
10/16/2019 20:13 – Facebook Post

5:23 p.m

E.W../ W.E.


J Perfect Timing Source.

E W. E Double V
J ( 10 Balance) is Perfect Timming is the
Source of The Script.


I have 7 new facebook friends.

Adel Al Qanthani. A A Q.
Elizabeth Emily E.E.
Georgiana Bobbi G.B.
Gabrielle Bella. G.B.
Lasaad Jbér J.L.
Putra Pratama P.P..
Romy Baker R.B

7 is 1-7 in the Rainbow Spectrum R.S.

Raheem Sarcar just sent me a message.
He represents portal 1385 Starbucks Portal in the Bronx.
The person who after listening to my recounting of my work had quietly mockingly said that would make me the greatest Mind and Artist Scientist who ever lived.

He since aplogized and is my facebook friend and keeping up with my work on Facebook.

He sent me a message at 4:01 p.m
4 61. Fa. Aryana Luna Leone A L L = 25 Y.

Raheem means ” Compassionate Kind.. Tender Hearted”
Sarcar means ” Lord”

R S.. The Tender Hearted Compassionate Lord ”

5:43 p.m

E = C M.e 4/3.

The reason his appearance is relevant, is because as most older facebook facebook friend may recall, the number of the Address links to sacred Portal 85.
And it represents “Devi Devoted crowning Spirit E for piercing the mystery of Consciousness”
D.D. 44.
Please note ABA DD ON. My response to the Challenger.

And sacred portal 58 is my being Spirited Away

I had, and have long since been frustrated by the this play, because of the continuous delay of my being forced to prove it again and again.

I found myself as everyone is aware, to get out of the play of living as a “Guest” in peoples homes for 64 moves in 18.7 years.
And solving peoples riddles, living as a stranger in their lifes, while working night and day on this Equation, I solved long ago.

5:55 p.m

The Wave, moved me through finally to Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang her ex boyfriend whom I met in End of November via Esteban Miguel Filgueira at his 29 Street portal.

Yes 29
29 was the day I was invited by Liberty to pass through her portal, but only after they had broken up..
29 is 11.. 29 11 years since I began the journals and Log Book called Talking To The Silence ( TTS..= 79)
Jesse Macias was born 1979.
John Mack was born 1997.

97 79 ..16 16

Today is the 16th. Letter P.
The First person I saw this morning after my Eruption was 16 year old Arden.

* E T.. Energy Truth.
Each person, wether they like it or not are being moved by the Eternal Truth and at the same time, by what they act out, reveals their Truth of where they have actually chosen to stand.
By the Eternal Truth or by their own perspective not aligned to the Truth.

I have a facebook friend who just arrived today called Putra Pratama.
5:32 is the code in Libertys Fridge.
I was led here to the representative of The Challenger of the Truth of I A.M

Thomas was born 4-7-1985.
Lang means ” Tongue” in French.
Add U AG E. Understanding 1-7 ” Silver Tongue” E.

And it was soon apparent that he represented the portal who challenged my Truth Consciousness…

5:58 p.m
While her ex Chris, I met just once, Angelic Eyes who I had just one brief conversation to recognize his purity.
He was born 5-8- 1978…
Age Code 41.
See Sacred Portal 41.
Eleguah & Elu.

And so just as I entered and passed through 268 East 4th Street, Generation X Gardens in August 26, 2006
13 years later I have found the Portal and Person representing my Challenger.

Once a brother line of Dark Wizards Sorcerers who as most of you know via Geoff Lacour in 2004, as well as the young man at the same cafe who gave me the intel and books Sword of Truth, ” The Sorcers apprentice” and the Kolo Journals, that my brothers had betrayed me.
I was aware of this, as far back as 1999 when Erica led me to Barnes and Nobles where I read the Story in David Eddings ( D.E. 4.5 Nnamdi/ ID.Mann) The Belgaraid.

Torak was the name of the Betrayer- A Dark Wizard one of 7 brothers, who had betrayed his sacred oath and convenant.

T.O. R A.K.
K A. R O T.
11 1. Riddle Of Truth..
Crystal of Truth.. C.O.T. of Creation.

29 29 is 58
Two C’s in One.
Liberty always speaks highly of her ex Chris and how he always sees through her, and the Truth.
Christ Consciousness. C.C.

6:39 p.m
F C.I.

