
10/16/2020 15:34 – Facebook Post

2:02 p.m.

P J. A…. Perfection J and A.

How It Ends.

H I… E.
H.. I E…
8-95/ 59 H.

I began Talking To The Silence- The Journals ( T.J) in 1989.

The main actor in the movie How It End is Theo James. ( T J)
*and yes Theo at Delta Manor- it was he and Alexa who convinced me to stay and who assigned me bed 5-019. ( E O S.. E O A I.)
William Young is who he plays.

W Y… Epic Young E Y.

And this is the epic play of the Yong versus the old- which has nothing to do with Age but rather their nature of being clean and A.G – being as 1-7 Rainbow Spectrum aligned and Ag “Silver” Silver Surfer.

2:20 p.m.

H I E also connects to 8.9 years on facebook… moving to 8.10 years.

And sacred Portal 89.
“The Sheik with the forked tongue holding at the Apex of the mountain the 8 ball which creates the chain reaction of Destruction. Harmonious Destruction.
Infinite Harmonious Destruction of this reality its system and a species long over due for extinction- a mind set if you will.
But this portal was not activated ( despite my incredulity of leaving me stranded with this infected beings of a selfishness and and perverted Ego and self importance that to the very end after all that was done for them, proven for them, the love and honor showed to them, and my having to cheat for them by supplying them with all the answers well after they had qualified and been proven to be of perfection but who instead chose to use their free will and choices to use this knowledge they should have figured out and chose not to pay attention to… even at the point of each being given the evidence and facts solid that the Source is a man and that this source is an Eternal Being who had been confined to a mortal body and unprecedented suffering as I sought to solve and figure out their plays and bring them back to their senses and who in turn not only took it for granted, but enacted out a sense of self entitlement arrogance and conceit which has left me time and time again in incredulity.

As most are aware, I came to brother what was once my Father Brothers truth, who in turn had set me up to prove my truth and in doing so set Him.. her free.

Sacred portal 89 is S D Santana Dharma Eternal Law.
E L… 5 12.. 17.
But despite all the notifications and ignoring the evidence and facts- still believe that they are above the Eternal Law. E L.

It is the reason I refused this play script, and eventually was taken over and forced to move through it with a quiet hatred of this species and the force of evil they created and are aware of and quite frankly do not give a damn as long as someone else is suffering in their stead.
There is no guilt in them, no shame… for feeding the evil they created which took over their Being in this realm.

There are no words to describe this play, the years endured and the mentality and nature so horrific of the abominations monsters called Adults monsters of this realm.


If you noticed, I did not post yesterday.
The truth is I did not feel like it, and I was focusing on the intensity of what is taking place in my body. One of thought by now that after 17 years of fighting to day and night with this slab of meat- muscle called the body after fighting for 17 years while dealing with the indifference of “The Chosen Ones” I was designated to meet, most of whom I would have never met or had any interaction with if it had not been for this condition- meaning that the conclusion one draws is that my body and movement control was intentionally done so that I could meet all these “Chosen Ones”.

Of course, that means that this was forced upon me, and that none of this was done by my free will, and choice and thus, it renders all of this a null and void.
Because it was not done by my free will but via extortion of a Black Male.
The only truth which it has come is the reason why this species have to cease to exist.
While the clean must Evolve.

You may recall the play at Whole Foods.
And how the play arranged for Esteban to pay for bill.

159.91 Usd.
That is equated to 1 59 91 based in the anchors of the script.

15 is O. 9 is I… 91 is A I… I A I..
That was played out I A I is the full circle F C.. 63… 63/36 Mirror.

159 91…
A E..99 1 has also been played out. Total Solar eclipse
Arden Emeka…
Athena Esteban has also been completed.

And so as I post today in Hindsight, I see and understand why I did not post yesterday- but was it my will or was it my Awareness occupied by the Eternal Arden the 17 year old who Alien Father Alfa has moved through me to create this play…
William Young… “Will I A.M.. Desire.. Helmet Protector of the Young, the Youth”.or was it Ardens Will as E..
A W E…

I am aware, that my will is being used as well as my body to complete the solving of the codes of the Eternal Family and release them by solving their riddles which release them from the grip of Terrible Death.

