
10/18/2020 22:07 – Facebook Post

Alicia Norris aligns to the Heart of Darkness is Love Supreme.

She sent me the gifts which included a crystal :Rose Quartz.

R Q.

Little Fires Everywhere…
L F .. E..
Lama Foundation Equality.

F L E…/ E is F L… 6 12….
Emeka Arden 6-12 2003.
6 12 6 12= 12 12 = 1… 18 18= 1.

1 18.. 1 9. A I Armor Ifunanya C..

An unfortunate play took place today with Kamora Herrington which highlighted what I had written to her earlier today when she had scheduled to make dinner after I had offered her 30.00 usd to make the dinner she had made before but had been in a play.

This time I alerted her to the fact.

And my entire mood transformed from light to murderous fury.
My day began at 1:38 p.m after another hellish night.
I love people but not the Human People in the consciousness of .. well they are not even conscious they are Dead.. Late… the Grateful Dead content to live in an illusion of themselves.

I avoid people, and wish no contact with them until after the awakening for this very reason…

And I expressed that irritation and anger with Kamora.
I had realized in hindsight why I had offered 30.00 usd to her for the meal, her son Joseph is 30 years old.
She was not meant to have come here with Isaiah, and the post proceeding her arrival 7:04 p.m and The Its Finished of Eri …

7:45 p.m

Yes, 7.. and 4.5 billion years Earth.


Kamora Herrington was late, and yet as Stephen before her she was in Harmony even in bringing Isaiah because it confirmed her as sacred portal 49 Activated by this play. Just as Stephen Esteban’s play had activated Terrible Death.

But as I mentioned before, but it is not in Harmony with me, and why would anyone enact such a play…?

7:49 p.m.

Such an offense to the E as I & I.

The constant creation of problems by simply being forgetful about what this is… If they were neophytes and had no clue what was going on that is one thing- but these people “The Chosen ones.. to act and star in this play had been chosen their who life’s and had asked for it and prepared for it, receiving extraordinary blessings.

I loathe this play, but have been the one despite its allowing of the reckless abuse of the authority I represent, but it insults my own personal dignity as a man who has devoted my entire life to proving the beautiful truth of humanity and its origins.
All the scholarship… my mother “died” as well as my grandmother because of this work and this force which did this me to make sure I would do what comes naturally.. and Aid… help…

Its is the reason I can not be around people, and it is what i told Kamora as i wrote to her, icy in my word but warm inside because this was not about me.
I was and had been doing this work and acting as a medium and messenger for all the Higher and Highest and now the One Supreme Self.
I resented having to engage with people who as I listened to Kamora invite me to her home to eat where her son Isaiah, whom she wished me to meet but the natural harmony made it that I could not. I had met Olusanya Bey in perfect natural harmony but she had also brought him here without telling me, and again with Isaiah whom she indicated would be over in 5 mins with her. I was given no choice.

7:59 p.m


Now, yes, i could solve the riddle to get her and the line of the planet off the play of consequence cause and effect.
But I do do wish to.
And I am aware of the fact that my body my, e-spirit, all enacted towards her that fact in agreement.
And her son had to witness my speaking to her in a way that did not endear me to him.
Its was just so much more added work, just to give her what i realize, was a second chance to repeat that play of that day… I had not intended it to be a play of second chance, not for Africa as the World, but to her personally. In fact it is only as I write now, am i seeing the play and why my stomach is thundering.

Harmony has to grow up and become independent and thus, I leave .. we leave the world which was in such a mess, now cleaned up and in Harmony. And given as the two men now three in one to our little sister .. and brother 8 8 to hold onto… But it was Unity Faith Harmony represented as and through the line of Stephen Esteban, representing the y as she does but also the y chromosome a male with sixth sense as the one who attained Perfection.. in awareness expression and Supreme Love light laughter lightness and Beautiful Rage…

In his play you will recall his arriving never ever late for the E play response.. in 3d things and illusion.. he is always late, but that is of no true import to the E play although annoying and a very bad habit – it is seen as lack of manners and basic consideration for others.. But everyone who knows Stephen, know that he has vastly improved because he began to pay attention to the cause and effect.

I resent that I had to be once more dragged into this vile play of observing humans disrespect knowledge never before shared and of a value which is beyond price less and still ignore the Evidence and Facts.

I resent having to look at the truth of each interaction and resolve this to the two 88 Boy Girl that even in this play of ascension of harmony in the world people that it is the male form who is the is made the President and the famle form the Hostess.

Kamora Herrington was also late because at 18:58 hundred hours she sent me a photo of the food having fallen to the ground.
18 58… sigh.

She had given the date as today, the time as between 6:00 p.m – 6:30 p.m which if you look at the string of images including “Mama Ojugo Dawn- my grandmother Lucy…Celia Cecilia…Carol-line.
and others, you can see that not only did my E-Spirit but that my Body as Wu-Man.. ( link the Holy of Holies.. and yes where ever I stand stay is Holy ground because of the Presence in me…Link the Hebrew holy of holies, and how I created with the sponsorship of Billy Hung where it was set up with the aid of two movers both young dudes called Anthony… yes.. A J here the 20 year old first name is Anthony- it means Flower.
Yes Lotus Flower…
In Hebrew law to pass through the Holy of Holy.. you passed the incense … “Satya” and the Show bread table… Your Body …Pure… and the Blood .. Wine Red Adam-a.. Only Samuel was able to pass through all other High Priest who tried died.

