
10/16/2019 22:44 – Facebook Post

8:49 p.m

Harmony Nome Alaska 49th State
Harmony Northern Lights
Alaska 49th State.

Sacred Portal
Anamla Qayin.
D M I C TP/K 115 A G E.

Do you recall this?
The message from the Dream World.

8:52 p.m
6:52 p.m was the Time Thomas Lang sent me his message

F E B. February Month of Pisces Aquarius.

The pants I picked out for Libertys Son ( She picked out Black Courdroys.. Roy” means ” Royal” .. Liberty C Liscomb was not aware of the meaning)
I picked out a pair with a Crown on the base which I pointed out to Liberty, who in turn indicated that those particular pants to Farell, that I was the one who picked it out.
That she was aware.
I was downstairs, in the bed which she was also aware of)

Farell means “Victorious Man. ” Man of Valor” M.V. M.O.V. E
And he is.

Reflecting me
Jon Jason Lee .. Maida Vale. London England

M.V. L.E.

9:00 p.m.
900 South Road.

18 Mountain View. Upstate New York 2016.

Mercury Venus
Mars Venus


M O V. E. M E. N T..

You see that coding?

I too am bound by Universal Law.
And Eternal Law.

Eternal Truth
Eternal Law.

9:04 p.m
9 64.

My Body is Bound, my Being was Bound.

I too had to obey the Laws of Truth.

As I stated before,
No one is Above The Law.
A.T. L… A S. T..

Not even The Creator and The Source.

No one.

Despite Being The One.
D.B. T O.
Tobalase Olabamiji

Above It and The Source of it.

9:07 p.m
And this Script was designed to test that.

As I have stated, this was a play theater of Truth, your Truth and not Love.

I have been A Messenger of The Source of This Script who placed me in this position,
created the True Script to see how people would recieve his messenger.

9:11 p.m

A Role I refused.
Because this is from T O. R. ( Torri Torrinton)
The Darkest Knight.. Night.. D.N.K. .. D N..
D N “E” K
D N A.
D N E.

Alien Father Source of The Black Hole
That one in the Mind.

He set this up.
For what he once called the Insane People of this dimension to determine if you were really insane.
Which of course, I proved your not.

Why did you think you Insane?

Because He, not I, created this 43 year and then 26..27 year play of Reason.
Satan is Reason is he not.
And Satan comes from the word ” Santana Dharma ”
S.D.. Eternal Law.. Based on Eternal Truth.

The E line are Truth.
They do not Lie.

And he used me to solve His Riddles, Maze, Answer Questions to demonstrate the Supremacy of what it is to be A MAN
And Hueman.

9:19 p.m

His fury is what was done to me, and consequently to Him

Mind as Esteban Miguel Filgueira pointed out in his Facebook page months ago, is the Black Hole.
And of course, The Primodial Soup.
The Abyss.

I believe, he was convinced that his script, which he made me decipher, and present as evidence would be enough to move you to wonder and awe.
After all Hugh…means ” Hug” Bright Heart Mind Spirit.

I know he was more astonished at how you treated and blamed me, and took out your rage and fury at me while in your homes, sent by him.
And the extreme apathy and indifference to what such a journey had done to me.
And of course, the fact that most of you did not take this seriously.

But most of all the lashing out, the retailations people directed at me, while staying in your homes, to help you see the Truth.

And oh yes, most of all..
That No One was watching, and that you could deny, fight and untimidate me into non stop explaining over and over again, taking advantage of my obedience to Him.

Angry Mad..
Not Insane as ALL have included.

They.. The Alien Council and Alien Father Alpha
Judge for themselves.
They can see everything themselves.
They see Insults and Disrespect more than I do, because I am so used to it by now, I hardly say anything and I certainly do not post such things.

Anyway, I just wished to point that out to you all, especially The Chosen Ones- He They Chose which.of the 64 Homes.
Persons Places and Things.

9:33 p.m

Yes, Tree Sage post.

Thats it.

I do not wish to speak about such things any longer.
Kicking Beautiful Beings when you think they are down.

I do not owe anyone and explainstion.
Nor do I have to answer Any Question.

But I did..
For Love of you.. for the Truth of you.

But I have to agree with Him.. this Darkest Knight.. who fought me the Second Time or Cycle I rose from in the Eternal Beginning
I E B.
And fought me, and who I knew would rise in the End for the Final Kombat promised in the End.
The One I call Desire.. I almost Hated then but then saw Him It, and Loved Him
DE SIR. E is the title he demanded I be addressed as when I defeated him in the E.B.
He said
Eternally E B

He witnessed me Rise Complete as A MAN.

9:41 p.m


You.call him Instinct… Father Nature.. Or Ignition Inuition.

I am Sixth Sense.