These creatures monsters will use Blame as their tool and false accusations .. they will do and say anything to get their way and if that which they want and feel they deserve is denied them…
The venom which comes out of them..smh.
This is the World and its reps I came to destroy.

I realized after Esteban Lali and Josh left, and the gate of the compound was left open, and I decided to leave it open for Celia – and yet another play began…
I knew i would never have peace of mind as long as i am still living with others, not even at this point is their Manners Respect of Expressions of appreciation.
This is not about freeing the Slaves … Abe Lincoln A L.. this is about the enslavers, those who use others constantly, and then flip the script to make it seem and appear that the ones they have enslaved are at fault.
They use rage and fury – terrible expression they will use any expression, money, self worth, gossip, to bring you down so that you can continue to be used by them.
Predators who act as though they are God and if you piss them off they will use venomous poisoned laced words to seek to bring you to heel.

Albert father of Royal and Reign was like this, and that is where the play of Alien Father alpha as the black hole began.
And the portal Generation X Gardens and 268 East 4th Street play began on 8-26-2006 and continued to 2010.. T J when I left and dragged back to that portal in 2012.. 2014.. and 2015 from where I went to the Green Point Assessment Shelter..
If you go back to then on my page you will see when a short movies was being shot at his home while I was there, it was called the “Black Cock” see sacred portal 49 Existential Death.. the Black Cock…
And my first bed was bed 49.
I was fully aware why i was being made to go into that place and what i was being asked to do…
Bed 49… then 007.. 7-8 ..7-9… 98/ 89… 17 17…1 34… 35. 8 8..1 16 17.

I was fully aware but i still fought the script because it had become something so vile and cruel that i did not wish to have anything to do with it.
It was not the E way.
That was 5 years ago.

H I..E.
How It Ends.

1 59 91…

See each sacred portal 1A…Arden
59 … Linked to Olusanya Bey
91 linked to Arden I.. And sacred Portal 91.. Ms Manners.. aka Madame Hell Fire.

That alone tells the story of what is in store.

See sacred Portal 107.

I found in the end of that day that On the Square Waves- that over the course of the last 2 months + I have been here, I had left coins on the black box and it came to 19.6 usd. S F… that its the time i have been in the U.S A.
It creates the code A I..F.. and S F…Sensational Feelings.
And I found that I had 160 usd in my wallet.

P.O.. Perfection full circle… P.F..= 22 V.
Todays date is the 16th and here i am posting because of play which took place yesterday….

How It Ends.

I took the coins away and placed them in my wallet and then I moved I found my Corner Stone which i found years ago while staying at 268 East 4th Street- I found it in Alpha Bet City on E Street.All recorded here.
I placed it there, and also removed the Flower Card Lotus Sanata.
I knew that it meant… No more Feelings Sensational on the E M Field an only those who are of and exhibit and Amazing Grace.. which what the corner stone has engraved on it..
How Sweet The Sound…
A G. Arden Gemino-Aurelia G.
H S He Sings…( Holy Spirit) Jeron Satya.

T S… Tree Sage…

* Liberty sent me a short clip of Jeron .. I had just been thinking about him… He was wearing the color purple and holding a green leaf- ( Alexa Vertefeuille Green leaf- he was using it to pinch his mother.. and the expression of laughter and chuckling which ensued as his mother let out on ouch was simply priceless…

Tree Sage… T S.. 20 19… 39 C I.. E.

A Green Corner stone.

Later that day- I found myself opening up a magazine called Rolling Stone… R S.with Grateful Dead ( G D 7 4 .. 11 28 = 39) on it and out slid a cardboard Sheet “Feuille” meaning leaf or sheet of paper in french…
It is purple… with the Sun and the Moon as a C on it and a passage way in between, encased or framed by the Circle above a Mountain range…
and in the corner another small circle with the code $ 10. on it which is the letter J.

written on the base is
Lama Foundation.

( L F… 12 6… 6-12 is F L.. Ardens birthday…2003.. 23 W…”

Arden and Jeron.
I placed in over the Square waves.- Spirit World.

In the afternoon, I sent Kamora Herrington a message and found myself asking if she could make that meal again for me and but I wished to give her something for it despite her saying she has EBT galore..

E Beautiful Truth.

Please see the play with Bed 005 in Assessment Shelter.
And EBT card code play at Staten Island with the dude who offered me his brothers two bedroom apartment he had just been given to stay for 5 months until April.