Please see my Sacred Portal 39.

That I was led here, invited on the 29th
Code “A MAN” = 29.
29 is 26 +3.
A-Z to C.

I am Nnamdi/ ID MANN.

Nnamdi is my beautiful past and I entered his Story..
Which had been corrupted, not him but his Truth.
True God is Truth.
And it was H.E. ( The True God Harmony MAN- 28)
And it was his Truth, I came to rescue from the Usurpers.

6:45 p.m.

I observed how His Beautiful Truth was usurped by one of his 7…
A line of 7 claiming to be the one Balance Jay.
I am the one representing his Truth and One Balance.

I have been on Facebook for 7 years and TEN months.

4 7.is an O I Nri Igbo market week.
4 7 is 11 28. My Birthday.
11+28= 39..C.I.
3+9= 12. L.
11 is K. Kolo.
1-1. A-A. Arden Auriela Libertys Son and Daughter.
11=1.. + 77 77 = 1 28
A M A N.
28 is M A N.

29 is 11
28 is 10.
10-11 is Leanders Name means ” MAN” I met him with his friend Noah, the Day Liberty picked me up.
Then I met Farrell her First Son age 19.
With his friend Noah.
L.F. N N.
F L stands for Florida “The Sun Shine State”
NN= 28
Liberty had just come from her friend a seer Anne Mack who warned her about a Dark Wizard.

(Who was it? Me or Him)

NN. A.M.
and her tel number is 49 24.

7:10 p.m

* I just recieved a message from Tom, in it there is Grace and Apology, which also came via Liberty fighting for him, in a way which I understand but can never forgive.

I can’t not help but wonder at the Perfect Timing of his sending me this, or that forces of the Darkest Source challenged me to see if I would do it.
Cut those once beloved to me out of Existence and send them based on Eternal Law to the Abyss.

I would have.

I am fully aware that Tom was being used, but who let those demons in?
I also wonder, if they both responded to Fear.
A Power Play.

A Test given to me if no matter who it is, that if they Lie, break the sacred covenant with God Father my Son.. or Eternal Law..
Would I carry out the Law to the End.

But why should such a test be given for 43 years.
Why go so far.
Rahim was the name of the person who gave me the Book The Sword of Truth.

No, I will never forgive this play, and the players Actors who went to the very end to get what they wanted.

It is granted.
Let them have it..

Let them all have the proof of Power which brings Fear.

I am not convinced yet of sincerity.

Nor do I wish to speak publicly anymore of such private and personal things.

Let the Power Manifest and let it be for those who are still on that frequency of challenge experience it for themselves, without my being forced to intervene.
If that is the thing which brings Respect, let it be but they are not of M.E.
Not anymore.

Let it fall where it falls, and who ever is on that frequency face it.

This journey was unnecessary.

I said from the beginning that they will not respect Love or Truth just Power..
And I have proven this Truth to the very End.

So Let It Be.

7:58 p.m

My last portal called Liberty?

From now on to my departure, I will no longer code Transparently.

I will do it with absolute Darkness as the Darkest Knight so no one will know what is comming or what to expect.

8:00 p.m

Let uncertainty and for some, Chaos reign for that is the nature of the Primordial Soup where Energy Rose From as well as Terrible Death.

Those who believe themselves True will pass through, let that be the Test of each persons Truth and Confidence of the law
” Know Thyself”


Kasien Thompson

Nevi Ehko. N.E. VI. E.H. ( 58) K.O. Knock Out

Let us accept the Challenge of if I AM that I A.M

And Nnamdi Emeka V.I.
Victor Ikemefuna
Eternal Hatmony
Kolo Oh!

8:05 p.m

8:06 p.m

See sacred portal 85. 86.

I have had enough of this play of provocation rage to prove Power to bring The End.

Lets just do it Nnamdi without fanfare.
Enough of Being Fair to the Unfair.

8:08 p.m
88 Sacred Portal 88. “Ascension of Absolute Ultimate Death”

8 O 8.

8:09 p.m
8 69.

Blessing to the True.
Rage for the disrespect to the Two Men

I V. E N.

Lets get Even.
Emeka Nnamdi.
E N .. S.. 5 14= 19. Letter S
Stephen Farell



Now back to the play and my 7 New Facebook Friends.

7 10
Seven Ten.

8:12 p.m

8:13 p.m

H L. H E L L

H M. H E L M


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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