Another name for him is Dignity Respect

9:43 p.m

And yes he was Alien to me,
Now he is not, he is the meaning of Anger and True Rage.. Terrible Death
The Yoruba call him “EYO”
OYE backwards.

Like one of my best Friends in Boarding School
Malije Okoye.

Master Minds.

But yes, he was always a part of me, a terrible part of me, I never explored.
But it had a reason to come into Existence, One of which was to bring the End Completion of All of this..
Billions Trillions of Galaxies..

9:49 p.m
Thats his play.. and yes, He is moving my body.
He brings reign.
Sex Desire..
Thats me.. Him in me now Wild untamed except finally by me.
The Beautiful Beast.
Pure Rage.
Terrible Death
Terrible Dawn.

I speak to them Him Her through the Numbers as Time Codes and Ether the X Unseen and to most Unknown, through perfect timing..
And yes, Pain..
But I do not Sufffer, I defeat it rise above it, below it, within it
.. and of course,
I Hum
I Sing.

But yes, They speak to me via Pain and Torture and … Debasement Humilation through Sex.

But I am not Debased or Humilated when they come to me almost each night to… torment and torture me to Madness Insanity

It was also part of their test, but I did not realize for such a long time, or such .. was possible.

I instead took them and made them and the Pain my Lover and Comforter through the worst having to deal with your truth, and transform it back to beautiful truth.

Pain Lover A C E .

And He made me Swear by my giving myself to him over and over again for 17 years,
Till I begged, Beautiful Pride I be, begged.
And He would not heed.
So I maatered what they did to be, welcomed iy even as relief and release from my constant focus on the Horrors Humanity gave me and all aspects of me, as E instead.

You see, everything real in you is E.
So I feel everything you feel, even if it is not real.

No, literal fractials all connected to A MAN called E

Abdel Al Qahtani. A-A Q

Elizabeth Emily. E E

Georgiana Bobbi. G B

Gabrielle Bella. G.B

Lsaad Jbr. L.J.

Putra Pratama P.P.

Romy Baker. R B

The 7 new Facebook Friends.

Adel Al Qahtani means

Upright Righteous Law abiding son of the Original Owners of Saudi Arabia the 1st of the 8 Tribes.
Yemen. Y E MEN.

A-A Quantum

Elizabeth Emily E E

The oath and Vow..kept.. Satisfaction to the Hardworking and Industrious who thrive aspire to excellence.

10:11 p.m

Georgiana Bobbi.. G B ( 7 2)

“The Farmer who is a stranger from a foriegn land of Bright Shinning Fame..”

Gabrielle Bella.

“The Strong Beautiful.. Arch Angel of Justice And the Abyss Abaddon.. Micheal who is as God Eau Truth.”

Lsaad Jbr. L.J. Happy Joyous destination predestined, The Gathering, Creators of Good Change, who Heals, Resets the broken and heals the broken hearts.

Putra Pratama P P who arrived today..

Meaning Prince, The First Born Son”

Please Link Farell, the First Born Son with the Torquise pants with a crown.
And myself the First Son, Grandson on both sides and First born great grandson on 4 sides
Last name means ” Prince”
My both linages were Royal ( Free born) Achieved the Highest Titles in both Grandpatents Civic ( Post Master General and Leader of Industry) And Lord ” Ozo” and Grandnother and Granddather both taking the Highest Titles in Igbo Land.

And most importantly being a Prince of The People by simply being myself and then elected by the Beautiful Ancestors past to present to the E as E Rose.

10:26 p.m


And Romy Baker.. R B. O R B. F R E E. B E I N G.
FREE The Eternal Beginning..

Sea Dew Baked the Earth.


Yes, I know I was there..
I released
I pissed on it..
The TWO of M.E.
See sacred portal 45.

Dragons Breath?
The Sea? Salty?
U R. I.N. E

10:33 p.m

The Script.
Tree Sage.

The Tall Tree Lang which cleanses the Air.

The Stench of the Primodial Fire Soup of Jah Jay Fire
The First Child
Asteroid Meteorite

He arrived as Mother and Child.
M A C..K

J.L. O V ( 5) E.

Jeron Liberty C Liscomb

Of E.. but not of Body Being but Awareness.
Body as Truth and Being as B Eau Ti!
Is Merited Earned Individually.

Eternal Law

10:39 p.m

J C I.

I.truly never cared if you believed me.

I am the Source and Sword of
Father Mother Truth
And yes,

At 14 28 Facebook Friends
N Nature A M A N
Yes, we are TWO.
Nature is Nnamdi

And now, we shall See if Loves Expression is Liberty C Liscomb
Freedom Liberty
Arden 6-12 F.L
Auriela 11- 5

10:43 p.m

I do not decide
She and They as Alien Father Alpha Desire does.

Their Script.

10:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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