knowing the work I did by completing the outcome of the play the true expression of terrible death – not this Human children in illusion of being the center of the Universe, but one which shows the fundamental difference between the Big Brothers.. no longer playing in a Human Children’s interpretation of a Bad Dream.. a terrible dream.

But I had found myself being desiring …. or moved…? Take your pick.. I wanted to see Jeron despite my not being in the humor..
But she called about 30 mins ago while I was posting this…

I swear that little devil is totally awake and aware.. well I already proved it.
He looks more and more like Arden.. and i could see Leander too..
Liberty looked healthy but the past story with her and its climax…. No…it made me wary despite all the evidence… can you blame me… each human in this play I opened up to .. but not my full heart.. ( i am not an idiot ..and know how inconsistent and forgetful people can be… of others and even what they did 5 .. 10 years ago or even last week
And more than anything I do not trust this play.
How can any one come up with such a script- which can morph and change like a Solid to liquid to gaseous form and like the heart space ship in the movie the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.
It keeps on changing transforming.
This Atom had to be made stable and reveal the Heart of Dark Energy -Matter Feelings Fact…Solid.
Stabilizing this E Consciousness to find another apart from myself who when trained and made to rise within them, hold in constant as their true point of view.

Its is this instability of Heart and Mind which cause people Strokes Heart Attacks, and going Crazy once the Real.. and not the preparations and play we have been in all these years.

But she looked good she inform Chris and Lace got married. C L / L C… It all good…

Flip Hendrixs just appeared with the name rick added..

5:06 p.m

Perhaps Script has finally been Flipped to that of Beautiful Youth and Beautiful Truth… which would mean that all this time I had coded it and it had been aligned and confirmed- it had not moved away from Ancestor-Nature versus and aligning some to, Ancestors Naturals true descendants of the Eternal Family and the original script which does not need a script of AB C…

Jeron Liberty and to my delight there was Aurelia in the drivers seat of their Jeep Chevrolet and another delight there was Jenny his baby sister…
He had been with her, playing with Chickens and Goats… and I did not crack a smile.. except to berate Jeron for getting me in this mess of a script and his smiling devilishly each time prompting Liberty to laugh out loud in delight.

I swear…. that kid and his brother… and the E Family

5:11 p.m
E K.

Yes, that makes sense.. the Olusanya Bey Kamora Herrington Isaiah Joseph play…
Kim Arthur Hines … he was the portal as Tree Sage… into the past as the story of when humanity had tails and… smh.

I do not wish to get into it… and it is one of the missing sacred portals – the originals are still with Joseph Carey…J C..10 3 and I have been thinking about them and how and why they came to be in his possession.
10 3…
Do you see where this is going
Jeron- who chortled and smiled when I call out to him :So you finally got your Fairy Princess Aureilia… See the post when he was giving me the intel .. Including the Castle… recall 103 on it…
Mackayla and Olivia Burgos meaning Burgos.. Castle.. Castille.. Cristopher Columbus.. Izzy Queen Isabel and Fernando..

Me with Igbatio and Betty in Catalan Figeras … some miles from Dali’s home we visited.

Of course Arden and Jeron… David and Ignatio…

5:19 p.m.
5:22 p.m.

You know, if you discover that something is moving you- would you not like to know who what where how and why?
To Know or not to Know…

I certainly would like to know.
And not be ignorant and so trusting, especially if it is taking you out of your intended path and insisting your life take another course.
I never could accept what was happening to me, especially when i found myself being taken to places which i not only recognized but as its most perverted and corrupted version but one of which was dripping with Venom, Malice and Hate.

The Bomb .. that was the completion of yesterdays play…
And you know who it was behind it.
5:33 p.m.
The answer.. yes…E The Body of Christ the Sixth Sense but as A J..

*Recall the time I had the conversation with Stephen code name birth name Esteban…I noted it was 1:10 pm- I was just about to eat dinner… E A T .E
The Square Waves black box from Liberty and obviously connected to Liberty and Jeron Aurelia …Altar..”I B .. (E) A T E 001/ 100 E T A-E..
Stephen quoted that again.
After we spoke.. I lost my appetite- and as Stephen had asked about what i was eating and my offering despite everything I was feeling at being interrupted but I decided to be polite and take the call because though I knew it was going to disturb my peace and my straining with my body… So he asked for some when he came in and he took it from the fridge.

So looking at all the evidence…
Arden Jeron..
Aurelia Jeron…
Add the meaning of his name..”He Sings .. Satya! S Language…The other S is the name of a Wood land mythological monster… Devil Chevre Goat Baphomet Beauty…

Guess what I moved to the Altar Magic yesterday…it was a Golden Cupid given to me and to Arden by Liberty as well as her gift of a tunning fork.