3:43 p.m.

Then I told her about the code and the meaning and significance of the film “How It Ends”
i had no desire to code it or to relay any further intel to you the public.
The E manual is ready in its raw state – meaning it is you the chosen ones or whatever, who are meant to polish it.
I have given everything, shared everything, repeated myself for 8.9 years while enduring living hell .. while you played in your false reality, knowing it was false, living your false relationships – knowing it was a story ad a script and ignored what I was compelled to post day and night for your benefit.
And now I was expected to code once again to alert people who have been proven to not give a damn or wait for someone to spoon fed and coddle you yet again…

Oh you have no idea how pure my hatred of you the liars unclean which I carry with me as I smile.

As spoke of how I saw the mirror play of that which took place with Chris Filgueira and how he paid attention and was saved from this force which chased after the two Theo James”William Young” and Kat Graham “Sam” – its was rolling down the slopes the roads from Mountains… they speed like crazy to avoid it engulfing them and you were not sure.. Sam wasn’t ) that they would make it.. But William Younger was…
He is caucasian, she mixed Afro and Casucasian
her Father, was played by Forest Whitaker.. F W..– he plays Tom.

I linked connected it to Esteban Stephen.. and Kamora Herrington.
E K..
S K ..Y Y…Red Guitar magnet.
The moment I said Esteban… Stephen.. Stephen arrived having called me earlier saying he was dropping by for a few minutes to pick up some things .. he had a important meeting with K B.

At that moment, I recognized with quiet acceptance and very quiet anger, that once more it was the play and that Stephen was in harmony with the play…
I wondered briefly if he would prove to be aware.
A play with he and I the tel had taken place yesterday.

And so when Stephen came back from his meeting much later, and startled me by his arrival at which he apologized and came with an expression of wishing to speak to me as a friend.

What is a Friend…?
What is ones truth…
What is really using Love Friendship as a tool to make me solve your riddles and stories which you can read and solve for yourself.

I was in alot of pain and discomfort when he arrived.
He wished to talk and but I don”t want to make you do the work…?

Then what took place briefly was an exchange which I just became quiet and reminded him that I do not lie…
And that the words where manipulation themselves…
what is a Love and what is a friend.
It was something so awful which i understood…

4:03 p.m.

But it was a play I knew… and once more he was the actor and i was meant to translate and decode this…
I felt nothing but the desire to be away far away from this play of lies manipulation.. bullies…

I understood his true intention but what is Love Friendship.
or even true brotherhood Best Friends….?

22 months…
at least 25 in total…
What is a friend and what is a sponsor and investor..

And in the end.. who really paid the bill?

Bore the Cost.. the Price paid the Bill Will I am… Focus..
Forest Whitaker as Tom ( Twins) dies on the road trip to Seattle…

Only T J.. ( J T…Jay Jeron Twins..) and Sam survives…

T J K G..

W Y S…Survive.

W.. Y E S…
Double V V… Y E S…P…

Yes Attained Perfection.

In conclusion that which Stephan acted out – was something which I was so quiet that I had to walk away.
The idea that some one – a force could dare go that far….
It was the play of which i was aware was the final key to bring destruction of everything and that this script was end play was created by the Eternal Family and it was moving me to make Aware on this worlds E M F.. here in the 4th dimension and the 3rd … The much delayed and prolonged conclusion of which I was made to endure and endure and persevere using alchemy to transform the expression actions of which my true self would have sent such beings to a place of hell fire and destruction in which they can vent that rage of being greater and truer than the One who showed them the true meaning of love and friendship is not based in money or finding time when convenient to pay attention and letting another do that work in constant pain and discomfort.. and ones who in a blink of an eye.. forget to whom they are addressing.. one who sees, full circle in perfection the children con..
We have long since passed the story of Children and babies…
But this was as you can see set up.. A J.. J A.H Fire… is not anger.. or temper … it is not Control or manipulation and certainly not contesting the truth of my expression after I have given evidence of The Presence being Present Here as Is.

4:19 p.m.
D S.
Dharma Santana … Eternal Law.

Jeron is the 22nd Grandson…

L..A.M.. A… Foundation ( Basement)
Love Friendship… L F
Forever Life is Supreme…

I have no friend present here in this play.
Perhaps A J…S… A J ..E…
the only one representing the E and the E Family is myself…

4:22 p.m- 4:23 p.m.

