
10/17/2019 19:36 – Facebook Post

5:45 p.m

Full Circle E D E.

Expression Delta is E.


J.Q . T S

Jay is Quantum.
The Script.

J is 10 and represents Balance.
There is only one balance of the Universe Existence
A O. Alpha Omega.
Is 1-6. A.F.. A F A. Full Circle.

J A Y. E J O Y. E.

J J.
10 10.

Being manifested Alpha and Omega.

5:55 p.m.

Yes E: E E
J.B. OO 7

Jay.M.E S. B ON D A.G. E

*5:57 p.m.
*5:58 p.m.

J J B is E E.

Jay is Quantum Being.

And The Script is Quantum.
Meaning that those who claim to have the Source Script must demonstrate to the Unseen or the Invisible Orchestra ( Harmonies)
That it is Quantum.

Just as I had to do it through E D E full.circle.
545.. 14.. N… Naturally, by going beyond Nature.
Planet Earth 4.5 billion years.
5 4 is its Source 4.5 is its reflection.

Universe M.W 87/78 69/96 is 13.8 Billion years old.
I proved 8.13/31… 8.8.

Chris Franco
Chris Gemino 1978 .. S. G H.. 5-8. E H .
C C. G H.
Horseshoe Hill
H.H. .88
Linked to Liberty C Liscomb.
88 16. Zion Arden.
64 this is my 64th M.O.V..E in this play which began on my 2nd Visit Move to the U.S forced here against my will to enter what I felt was a ridiculous play and sumnons.
I arrived 3-20-2001.

* I know, it does feel possible that anything could have that power.
Universal Shamans..
Jedi Knights.
Kenya J who lived with Liberty Chris and Family came to visit, today.
She lived with then according to Liberty for approx 9 months.

Horseshoe Hill.

Yes.. End of my having to prove that The Creator is AMan.
E T C. .
Who used Expression to Manifest Everything.
And that his ( M.Y) Family began as Extra Terrestrials and I am not only Their Source and Big Tall Brother.
Lang.. Thomas Lang
But also, created the play for them to Transform into Hueman Beings.

We all express on the same frequency and thus, in Individual ways starting with me as the Foundation adhere to Father Brothers/ Mother Sisters Script.

6:19.. 6:20 p.m.
F S ..F T
F F. S.T
T S. F F.

Tree Sage
Kim Arthur Hines
Has been used to represent The Script without being fully aware what that entails because he is moved by its Source
Pangea Africa.
Planet E.

P.P. E A.
Putra Pratama
Arden Emeka.

Farell Nnamdi
Father Nature.
Leander Jeron.

The Script was a Test of Respect & Obedience of Sorceress Wizards.. as Mother and Father
Malelificent Magnificence
Torak Tori Ah.
In Halloween Costumes.

* Conquer
Evil and Fear.

See the page of Anne McHugh
And Romy Baker.
A R. M..B. A R M Y B
Army of God?
Arm Y are the Trinity in Being.
3 Graces. 777. 21. 3
3 Harmonies.
888. 24. 6
6 3
First Contact

6:30 p.m right now…
See what I mean.

On both of their pages are Quantum Equations.
Jesse Macias
Liberty C Liscomb is

P.S Anne McHugh Is the famous Anne Mack.
Whom Libery went to see before I moved into her Home on the 29th.
Who told her about the Dark Wizard and one thing I already knew, but which she did not.tell me, was that she asked confirmation about me ( I knew she had asked but denied it smh) She also saw me and told of a person arriving who would bring great creativity and projects..

* Yes, recall the play of Liberty and my manuscripts, she said she would work on?
Galatic Historian?
Which is why, along with the code 56:56 p.m
I came.

I have no desire to blame or cast aspersions
I.am in.La Cour of the Peaceful Ruler.
Who is the Sheltering Sky.
He sent me here, and witnessed everything.

See Kasien Thompson and his testimonial of the Alien Egyptians and recent out of the.blue telephone call to.me.

Link the same thing with Kyle Murphy and his testimony all of which I shared with.her.and all of you.