Fork Tongue..
Even in my currently indifferent state- I knew exactly what it meant.
Holy of Holies.

So 110 A J…and K O… and A-A Full Circle… only complete as two three full circles O OO.OOO… and even OOOO OOOOO…5 children and now Liberty Line.. O… that is 5 Off Spring…
One Adult …and now two Three.. adding Chris Gemino… and Lace… Jenny and linked to Charleen Johnston God mother.

9 Full Circles 5 Off spring in 10.. J and he as 6O..
add three adults L C L…
7O… 9O…
9O is really 3 3…box square is 9.
7O color purple… 76.Crowning 6th Sense a fact.

I met Jeron here..
Leander at Jesse macias when liberty came to get me, with John Mack and Andrey Klebanov Aware Haus.
Ferrill and then Aurelia and Arden…
But I met Jeron first when he was 5 months old in the womb of his mother…

5:55 p.m.

1:10 p.m.

Aurelia Arden same thing …different version and Jeron…

I am perfectly aware who is moving me…

5:56 p.m

That answers the question of who what were why and how..

5:56 E:E.F.

I already knew, but I had to find out why and how far would they go… while seeing the true agony which only they are aware that they .. their play had done to their Source Of Being.. S O B.. me..
I do not play roles like “The boss”
See Sacred portal 147… AB Father of Infinity ” Emmy” the tear and a sob not for himself .. myself in the past but for the horror already seen and experienced of what would be done to me when I was made to prove the biggest open secret .. the the source was is the original First Man.
F M..Band… The Elegant Nomads. Which is why they left me since 18 Alexander Grove, preparing for their arrival and ascension after correcting the truth of the play Spectrum rainbow and the proof of the origins of man by being forced to spend the last 31 almost 32 years and a life time publicly expressing and proving them.. then the last 19.6 years proving them into existence through you all.

But last nights play with Kamora Herrington and Esteban closing the play… I knew that they were in harmony with the play but not at all with me as the I & I.

Stephen hates the script yet has unknowingly followed it to the letter from the moment we met and his intention as a man to help him form a community and help him find the ones who betrayed his trust by coming here and stealing a small fortune from here while Mackayla John and others were here….it wasn’t them of course.

It was a riddle of who is the source of your wealth income and safety .. is it you..
Did you create it .. plant it, ensure .. indeed it as a Question to all who use the Earths resources and who make no true offering not even loyalty to the facts.. Equality.

How can you not want to know when you literally get non stop evidence that you are being moved as well as every aspect of your life..
When you have a person in your house proving the source is him and not by his own free will is he proving it but by a Script made visible and explained with empirical evidence and facts…

6:08… 6:09 p.m.

Your only chance would be to become aware.

Esteban had come in exclaiming to me how “Woke” I am.
I thought of the movie series.. this is how you see me?” I said quietly to myself… but said nothing. To each his own, but to make me play in such a theater and lie to me over and over .. to your self…

6:12 p.m.
Yes Arden E
Lama Foundation….
Fraternal Love Eternal…
Brotherly Love..
That is what Leander has gained from my departure that bonding now with his big brother Arden who I was made to make such a big fuss over..
Just as I was used to bridge and segway baby Jeron during the “War of the roses” between Liberty Chris and Thomas…

I am at the place where I met Jeron with Thomas Lang and Liberty.. The back side of my last portal 900 South Road.

Jeron is Arden…and Aurelia and the 4 Gemino’s in 1 as well as Liberty Chris Lace… Thomas means Twin… He stays in the loft rented by John and Andrey Klebanov.. A J.. J A…
Aware Haus… and work on Living Water…FL OW…. F L A Y… FL E W… Away home.

Jeron Liberty
Aurelia Jenny…
that is how they appeared
L J… = V.
A J.. 1 10..= 11.. K… Kamora Herrington AA-O

So now people may understand why I said i would strangle Arden and Jeron… ( Autumn Smol has turned 16.. P.. A F…I met her when she was 15…O… A E…).

Its 6:22 p.m right now.
F V… Fritz Venneiq.

I understand that yesterday was part of the script and play but I said no… no more… making me bear insults to my person and my dedications to another’s truth or the use of threats of eviction if i do not toe another’s line or version of events and called a lie and a liar at this point.

There is mo part of me who is that vicious, cold hearted to force such a play on me, when i have given good reason as to why i have said no.
Thus if I am source of e.. S O E..
The tel number arranged and paid for me by Liberty and my first bed number at Delta Manor.. 5 019 E O S../ S O E…on 9-16-2020..
Age of Arden with the Flower with white petals and yellow center taken my J C his God mother and 16…months almost 17 when Jenny took his picture…
9-16…25…Born 2-25-2019…
B Y ..T S.. The Source or Tree Sage…
A F K G= 25..
my last bed 4-019/18.. D OS..DO AH..18..
And yesterdays play was based on the 18..
Letter R.. Robert..
Reilly.. Ferril and Reilly and i found myself giving gifts to Kamora… and one for Isaiah .. A Scarf from Liberty and Krysta…the kids nanny when they were children..
* My nanny had named me Victor.
L J= 22
A J= 110

11-22.. 68.. David Nnamdi. 6th sense is harmony…
11-22-47 .. My Mother Cecilia Onuabuchi Umeano…Kolo.

