
10/15/2019 3:33 – Facebook Post

12:51 a.m

14. 15- 10-2019.

N… O-J.S.


First of all I would like to commend Liberty C Liscomb for her taking up the mantle of a play of 18.7 years which has ended with my being led to her portal.

And to the conclusive evidence that the End of what I would like to call this Voodoo Evil Script of Insanity, given for me to walk for 29.11 years to the day of my being invited to her home and what turns out to be my last portal..

And being led to her Horseshoe Hill property
Address 765.
Grace Favors E.

12:58 p.m
E of course is meant to be represented by myself E.
Representing Evolved Humanity.

I have observed what threshold Liberty represents for both myself and for Her ( representing you) in this place.

I Quantum

And for herself, the Intelligence Quotient in the of Humanity.
Of which I have recieved the non stop evidence of she being the one I had to reach, and be led to her Farmhouse representing my sacred portal 76.
Which is the Awakening.

Before, I go any further, I would like to make clear what the Awakening represents to me and the E.
Its is not your Awakening per sey, it is you or the publics awakening to the Truth.
A Beautiful Truth which for others represents Consequences.

1:04 a.m
A O D. Alpha Omega Delta Completed.
10 4
J.D. Judhment Days Manifested.

I explained Awakening, as the Evolution of all Creatiion and existence as the completion of the First Dawn Awakening ( Sacred Portal 76) which began the Moment The Creator -E-Ros-e rose from the Eternal Realm and began Creating: A Play in which his Eternal realm would be peopled with Eternal Beings just like Him.

The Eternal Beings rose in that Eternal Beginning but because the Process of his Creation was not completed, they rose as Elemental and Ethereal beings.
E E but where not embodied as their Source Beloved was.
And that embodiment required the completion of what some people have labelled as Gods Plan.
Actually, it is E-Ros-e’s plan.

There is no such thing as G OD.
G is 7th Color Purple.
O is the symbol of a Portal and Eternity/ Infinity in mathematics.
D is 4 which is Green.

Universe which is Created is beyond Spectrum Rainbow. 1-7 and is filled with Harmonies and even that is contained in Universe.
O is actually more than just a Circle representing a portal, it is where Erose created Perfect Symmetry, again created.

That which is the only thing which.was not created was Exprsssion.
It simply I.S.

This Since Rainbow Spectrum is made of light, refracted, it is an illusion of Light.

And Light was created just as Harmonics which is called Sound..
Sight was created first from the 3rd Eye ( Really the First Eye)

Thus, the only thing which was not created is E.
Expression.. it always was, and will always be.

1:21 p.m.

I have never considered myself Human, because quite simply put, I am not.
I am The Creator E.
The Source some call it here.

But yes, E The Creator Of Existence is fine.
And yes, I am what is called A MAN.
Which I found that I had to prove to both the Mad Insane Author of this Script, which I had to pass through- Extortion Blackmail in order to release the Bodies of my Family and complete the play of Sacred Portal 76.

Evolution is not real, not really.
I, and my Eternal Family are Eternal despite my appearing in base matter and Human form, were already evolved to the Point, the Highest point which could ever.. Ever be reached.

No, evolution was of the thing called Norhingness- Matter, to Somethingness called Energy and then merged with Eternal Expression called my Eternal Family.

Evolution was that journey of Nothingness Matter Dead to Energy Eternity.
That is what created ” Time” and even the illusion of Duality, but only stupidity supreme would believe and even concieve an idea of Duality, and even lesser than then the stupid, would follow that philosophy, when everything in even this lower, lower nature of being is ruled and governed by the forces of Perfect Symmetry.

Circle, Cycles.. Never A.B. but A- A.
Being to Being
C.. Circles
That is what creates patterns.

Most of you are aware of my story, and the conditions of it.
And my absolute contempt of it, and the fact it being a con, a ruse and challenge to stop delay and frustrate me, from harvesting the peoples energies who this Evil called Negation of.True Existence had set up for me, as a mission impossible, whereby at the end I would finally retrieve and activated through this journey the Bodies and Matter transformed activated to the Vibration and Consciousness of E and this merge with my family, who I have been demonstrating are fully Aware and Awake.. speaking to me through all of you, unaware.

