
10/17/2014 2:59 – Facebook Post


I just watched the latest Captain America…C.A
It was put on by my former host…

I just finished the codes of that..did I not.

Consciousness and Awareness…
Required Exemplification of Being..
To complete the code A.B..C…
D.E seems to be aligned…

I am not sure if anyone is or has been following the gist and logic of all this connecting the dots…
But it is of no matter, I have to continue linking..I have no choice and it is within me, this rocket fuel of words…
Sacred Portal 123…Ah.Be Ce that is where we are now.

I am not home…
My body tissues fibre and muscles, even my.bones feel.like rubber.

The Portals where my few personal.possesions lie have been completed one after the other…
With Joe Joseph Carey at directly opposite The Bean.. And the code play of the Trueman Show and the J.C story the Beat Poets aligned with Al whom he knows and who are linked.

And with David P.G… Hi 5 and P.S…affirmed 19 yrs old real me…past.

With Nikoma at P.L and as Natures Mystery and Flow…the Border of time and Space…and the only Case returned to me in Harmony of the play script.

And with finally Pelham Bay Park (P.P..16 16..32…P.B.P…16 2 16…34…7.

I came to visit my former hosts drawn here magnetically once more- Galaxy phone stolen…had to use a computer… Non stop intel.

Here I have nothing..no belongings just the cloths I arrived on never believing the visit would last so.long.
Weaving night and day now on a boost phone with a fibre glass ray like tunnel as the screen saver communicating no longer on Galaxy Sam Sung but on Air plane mode A.P…

Code after code Al transmitts to.me often completey unaware of and if he is…well he lives here now…

But he still.transmitts and somehow I am still here…again, the same routine of 8 yrs..and decoding…

I have been seeing the code of Captain America every where…
I tried to ignore it…more work, more stimuli..
It started near the end of the work with David P. Gill…I already knew.

Albert my.former host reminded me that there was only one man who defeated Captain America in the comics…Black Panther..
One of my names and incarnations as the first Night as Death when I confronted the illusion in the “Nothingness transformed into the Espirit world versus the Spirit world of Fear the Child Man..
See Back posts.

The Alter Ego of Captain America is Steve Rogers…yeah last F.B Friend Jude “Praise” Rogers who had so Elegantly lived up to.her name meaning…
His alias was “Nomad”…
Yes My E mail name…
The Elegant Nomad T.E.N…
J..is 1O…
A.O…aka 1Full Circle…a Planet.

All portals where my things were placed have been solved.
I.do not have to go.back.
I solved the correct portal out of Pains Labrynith..

I am Pan B.E Pantheon…look at my Face Book Image…

P.E.L. H.A.M. B. A Y.. P…ARK…

All a Matrix a Maze a Labrynith…Five layers Of Weaves of layers of the Collective dreaming…to Six…6th sense…7Billion people..7of 9…

Check the convergence of everytying even the sacred portals posted over and over again through out this long play..all the dates align to the present where.we are.

Captain America…Shield Hdyra…S.H…Onwu..Death…
Order Give the ppl Order..
Do.ppl realize that thier subconscious ideas movies are getting so near the actuality I have walked through and seen.were real..
But where are the heroes with great moral fibre who fight back…?

I have seen none of these..not in.this play not on F.B…everyone seems to.be comfortable in the physical while talking some speaking out on F.B or other social.media.
Well done the few..
But where are you Super Cool ultra Heroic humans depicted in the Movies which are literally depicting the Truth of the threat Evil growing and growing through.the ages until see it depicted on Film but who.fights back…

Who is Alexander…defender of Man
Where is Jesus Yeshua
Where is Achilles
Where is Marcus Aurelius
Where is Cleopatra
Where are your warriors..?
Your True Heroes..
Your Jasons of Argonaut
Even Lancealot…

Where are they to fight this great Evil which proved itself Is real…

Bitching and personal traumas
Personal.needs..Self Vaunting
Giving Advice and Critical Thinking without Exemplification of True Heroism which inspires song and ppl names to be set in the stars as your ancestors did are nowhere to be found.

Is that why so.many directors rummage through history recycling deeds of human heroism knowing of the Peril Humanity is, was in…

And the ppl hide in stories legends myths games bc they can not create thier own..
Even intellectual prowress has been banalized to.making a name a mark, seeking Fame Empty.glory…Competition to be seen heard be rich famous….

Where are your heroes and if they rise would you shoot them down, because in reaching for their Beauty that Heroic Nature, which By God, I do know is the Truth of The True Human Espirit, bc it reminds you of your own cowardice and the emptiness besides such majesty of simply.being True to our and onrs Nature…you see how much you have deceived yourself…how much you are a fraud.

Of Espirit Warrior was all you were asked to.be in.this age…the Espirit of Hercules Spinoza, Amazons…the Physical.Manifestation of these Heroes and Heroines of Lore transformed into Espirit Beings who never fall..

Whose wings embrace not ideals and masturbatory self ejaculation on our faces and rear end stained with feaces which the ask.you to clean for the have Ejaculated higher, come louder and that is the heroism of puny self which.they masquerade of Titans grandly going to.the Ball…

Heroes of Espirit, the Heroes of Law transformed for all was and Is Espirit and that was and is the Beauty of it all…

So, yes I was bound and tied up and trussed up.like a Christmas Turkey bc of my.True Nature recalls by simply being…the Truth of us all.

I am no.hero nor do I seek glory fame prestige…
I am just me
And for this I have been.given.this lamentable destiny…
For simply being me
And true to.me
Which is truly the truth of us all
And yet I stand alone even now

Calling out to.my.E and E.T family to unbind me from.this mission of generousity so bountiful and yet so cruely.met…

Where.are your heroes
Where are those.who should have stood besides me
Not cowards and thier cruel.sly cunning spite Jests…gestures of the unwilling to rise who dared for so long to.put the truth.to such awful tests…


Family line of Et E..
I.have solved your riddle
Thier riddles
To home I go beyond these cowards who.left onr man to stand alone against all the Evil of thier own cowardly Fears of Existence
And dare turn round and tell.me that it was a test…
If I was the one…
Who could pass this Enders Game E.G 57…Test

I would be gone from the company of such Cowards…
Soonest would be best.

Captain A…US…A.H

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