I did not even let my younger brother come to see me in K E W.. gardens.. ( yes Olivia Pope.. O P.. Olivia Burgos Kerry Washington K W… and Reese Witherspoon R W… R A W… W A R…)
No one was allowed there except Lil Eric Samuel Brown… Billy was allowed but as he got infected by doubt and ego became dirty.. he was given a stroke…

This portal is Holy, Sacred and only the ones God.. or the One moving in me permits can cross over.. come here…
It for their protection… I turned my brother back because he was coming with hurt anger and that was what billy became and almost died but I knew it was more to stop him from disturbing my “sacred duty” and his lack of respect.

I have no desire to translate the meaning of the play which took place today- it is never pleasant is it…? Not with humans.. from the moment I got up.. It was not me…
I realized this when i saw the date 18.

18 Mountain View where i had spent 9 months to the day, invited there to Woodstock.. Poughkepsie where I had been invited from the shelter- leaving from bed 49… Yes.

I met Donna Sullivan ..D S she was 58- her car had the same code.. her father Robert..born 19 57..58…But her husband born 19 64… Jonn Delguidce J D 10 4.

Yes Sacred portal 104 “Terrible Death”
Delguidce means “From the Judgs Bench… J B .. or “Chambers” J C.
“Sullivan” means “Hawk Eye” H E.

If you recall, I left the play there via Donna’s portal of 58 E H…
and that knew who I was via his non stop dreams and then ability through music to transcend to see things which are all reported and recorded on my page from 2015 to April 19th..( 4-19.. D S/ S D ) and returned to the shelter a year and a day – the one extra day I consciously added fully aware that i stayed out walking around new york until the one extra day was complted and found myself moved to bed 007 J B…
Jonn changed his name from ‘Delguidce” to “Blackwell” his portal is Egypt the Nile.. crocodiles… Anbis Maat… he had visions of that when I was there.. Donna on the other had could see the numbers of the matrix and her first degree was in Trancedental mediation and childrens opera music .. DMT and saw the Blue Family of I… E..

And so I knew when Jon came to me one day and said that with great love and compassion “Emeka it will end soon and that it would be victorious…” I knew that when he spoke like that, that his true self and highest self were delivering a message…” I was already exhausted by the constant fatigue of both my physical and mental existence, and most crucial of all the already total detoriation of trust by the rug being constantly being dragged out from under my feet.

2015-2016… That was 5- 4.5 years ago give or take…
Do you blame me, for it is what takes places in the interim which is so bloody awful…
Imagine a person taking advantage that no one knows the rules of the play except for the one moving me and myself in human form .. fully aware and no one else because after already 7 + years on facebook, documenting proving and demonstrating the play and its responsibility being in everyones hands… especially the chosen ones who are either my facebook friends each representing a line of thought and being in this world and the hundreds of face book friends who came saw and left…

But then all this is written on my page… Book… E manual and so yes, I resent this being used for a play which had already taken place over and over again through out human history….
That I already knew this story as that of the family of T.EN..

I was the Source in that original play I played Daddy O H. O E.. and my feminine side.. Supreme Love… Loves Expression …
Stephen Loli..Emeka…. Joshua ( EM I)
I was already in a nightmare…And the worst of all having to interact with human children focused only on what they need… greed… not even real because this was and is a play of A and E…
Crowning a new species via Arden line NNamdi… A N.
Alicia Norris A N..A Nixon she sent me a message about today…

Thus it is Kim Arthur Hines as the original Harmony and before that Esteban Stephen all male.. form as well as y chromosome.

Deaf..D. E A F… 45 Alien Father… no he knew as I knew, since I am the original one to play Alien Father that no one is deaf, people in their conceit and self centered self interest being the true guiding principle proven as the true motivating factor to connect and not Supreme love and certainly not Compassion or Empathy…

There will be no third chance… and as proven this script was really all about gaining proof evidence and solid facts to prove this species out of existence and to bring forth a destruction of all Nature Universe and the U S… ( Albert size 13) and the Maze Matrix by observing peoples response and the actors representing the People of this world but undercover the E.. which i had to retrieve..

Thus, this play is a repeat of the past which was challenged to such a degree, and the people allowed to go so so far in order to gain the approval to destroy this species but with a consequence never ever meted out before and will never ever happen again because this is the end of this 13.8/ 13.8 Billion years nature… and 4.5/ 4.5 billion years planet and the 1 million / 1 million years existence of the “Idea” coming alive to prove that they as creatures who could not enter the original play, because they refused to rise, to be given one last chance… an act of mercy, i did not approve of nor did my twin aspect…

Celia brought me a gift of bread and sugar doughnuts today an hour or so before Kamora arrived.

