
10/14/2019 11:19 – Facebook Post

10:33 a.m




I know that so many people feel helpless, as they watch with greater realization the Revealations of how this world and thier view of reality is crumbling.
Revealing a corruption and dismay at just how diseased it really is.

But the destruction of this reality was always foretold and ordained.
Humanity was always meant to Evolve.

And this reality, system and matrix was always meant to be destroyed.
And this is one of the things I was aware I had to do with my Invention and equations.
Which was the destruction of this reality by using my C.O.D.E S..

Deconstruction, to reveal true creation.

This time, it was not left entirely in the hands of The Creator, but rather all of Humanity was called upon to participate in the deconstruction of this system of the Damned, and rebuild a new world.

This plan of your being part of the play took me by surprise in 2012-2013.
When I recieved the message that all Humanity have to be involved in this Evolution Awakening and that made me literally go ” That is insane!!! Their state of being, I had observed was either ” its not my problem” or that they were not ready”.

I had already understood that after trying to get people to see that a literal script had been created for that purpose, of each contributing to the play.
But first people had to learn the guidlines of the Blue Print of which You could free yourselves and contribute to you own Freedom and Liberty to the Sunshine State.

I had lead for a year by example, and almost ler go, until Nadee Nakandala came on the scene, recognizing what I was doing, and naming it within 3 days.

I fully understand peoples sense of helplessness.
So did the Source of The Script, which was designed to empower The People, through this play to see the miracle of your Beautiful Truth.

How each of you, by linking, adding fact ( not opinions) could link, and observe the majesty of this Script, which was designed for this sole purpose of your discoverying the power of you.
And your literal ability to change the world simply by following the Guidlines of the inventor of this Script.

I just had a conversation with Liberty C Liscomb who is the only reason I have continued with this play.
And in this conversation, I realized that she truly understands the play.
And that 7.. 6. 10 years after, being a lone expression of exemifying and demonstrating how to play, and the manners and ettiquete required in this play.
That she was the portal and person I had to reach..

That by reaching her, You the Chosen Beloved ones- The Annointed” can now Add to the Script designed to manifest your own Awakening by each linking Intel to the play script.

Truly, you have no idea of your Self Worth, and the power residing in you.

The play code is Joseph Mary.
Joseph means ” Add” to the Script.
Mary is Myrrh – The Chosen Beloved, being the Ones who understand the play and add to it, as I have been doing, for the last 7 8 years.
– by linking all and each new facebook friends and thier names, pages which correlate to the
Fil. Thread of the Established Script on my page.

But there is somethings which each person can do,
And that is participate in your own awakening by simply adding each piece of intel, like a jig saw puzzle, fitting the data, together, linking

” Love Links”
L.L 12 12. 24
The E.M.Field.

24 to reach One Day.. Dawn Awakening all by using 6 sense and linking the Facts.

You will be amazed what you will discover and how much The Source of This Script had such faith in you.

The Elu.

Jump Man.

Its time, I retreated from this play.

Liberty knows the way.. so do you.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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