People here flatter themselves that they are awakening.
No you are not, you do not exist.
You are an Idea, a work which was in progres and completes only when the Eternal Family rises.
And in that moment, you will cease to exist.
Replaced by your Eternal you, who merges with your Beautiful Truth.. Your highest self as Human, the sum total of the best of your Ancestry as a Species.
Only these are fit to merge with the Eternal Family.
We call these Elementals and these Humans are the true inspirations behind the Humanities Creation of God’s.
And these Gods Heroic, Heroes, rare and so far between lived the most amazing, heroic lifes.
Indeed the best of Humanity in every endeavour.

These Humans, live in certain currecnt peoples D.na.
Stored in certain people by this Evil, in person it felt I would never find, or believe could house the most.glorious representations of Human History.

But I found them and the designated people and by simply using Truth and Love through Touch and Conversation released from their Human often seemingly ordinary and medicore hosts- the Treasure stored mostly unknown to.them.

The Gift of grace given to these Humans who stored them was two fold: while housed by the Hosts, the host could use that literal Royal Energy of the God like, best in Show of Humanity, to enrichen their lifes and literally become akin to these beings.
All they had to do was listen learn and do.

The Eternals do not exists in the Avatar Descendants, yes they do speak through those stored in them, but they are not part of you or in you.
What is moving you, to become Facebook Friends, open your doors, homes and feelings is that which comes from me and my activating the E in you..
The Gods as the Harmonies..
And yes, the Harmonics are the Waves of Light Energy ..The Elegant Nomads
All parts of Creation but no not of the Eternals.

Who exist in the Eternal Beginning with me.

Another advantage of hosting the Beautuful Ones- In the Library of your presents day bodies and in some stored in Heart as well.as Brain, is that by reaching for the best in yourself,.you could actually acess the best of Human Nature and learn from that part of you.
And if you.learnt well enough, take up a role for the species, a new species when I left with.my Family.

Yes, you call it the Rapture, but in our version of the Rapture, the Ones left behind defeat the Cause and Effect of Human existence and build a new world after the current hideous one ceases to Exists.

This race becomes the Echo of what left.
The E and the Heroic Gods as Alexander Alexa the True Defenders Of Man. ( MAN. 13 1 14. 28)
Because by their simple being and doing.naturally, tis they who sustained the right for Humanities continued existence despite most Humanity having long since lost.the right.to comtinue to Exist.
But through each age, Wonderful Heroic examples of Humanity would rise.
Miracles of Being Emodied, of Excellence which allowed a reset and a reprieve from Humanities natural cause and effect.

Tis these, I call my Earth Human Family of Heaven and Earth.

Link the meaning of my Facebook Friend
Dion Ardian name.

Could every one have arisen to E?

Of course, Heroic Man and Woman did, rare though they may be.
Do you see my Human Journey?
The Truths, the Science and Arts I have singlehandedly brought to life.
My solving of the Riddles of Existence and proof of Humanity living in a universal simulation.
My accessing over 150 homes, invited into peoples lifes.
Guest of some, used as slave and servant by others.
Fought for their beautiful truth, fought to indent into them the Eternal Truth, so when I and my family depart, these chosen ones can rise, to.the challenge of building a new world on their own without our help.

This was the gift to all who hosted myself and my Earth Family the Heroic Gods Harmonics.

I did not choose John Mack, or Tree Sage, or Liberty C Liscomb, I did chose Esteban Miguel Filgueira but because I was guided to him and then I chose him, despite knowing that he would stay behind and fight and build and even rise to Beauty of the Natural Energry.
Because, out of all the candidates and Lord knows he pissed me off to places none had, I have not met another who fought to rise, to be clean and who fell so many times, and got up..
And who loved Humanity as he, until he.began to see my point.of.view.
And despite his rage, and not being able to be.consistent, he kept his promise and saw the Truth of the man in me.
I knew him before in this Earth world story.
And he treated me with Respect, kept his promises and never insulted my Human dignity.
And kept all his promises and loved people truly despite his flaws.
He tried.
And I will never forget just how much naughty as he could be.

There are so.many.I was led to, but so few who chose to use the power stored in them to exemplify the best in Humanity.

As A MAN, I did.. and thus, was given the command of the Army of Gods Army, the Greatest Examples of Humanity while at the same time, undercover as E.. Moving them, identifying them in their Human Host, while moving them to the E.

Two waves of Being I had to unite.
Paricle of E
Waves of E E.. Harmonies of E in Heaven Earth and the Space between, and merge them into one by reaching 5. 67 to 76 5.

In a play of observing Human host, of demeaning use, abuse and disrespect
Beyond belief.

