
10/19/2019 23:30 – Facebook Post

10:29 p.m

Jay. A MAN.

For goodness sakes people
This is a play..

There is no Evil

Just Evil Actions which cause others hurt and pain.

There is no Dark Wizards, just humans forces memories using Knowledge not revealed to all.
Science Arts which people use.

There is no Imperfection in Existence only Perfection.
And this was a Story of why Harmony Equality is necessary and Fair Play.
The Cause and Effect which in this case goes all the way back to Human Creation Srories.

What people act out, create, by not obeying Universal Rules, Eternals Laws create these demons which take form.and shape.

The Story of Life and Death was created as a school for people to understand Why E Harmony is Supreme and Rose.

The Demons and things ( none of which are real ” Harry Potter’.. Ridiculouso!
Was for Humanity to understand why only E Harmony Rose in the Eternal Beginning)

This Game..
Serious Game, allowed all peoples cause abd effects of how they
Why do you think the Evolution Awakening is happening only after the Age of Reason

People were allowed to see the manifestation visually of what they created and by seeing the result, could pause, go back and see the Cause and Effect of their actions created and chose to correct it or not.

Those who feel superior, self entitled, or who ignore their conscience are not Human.
Because that is not Natural.

Anne McHugh just sent me messages and of course replied she felt that it was not comming from me but how she doesnt want to be around people who let such expressions of carelessness manifest.
She has had it with doing that work of Explaining and Transforming.

She said it is no her Job anymore.

* Notice our Harmony?

Mine neither
She spoke of the Code 7 22
22 7 V.G. Video Game.

7 22 is the correct view meaning that she us not in the Matrix
7:22 in yellow was in my Locker in the Shelter..
I am outside of this Matrix as she.
And I am so done with comming down.into this vibration forced to rescue and clean people.

11:01 p.m

I dont want to train, explain people or remind people of what is common sense, much lees remind them that the real play is evolution

If people wish to behave as arrogant concieted children who feel they are so important that everything is about them..
Throwing temper tantrums and snide remarks everytime they are reminded that there is consequence of forgetting or that this is the Evolution Ressurection.

11:05 p.m For Petes Sake let them be and do as they wish.

The Human Species of Children and worse, the abomimation of Grown ups still acting like rotten, willful children .. bullies.
When Children are Beautiful Illusions who represent the Body as Truth..
Evolution is to Beautiful Youth.

Equality Fairness Beautiful Harmony is Beautful Youth which everything evolves to.

There are no demons not created by people, all is created by either Love Truth Consciousness not Fear and Competition.. or taking advantage of others even children, especially children and Youths..


11:11 p.m

Here comes the True Illusions lies, taking on Form and imbued with Energetic a Truth show you that there really is consequence and with this level of Enders Game.
There is no second chance.

I am the Last chance and A.M is line of the Dawn Awakening she and all her line do not have to even look at Human Parasites who take and take and even get surly and cruel when you do not let them drain your life force and even go so far as to attack.

I was the Last Chance.
S A M. E..
And what I have witnessed….
So unbelievable the arrogance of some Creatures, who actually get furious if you exert your own will..
Express fatigue, desire to chill.


Video Game.. be damned.
Watch my Response programmed to completion in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

And a special Respinse to those who challenged to this point
Expression of such dis respect for
Natural Law.
Universal Law.
Eternal Law.

N U E. L.L.L.

Nue. “Naked. 36 O degrees”
As I was forced by Them to Be
Checked every nook and cranny even
Inappropriate Invasion of my inner sacred sancticity.

They Dared.

No its everyone elses turn.

11:20 -21 p.m

K T. K.U.

Watch what my Sum Total of my past..
The Truth – not me at present.
But my Past now caught up with me in the Present has instore for you.

11:22 p.m

David Cecilia..
D C ..E

I was sought to.alert and warn
This is not as before, where you thought life time after life time you thought you were getting away with Ego Tripping and killing.people willy nilly with Dominance abd Control.

No this is Enders Game..
And I heard Anne McHugh tell me what she has endured.

And I witnessed first hand how her.pure clean intel was ignored picking and choosing what to take in and to discard..
Especially at this juncture of The End..


Give them.what they deserve desired

11:28 p.m

Help Remind Them Nnamdi E S. And P
The true meaning of End of the World.


I a

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