11 22= 33.. Oregon? no the physical body 33 Vertebra.. sacred portal 55 ( E E.. Emeka Esteban.. Emeka Steven.. E S.. P)

33= 1 6.. A F…Arden Faith.. Father..of E.Family.

Only one problem I was the Big Brother of Arden .. he the vast immense… I as “A Man” expressed full circle via a song,, He Sings.. Holy Sacred… Satya.. and S L… Supreme Love.. S L A Y… the liars..

The question is since the equation is A Jay…and L J.
V K… Victor Kolo…
and the end play yesterday of the Bomb and its Explosion
American Spirit play…

AS and Kamora Herrington who had promised to bring some yesterday and today.,, and Stephen who wanted some .. but mine had ran out…

Ah to be served food by people who … he had stated… “I cook clean i do it all alone I had responded to what I felt was a convenient
Kamora has only cooked for me twice and each became a play…
I get no pampering or travel all over, have sex, play adventures meet new people without it being a play in which I can not stop being aware that everything they say is intel which gets me out of this hell hole of a life and body or helps me solve the riddle.

No, do you understand.. ?
I am more important than an E Family, I am their source, summoning into being and existence and awareness and now soon embodiment here and now…
But through such a play?

No, there is none as I here except a 19 month old beautiful yet terrible devil and a 17 year old who declares in a way, I have no need of thee.. and yet why am i here solving both their riddles and enslaved?

Where is my money.. my gold .. remember Au.. Gold… the play I did and resolved of the false accusation .. Elevator Man… The Safe… Gold…
The Fridge… “Addiction” to the Alcohol.. Spirits.. The Spirit world drugs- cannabis… pills.. food…bad habits of not giving credit to all that you use and abuse and thus it possesses you..

Yes Heart attacks and people going crazy is the mark of the awakening of those still trapped in characters and ideas of their own making .. their ow version of who they are and see themselves as… even though it is not the true, or the truth when they look in the mirror,.
And what is a mirror … not glass of sand…of time.. it is the reflection of one who sees you when they look at you… its the look of two people looking it each others eyes and seeing each other so clearly, that they for a moment.. and eternity cease to exist , as you find yourself drowning blissfully into the knowing and exploration of each other, until you are no longer you but he or she and vice versa .. and that is how the I & I became I…

I have been tested and the spirit of jealousy used again and again to test and choke me.
Belsize Park, London 1991.. that is when a young cool good looking man asked if he could give me a reading by simple touch and looking in my eyes… and had told me.. my greatest cause of my suffering in the future which included an Apple was my inability to recognize Jealousy…That they would be the cause of horrors done to me… and he asked my favorite Flower.. which is the Rose.
I never forgot that but I also recall telling him that I knew what jealousy was, but that it did not exist and so, that is why it seems as though I do not see when its rises in people

6:59 p.m.. 7:00 p.m right now.

Yes, I am aware that I am being moved, i wanted to get some things .. ever since Stephan and his friends were here…But here i am .. but I am aware… and I chose to post because it yes, a new facebook friend..
Elizabeth Hinds Davis
E H D..

I am still at 1 484 Facebook Friends.
And she has arrived unaware that she had been moved by a play of yesterday was its culmination of 18 Alexander Grove my birth…
18 Mountain View Donna O Sullivan ( 57-58 age car etc… and John Delguidce Blackwell ( 19 64) linked by Yr 365… 366 Leap Year.. 2-29-2016-2020…

Yes I am at 29…
J S- 29 Sacred portal 10= J
8-29-2019.. :5656 play last challenge to prove The Creator is a man.
T C… Tom Chris…Twins C C.. 3/3= A.. Arden…
then I arrive after Tom…or when he was supposed to leave so that the ECT…T C E equation could be completed.

ET C …I Etceterra.. E T C E Terra Firma..
Lama Foundation.
C AMA Foundation
C F.. 6 12 is 6 3… at completion.
F C Full Circle… Ophichius Aclespius.

63 Sacred portal Atlantis…man with Sheba…
63= 9…6 x3 = 18.

18 Alexander Grove. AG
18 Mountain View… M W.
Not MOM.. Moma yes but Mom…

9 18… I R… E..
27.. back to 9.. 14…I N.. I A D…
23.. W..Double VV… Vie. 5 8.
E H…I.

