
10/14/2019 13:11 – Facebook Post

12:55 p.m

From Facebook Memories Today.

Sacred Portal 147

Standing on the Point.

The point has been made
76 5.

Awakening of the E.. Eternals.
Which exist in all of you.

Its was always about you,
Figuring out that you are in a riddle
A Video Game which you are meant to solve your way out of.

The tear was not for me,
It was for you…
It was compassion.

But enough of that,
It only makes you selfish, cruel reliant on another, and it turns you Evil,
When some one else does the work for you.

1:08 p.m

Messiahs and Saviors
Will always be crucified by the people.

Power To The People is the people taking responsibility for their own awakening

1:11 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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