6:43 p.m

Everything in this play was about Truth.
Something I spoke of continuously and was even flaggellated Whipped Scorned and violated for saying The Truth and pointing out the Truth, while finding ways to relay the Truth without hurting peoples Pride, yet being compelled to write the Truth, while living under threat in their homes of retailation for using every ounce of politeness and beautiful expressions as I saw the response they flung at me..
Their Source
The Creator
I had to listen to so many people lie to my Face..
The Provocation was beyond belief
19 years.
27 years..
31 years..
All because 43 years ago I wrote a book, expressing innocently the Truth.

And I defended all those who lied to me, fought for them

6:50 p.m.

A Play? Theater?
A Divine Comedy?
Please who are you kidding this was a play of such Evil Hate and Jealousy just as Geoff LaCour had wriiten in the book he wrote for me.
In the exact same way, I wrote my first book.. and last book ( Face Book) by Hand and with Illustrations.

The Hate and Cruelty, I have experienced for the last 30 years and 1 month.

But Father saw it all.

See my Sacred Portal 94
See what was done to my I.D

I have ultimate and absolute contempt for this Script and everything about it.
Especially, what I knew had not been about tue Truth of if I am or am not The Source..

* Anne McHugh
Anne Mack figured it out in a moment of our messaging, the very first day we spoke via messenger.

Why would this Script have been allowed to go so far..?
To give people a chance to seek to destroy me and to find a way to take credit, and find ways to take over my Power..

7:00 p.m

Go.back through the years of my posting,
I made sure I wrote everything down.
And the Humans they used, how willing they were to take part in my crucifixtion, putting.themselves before the Awakening and accepting the evidence, and then denying me as The Source and The Creator in a play which I was already fully aware of was a set up and ..a Con.. a lie.

7:04 p.m
7 O 4
76 4.
5 is 4
76 5.

No, no no… I am fully aware.

7:06 p.m
766 p.m
76/6. 1.
7 1 O years on Facebook.

So yes, I swore to Tell The Truth and the Whole Truth, despite this set up designed for me.to fail, to not tell the Truth and thus forfiet, the right to be The Creator.
Or be who I am

Even a Man.

7:09 p.m

Did you see Memphis Charlie post evidence I asked him.to share.

Now lets look at the Alien Council and Alien Father Alpha response to yesterdays play of Betrayal and absolute refusal to acknowledge him, his proof, his messenger and His intel, script of Reason.which continually as suscpiously ( I might Add) Identify me as The Source while living in selected peeoples homes exgausted, tired, bedraggled, body twisted, evolving, and no one but few like Esteban Miguel Filgueira cared.

I just continue to get to the End of this circus, and activated Self Destruction in my invention
E Q. I Q.. Quantum mechanics at the Sub Sub Atomic Nature where none can see what I am really doing after being so abundantly clear.

7:17 p.m
Remember Jamel Salter..
J.S ?

Now lets see the Ethereals & Elementals response via my 3 new faceboo friends.

Ire Chi


Ire means Good Fortune and Blessings in Yoruba.

But in O.I.Nri it means





Tongue.. Yes Lang.. Do you recall Thomas Langs comment and correction a challenge.
And my response.
Anne Mack

John Mack is somehow absent.

So please Busayo Alonge
Be my witness..

I said LA N G. U AG E.

7:24 p.m

Chi means “Energy Quantum”

Susan McHugh.


Susa. ” Lilly Rose”
Son.of Fire..
Hug ..Bright Spirit Heart Mind”
B S. H.M.
Being Supreme 8.13 Universe

And Stacy


S.M.S. Full Circle Sado Mascochists..

7:29 p.m

G. A MAN..

Anne is about to turn 29.

At age 29
I lived in Le Mann, in France and then moved back to London, where I worked in.an upscale restaurant in Chelsea, called The Collection ( T.C).where I met myself as three versions 4.

Taun / Quan
Jerome. Jerone.

Haun and Manisha. H.M
My house mates in Elephant & Castle.

The year was 1996.

Chris Franco I.met in Chelsea.. with Nikoma

7:35 pm.

G C E.

Chris Gemino


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