
10/16/2018 10:58 – Facebook Post

9:32 p.m.

Ah here is where I part company in the dance I have been having with the past represented by the code B.A… C.K.. E.
The past and my literal Back…33 Vertebra.

I was discussing with Kyle Murphy the sharing and caring which he had sworn off…
I had just come down from the T.V Room posting and had watched Jimmy Kimmel, with Adam Sandler ( Little Nicky…The Cobbler..”walk in my shoes”) and had watched Eminem broadcasting from the top of the Empire State Building, where he blasted his song VENOM
I smiled V.E..NOM.. That is my sacred portal 107.. Venom…
The first Kyle had asked me to listen to was Eminen’s response to Machine Gun Kelly ( another Caucasian rapper..)
I love Eminem.. EMI NE M…Marshall Mathers.. M M .. 13 13.. 26…
I had used his Music and Groove Armada to enter within myself and begin the ritual meditations and Tai Chi and other movements to prepare to come to New York documented in my piece “To The Silence One Last Time” ( TT S O L… T)…
I knew that Eminem was a warlock of the my aspect …and that his Venom when he ‘Spat” was linked to the King Cobra of the Astral Plane and the Spinal Chord… Aclespius Ophiuchus…13 Gate.. M…
Yes I got M & M’s from Kyle Murphy and from Randall Michael whose spirit gave it to me… Randall can spit venom in though and expression as Kyle…
Both are of the of Wicthes Wizards, just as is Mark – Japanese Sensei Samuari-Goktu-Onmyodo…

*”Onmy?d? (???, also In’y?d?, lit. ‘The Way of Yin and Yang’) is a traditional Japanese esoteric cosmology, a mixture of natural science and occultism. It is based on the Chinese philosophies of Wu Xing (five elements) and yin and yang, introduced into Japan at the beginning of the 6th century. It was accepted as a practical system of divination. These practices were influenced further by Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism, and evolved into the system of onmy?d? around the late 7th century. Onmy?d? was under the control of the imperial government, and later its courtiers, the Tsuchimikado family, until the middle of the 19th century, at which point it became prohibited as superstition.”

And Ant the Druids.. Magical beings…

We listened to it MGK.. Was good but could not touch Eminem who was furious because MGK had sought to mess with his daughter Haley…
Please Link Resignation of U,N Ambassador Nikki Haley…and Haley’s Comet…

*”Halley’s Comet is arguably the most famous comet. It is a “periodic” comet and returns to Earth’s vicinity about every 75 years, making it possible for a human to see it twice in his or her lifetime. The last time it was here was in 1986, and it is projected to return in 2061.”

Kyle Murphy decided that he still cared enough to wish to share knowledge and help people… but a decidedly select few.
I said I did wish to share with anyone at all.. I am done.
There is not one Iota of forgiveness in either one of us for this reality, for what Humanity had allowed itself to become.

That was final.

Today is the 16th… of the TEN…2018…T.R… U E…
16 Is P… Perfection.
Naturalness=Perfection… N P… 14 16… 30…

I sat at Taylor Avenue nursing my coffee, I looked up and there was Kyle Murphy ( Robert) with him was Anthony Manino and Mark Watkins.
They strolled over and sat as if it was the most natural thing in the world and sat on the Bench…

Bought a coffee this morning from the Arab Bodega
the number was 30.

I was with Kyle until almost 4 a.m.
He just turned 30…
And then I saw him outside at Taylor avenue …
( yes my Sacred Place and the Cross Roads in the Spirit or Invisible Transparent play)

30 state here represents Forgiveness…
I say not so, that it represents Perfection which is Naturalness…
30…CO… C.O.M.E… Consciousness full Circle …which is Manifest Expression.

There was a code which the sat behind without being aware of ..
I checked the code after they left…
it was the license plate of a car which had been parked behind them..
G D N….7 4 N….There were three of them…Grace Divine Nature…

We were 4… I rep the P…
Light blue Magnet Letter P discovered the first day I arrived to Bed 5-019, then sent to bed 3-002.
3:20 ..
@3:20 a.m Kyle had turned from his conversation with his two lady friends Carlie Kylie -Emma and asked me what Time was between 3am and 4 am… puzzled I though he was speaking of numeric Time..
then Dawn to Dusk…
But he said that it is called the Witching Hour… ( W.H…WHooo?
/H W.. Harvey Weinstein…)
I understood so much in that moment… I had arrived in New York on that very date… 3-20-2001… just as we had moved into our home Canada on Halloween..
True Witches are really Naturals who are moved by Supreme Naturalness.. hence they are Super Naturals….
But it all came to me, the non stop notion which even my Mother noted, that destruction seemed to follow in my wake… Even the countries I was moved to…
I had passed through the worst portals… Human Nightmares, Superstitions Fears… I had even come down from Augusta Georgia of Pope John Pauls Death 4-2-2005….and on my way into the city had stayed for a moment at Elm Street.. I had by noted this portals and knew that it represented Nightmare at Elm Street…
I was passing through these portals, and I was filled with an energy which was destroying all these lies…The distortion of what these days and portals really meant….

No,, we part ways here Busayo Alonge

It is 10:13 a.m right now…
Which is the birthday of Excellent Healer E.H… Eternal Harmony..
Chi Excellent C.E… 113 AGE Code… A.M.
It is Jennifer Cone’s Birthday J C… AGE Code 49… D.I
As well as Robert Kyle Murphy’s..30… C .O..

Robert Kyle came with Anthony and Mark.. A.M.. 1 13…
R A M… That was the 1500 blue truck which filled the gap between the car the bench they sat on was behind of and mine…
Ram 1500… Yesterdays date…

K A M…

E K A M…
E R A M… S E E S…

10:42 a.m.

Sacred portal 33 represents and so D came to E to wake me from the most terrible dream…

My 33rd Charka is locked and pulled and twists my entire vertebra and I am in the constant battle 24/7 to realign it..

I began post at 9:32 a.m…
Grace…on this map…
I have 7 usd ..
G is 7… 7:28 Wave length of my sister.. Nnoyeleum who is Nnamdi and me…
7 bottles T-Shirt of Robert Kyle….though he is really an 8 undercover as a 7.. 7 IS 8… H G… ( Henri and George sat next to me last night)
Grace led them…
16… 16=7… 16 is 88… 16…P
P.. G D N…

10:49 p.m..
J D.I…

i had to come to this Venue which I despise.. more because of the play…
Woods Milky Way.. W M W… Mark Watkins…
i am the First W..as Woods… Bought a Coffee the number is 23 7..
2 37…I knew I had something left to do… They woke us up at 6 a.m.

10:53 p,m.

No I trust my codes.. they are of the Immediate Present…
Perfection and i brought with me he three lines of the Father Brothers of the Crowning Beautiful Past as 7- 4-14… G D N… A R E..( G A R D … E N…E North Star…
Yes I went home in 1992 while living opposite the Garde Nord…in Paris France 1992…

O B I… 15… 29… E K… W E….

E K A M….MW…W. H O.M M…E…

E R A M …M W…O M B E I N G… Emmy..

10;58 a,m

E T R U E North..

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