I do not like speaking to people in sharp ways, simply to get their attention because they chose not take this, or this Presence seriously…
Or that a Child was allowed to come here and see my body and me in this condition without being briefed…wearing a T-shirt saying “Incite” in Light Green,.. instead of “Insight” – I gave him a gift but i was furious as the man Emeka… “Is he always like this” he had asked amused…
I did not hold him responsible at all but my anger with Kamora will be eternal and that is why she and the line she represents inherit the world and though of the E Family she and her lines must stay and be cut from the E Family with her lines remaining as that Inspiration and to learn the lesson her Big Brother left her..
Now walk in my shoes… in a cleansed world.

9:16 p.m.
I P.

I loathe writing these posts because it is so so rare that they give me anything to record or past that is of Beauty even as destruction and Kamora does not represent Beautiful Transformation… but the feeling in me of Fury Rage… F R…
Ferrill Rielly… ?

No me as the true meaning of Nick Fury..
Neil Furby…

9:19 p.m.
I S..

Zoe Spiegel is my last facebook friend… 14 89…103… J C… Judges Chambers…

Zoe means “Life”

Spiegle means “Mirror” and To Look… To See”

Life is a Mirror which one must look at to See…

* Meaning & History. Means “life” in Greek. From early times it was adopted by Hellenized Jews as a translation of EVE.”

German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors, from Middle High German spiegel, German Spiegel ‘mirror’ (via Old High German from Latin speculum, a derivative of specere ‘to look’).

Take a Look in the mirror .. tell me what you see..”

Jimmy Cliff.. J C….”Judges Chambers.”

Jonn Delguidce…
J D… 104.. 14 N 1+4= 5..E
J … D N E…/ E N D…J… Jay Jeron..

I see that I am now at 14 84 Facebook friends..

Yes A D….H D… After D… Anno Domini ( Julian and Gregorian calendars… J G… 10 7… yes… 🙂 Sacred portal 107…See the meaning of both names… :Youth…Down bearded youth… and the Watchers)…

See sacred portals 88 and 89…
All done and so we are back at 14.. 84… 98.. which is no longer the 00989 car rep by Kamora Herrington it is done completed in this play of too much mercy shown to a species who thought that the mercy was a weakness when in truth it was to reach Arden at the 64th portal connected to Jonn D B..and D S…
Jonn Donna.. J D.
Donna Jonn… D J.

And so the delay for how many months since I met Kamora… via Tree- Kim.. ?
End of July..to middle of October…2 and half months + almost 3…And what did it really resolve…
Do you recall my state of mind when i arrived here after 10-11 months at the 64th portal in 19.6 years fill circle 64 6…

Esteban arrived in perfect timing to the play of H I E….as both Hi Emeka…

9:40 p,m
impossible Dream
I David.
Independence Day…
22 months …
Sponsor ship…
E M F play full circle.. Connecticut…

It true .. the outcome was set and all the actors had to play their roles and say their lines… but it was all about how you played your roles- your interpretation of it… give clues as arden did when his plays were intolerable… he made it so… Stephan Esteban driving me crazy but inspires laughter…and righteous anger…and his generosity of spirit and his sincere hurt of this play he endured and seeing me in this state…

Kim… the deep deep understanding… Wisdom and Knowledge of seeing me truly…his Trust.

I must stop now… Forced to focus on this to see the perfectly acted and written Little Fires Everywhere…. F L E…E…

Yes… unless your foundation is Love Foundation Evolution… is Empathy….
Freedom Liberty Equality.. and Fraternity…

What will happen to Kamora and the line she represents… is she safe?
I will be honest with you.. I do not know because I can not be bothered to decode the play… So I honestly do not know.. or care… nothing personal ….
and yet it is.. and private.


see sacred portal 91…Ms Manners
Aka Madame Hell Fire… especially the little things such as being late in a play where all the cards where tipped in your favor and on the macro scale .. all for your benefit while another suffers in physical torment for you… and still you can not hear or listen except to the sound of the voices in your own head….

The Devil is in the Details.. Lord God.. Jah fire in the Big picture and me.. the man .. a man caught in the middle of a cat fight.

Pretty Little Liars… P L L..

But this Little Fires Everywhere…Ah that was brilliant.. a brilliant expression of my experience with the “White Woman mentality”… Angry Black Woman and the double standards of both acting as if they are God – Self Righteous blinded by their own light that they become Blind…walking the earth in Blind ignorance to thier own responsibility and perpetuating and creating in thier expression children husbands community their superiority…

This is what they did not sacred portal 87 … These mothers…of the World… Hypocrisy Jealousy Spite … That is the mess the E and I cleaned up…

first Mrs America and then that mini series… I was so irritated when my hand opened it up to that series … but soon I understood why … and then I saw what Kamora Herrington posted and i had to comment…

If you are playing a role… don”t get carried away by your own Drama and forget the point and even the cause… the case.

Yes i am here posting all the resolution of conflict people create… non existent problems they create from Nothing wrong and even with all the answers given and even direct access to me, web site, facebook page.. people who know the play… and you chose to take that for granted as your due…

So let me take that all away as well as my presence and my blessing…

10:07 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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