H.I E?

This play is the HI to E.. to me

Kasien Thompkins 11-29-63.
Egypt Vision proven true.
Animal Gods.. Egyptain Gods.
A G… E G…

Its completes at 5 8.

13 are the Manipulators who go too far…M
Alicia Norris A Nixon…
M A N.. M A N… 13 13 85 58.. 13 13.. 1 26…. A B F… H.. HI..E Quantum.

Elizabeth means “Satisfaction… Oath Vow” completed.

Hinds means

Contribute your knowledge to the name Hind
An Arabic name, possibly meaning a “group of camels.” This was the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad. Also it means the brave courageous girl and the smart attractive girl add to this it means SWORD and it has the meaning of 100 years .”

My comment response to Stephens comment on my post yesterday “Get him a Violin” i had responded that I have one and that I am holding a Sword.. a Flaming Sword”

Yes the Sword of Truth,
as for 100= C.. in Roman nunerals,
Sacred portal 100..
I B AT E… 001 / 100.

Davis… D A.V.. IS..
It means “Beloved” ( From the name David) and “Son of David”
in the Bible he is King David .. K D 11 4.. Kim Arthur Hines birthday…linked to Kamora Herrington…

Elizabeth Hinds Davis
E is Harmony Destruction.
@ 1 484 facebook friends… time now is 7:28 p.m

7-28-1964… Nnonyelum Okolo age code evolved to 65…male version.
Jonn Delguidce 19 64..

E H.. @ D..
58 attained in the 4th Dimension which Humans call mind.
But they have no true mind… of their own and most are Heartless and artless crude and cruel.. they threw it into Davy Jones locker and sold their sold to the Beautiful Devil for power and Gold.

Beauty is Power is on the blue based and golden form of the Cupid… Yes.. CUP..ID… is Jeron.

E H is Son of the Beloveds.. is Beloved…

7:33 p.m.

Beloved E…?
After what I have been put through… and even now today they still demand more posting and living in this state and holding my wealth and fortune because with money my own wealth do you truly think I would be here…in someone else’s home still proving ..

I know how to fix my body and the knot on my thigh and my wings… Merited Earned…created by me and awarded to those who are of the true E Line.
And apart from this script telling me who qualified – as Stephen I do no believe in the script at all, there is no person I have met in this world who is E and since i have exemplified the E nature and way of being consitently and not moved to violence and mean spirited cruelty.. despite all that was intentionally done to me… to test provoke.. torment me with these endless unfit people unclean, and mad to clean them and watch many them sink back down like swine into the muck of the love for foul and filthy shitty expression I was obviously Needed and used…to keep the Avatars Descendants of the E awake.

No, there is no E present here, except perhaps 5 5 5 .. 3… and that is only because i was sent to Train Couch Explain to them what it is to be of E and why you are a canditate.

But I would never impose such a price and cost to make that which I know manifest with E A S..
American Spirit…
Only myself ended up with that – which one forgot and the other needed because he did not have or buy for himself.

A S… 1 19…
Alexander Steven x 4 5… 6 to EA.
E- A.S…E… E A S Y… The Sunshine state of mind.

Oh those who use that which was sacrificed for them … are now being used as ultimate sacrifices in turn.. do not worry we will throw you money and all comforts before you are sent down into the pit..
But there will be no E nor Holy Espirit to use… we take I away that which was a gift to guide and comfort you.. the truth.

Rise there.. and each has that leisure to prove why they are equal to I and the E…
Nome Alaska the 49th State.. the 4th Kind… now real but the E version with salt and pepper added…

7:49 p.m.

Yes 7.. is Violet.. Purple…Note Solfegio based on Sound Healing the Body…Dna its the note of T…20th letter… Tom.

So yes, the Nannies… God Mothers.. Grand and great mothers… why are they so prominent in this end play…
Strangers who love and cee the children of others so well…
Angelina Jolie…
Lot and the Two Angels…is a clue.

1 484… 1 A O… A 16.
Autumn Smol..Aurelia…M A N..

1 16… 17.

There is no one present I can say based in my being the source e who qualified in Human form as except youths.. and none of them spoke for themselves on my page…
I was made to speak for them instead.

Talk about taking advantage…

My answer to the impersonators of the E moved by the Evil Ancestors Memory.. i say quietly…
Go To Hell…
Burn with the Blue Flame..

But I felt so much lighter after speaking with Jeron… liberty seeing aurelia… but mention of Arden .. brought pain for a moment…
I do not require that reminder…

Which is why … I am done with all that and especially this deceitful play…

I decide what is E Transparently…
Loves Conscience Loyalty Fraternity Equality… Freedom to Be Harmonious
not mannerless morons and arse holes…

8:00 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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