F R I E N D…

Yes today is Friday…
Day Night Evening… D N E..

E N D… Sum Rise.. Eos..

What is a true friend as defined by the E Family.
What and who is a friend of God… the Beautiful Truth.?

Loyalty to the Truth to the very end and completion-
Covenant made with God… the truth.

I have fought for my “Best Friends” True expression so perverted by the people of this reality… So offensive to me personally because I went this far despite fighting this vile evil script.. I fought till the end… born * 8:00 p.m till this very moment,, I embodied and represented his truth even when he was not present during the span of an entire life, put me through such hell and such a journey.
Arden never betrayed me… and as I he was being used but he stepped up for the 10+ months I was in with him and even when we were meant to leave together in the original script, he stayed loyal to the beautiful truth because that is who he naturally is and thus, it was not for him.

Jeron … smh… 22nd Grandson.

Stephen Esteban … yes he is Loyal to the truth.. but of who he is.. and who he really is, I have already proven .. just as i did with Jesse maccias orejula… one who is Natural and aware…expressing the truth that there was nothing to do… just be and refine your expression to the beautiful truth which has symmetry = Perfection because in him – moving him is the Beautiful Truth that all were created perfectly and any expression which is not of the S P was not caused by The Creator but the free will and choice each was given to express and be anything they desired… even a horror abomination and a lie…

I did not come here to help or “Save” humanity… Save them from what… themselves.. their ego’s so massive with self worth…
No i came because of my Eternal Family and the only way I could extrapulate them from the tanglement of Dna.. String Thread..Theory was to solve the riddle of the Body… from which they are rising from but got tangled up, held up by the lies of this world history and manner of being and expression which to us, is something so appalling that we can not rise, in such a place of appalling expression which with each breath and expression ( when they don’t get what they want.. turn on you the ones they claim they love… conditionally as long as you serve a purpose which fills a need and their own vanity and self interest.)

I spend every morning writhing in my bed, with my body, every movement is painful and horrific when one sees and understands what has been done to ones body, the tissue the Muscle the Fiber the thread.
But i am loyal to the Truth and the Beautiful Truth because it is literally who I am…
The Originator of the Beautiful Truth.

4:43 p.m.

The meal Kamora Herrington made me, and the one she wished to complete as she had intended is a traditionally in Afro-American cultures made during Thanks Giving day…
last year Thanks Giving fell on my birthday. The year before that it was on my Mothers Birthday…
and i had been invited to eat and connect with Esteban Stephens family though I went to his aunts home… she loves dogs..
Christmas I had been invited to his mothers home, where there was a whole beautiful play of Sound Healing…

S H…E…..
E S H…

At last, after all this contesting challenging of my Expression Truth Consciousness… I as the rep of Infinity and the Individual have proven it the truth…

Emeka Kamora…
E K..
E E… are twins.. dopplegangers…
E= A..
EE is K…

I really have nothing to say and no, i will never forgive the E Family of A E M F for what it gave me to live and how it blamed me, slandered my name, forced me to work linking others… I understand but i do not accept.. but they are safe.
But the rest of the species…
Evolve or become extinct.

As for the E Family in Human Vessels… body suits… You can not rise and transform if your expression awareness is not based on the foundation of the E Family.
the E Consciousness not after all this work done to prove that you are E…
Not of the playing field and mentality of this world…or even false earth.

World Eden..

W E… S T… 28 “Man” = 10 J…
11 28 39.. ( S T 19 20= 39..) C I..

J C I..
A F C .. I..
A = First Contact… is with I.. E..K E I…

4:56 p.m


F E D… E R A L
R E S E R V E..
F R… F 6.. 6/6= 1…A…
F 12… F 18…F R… 6 18..Alexander Grove… 6 18. = 24.
6 sense.. the past to the present as F..ACT..
Ferrill Rielly EM F… A E M F= 25.
Alexander-Arden is the Eternal M.F… F 13 6= 19 S…

E.S…. P A C E…

5:00 p.m.

MY SP Sacred Portal A.. Arden.. C E… he sees saw me… as I truly am as did Aurelia in her dreaming.. Day and Night…
No one else… Except one who used Sixth Sense but who made me do all the work while he they played…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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