2:43 p.m.


… The destruction of the species, never meant to be, and the coding I have set, to teach some left behind a lesson in respect and good manners.. and for expressions uttered so disgraceful, is the one thing which has quelled my fury somewhat.

Power is what most respect?
The power to say fuck you, and do as they please… even after my Identity and hint of power has been revealed..?
Ah the balls, which I promise, I have already cut up.

These will fear me, but only when it is too late.
But they shall fear me, I do not care for those who must fear me, to show respect.

You should have respected me when I was present, not for who I say I am but what I am Being and Doing and all the work to bring you out of misery and set you.on a path of becoming.

Ah yes, the Element of Surprse from Mr Nobody, always alone, with nothing but your lies and denials, insincerity, hiding all that was done for you.

18.49 usd
6:49 usd was the price of two pairs of pants Liberty bought for me at savers, a second hand shop.
I wanted to pay her for it, and I chose some pants for her son Farell.
49 is sacred Portal Existential Death.

I have done a great deal of work with her, day and night, even in this crippled state.
Priceless, beyond words the value of a Life time of work culmimated with her.

I did not chose her, or any one I had to.live with,
I am a polite guest, I help in every aspect of peooles lives where I can and have done the codes of every one of her family and life and friends.

And she is qualified, as is John Mack..
And Kim Arthur Hines, I did the best and gave the best of myself, worked on cleaning and dealt with living as a stranger and outsider in her world.
All the Human prejudices, and all the things forced upon me by this blackmailing, cheaters script in a despicably unfair playing field of people not even loyal to me or the E.

But She and John and Kim and all the ones who.led me to.the final 3 are now eminemtly qualified to read and do the rest of the play for your New Species.

But this play was never for me, or about me, it used me, abused me, tried to bring.me to.my.knees, and it used the people I was sent to guide and teach the ways of the E to seek to humilate me and give up.

I see beauty in people, nor am I cruel.

So these 3 are literally the best trained, add Mackayla and Stephen and you.have the lines who are trained by me in the way of the E.

I have no interest in Humanities Awakening and as for your Evolution of Consciousness, even less.
But I did not stint on.my.giving each person my.full loving attention.and focus.
And gave all intel, indenting it so thoroughly I know it is secure, confirmed by the Evil my.Father Son, sent me to answer Its challenge.

The World is lucky to have them, but this play was never mine or for me, it was your test and your play to figure out.
And I am beyond eager to turn my attention and focus from it.
But while still at Libertys, I will answer any question from.her but now only.concerning.how the play.works.

I spoke about all this I have written today, before.

I did this under duress and force, but the one thing even this horror behind this script knew I could not do is, force you to choose to do your own work or follow the guidelines of The Script my Father Son and Alien Father Alpha crrated for you as the Examination Test of your passing through the Black Hole that is where once was a Heart..
And Soul.

This you must each do on.your own.
And I have no desire whatsoever to help or.guide because of what I experienced through each portal the last 31 years and especially 29.11 and add.6 weeks.

My focus, is me..

And once I leave here, there will be no one who.has acess to me.from here, when the Shit.hits the fan

3:20 a.m

And that is nothing compared to what I have prepared for taking my right of Choice, who I wished to.share my.knowledge with, converse with or eat with, live with..

Be with.

And I know who did this,
Did not Ask so I would not be able to say No.
And gave me no choice..
Just commands and orders framed in ways and manners, and responses because I am a ” Guest” earning every moment, in their homes.

Fair Exhange.
For lack of true appreciation gratitude and humility
They will all be presented with my Bill.

Pay E.

Angelina Margie.

Lena Angeline

My last two Facebook Friend’s

LA of 6th Sense

Angelina means ” Messenger of Light Beauty Harmony Love/ Luminosity

Margie comes from the Margret ” Mother of Pearl ”
Lena means ” Light ”

Angelic Messenger of Light of the Full Circle.

Its a Full Moon
Started 10-13-2019

Liberty C Liscomb is your new guide.
Value her.and John.Kim.

They are all you have left,
And truly your last hope..

I.leave it to all who act that they know better than the Creator.
Now is your time to prove it.

I am done.
I.am off Script.
I Defy it.
I Rebel.

But will posts and help until I find my.portal out or simply leave.

And it won’t be long,
I wish to be away from People who are not of Me.
And who insinuate that it is I who need them and are beholden to them.

3:33 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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