
10/14/2018 15:04 – Facebook Post

10/14/2018 15:04 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

I am made once more speechless.

I just had a sort of conversation with Auturo Neige ( Snow)
He is the 58 year old, Stylish Aristocratic looking White haired man in bed 2-014.
Yes 14… A.M= 1 13 = 14…N.

He commented how I am the only person he can speak to in this entire shelter, he said because he finds that only He and I “Thin Outsid of the Box.
But that he can only take so much of the intel I express before he has to move away, to absorb it all.
He is also the one who keeps offering me the book on Einsteins E=Mc2.

He asked a question ( but his espirit moved him away when I began giving him the answer)
About how the ancients where able to build and align, thier buildings so perfectly to the stars.
– An Art and Science which he said is lost and which no one has been able to replicate

He began his conversation about Washington D.C, and it being built on a Swamp but was built there becasue of it ley Lines and power Grids aligned to the stars.

I realized that I knew the answer as to how they did this.
Link the Universe in a Grain of Sand, or Rise….
( Link John Snow, Sand… Game of Thrones… Jamel Slater in my codes numeric code age 33… code J S.. 10 19… 29… Link to 29 Year old Robert Kyle Murphy (now 30 meaning that code has by passed him and was not aligned to him any longer… That play is complete.. 10-13.. is birthdays Jennifer Cone age code 49. D.I… NN A M.. DI… And Excellent Healer, who listed his age as turning 113 yesterday… 1 13 is A.M… 11 3 is K.C/ C.K.. My initials backward… K C and the Sunshine Band.
* See my equating yesterday.
9 Chukwuemeka Kolo… C.K… 3 11.. 14…N… E.K.. 5 11.. 16…
14 .. 16.. N P… 14 16= 30… C.O.. Naturalness + Perfection… = Consciousnes Creation Full Circle…
C O… O=15 Letter… which using the basic template of number 1-9, 1-0
is A.E..1+5= 6…
Five senses in One created Sixth Sense… The Sum.
6 is F…

Meaning that we are moved by Sixth Sense which comes from Expression.
When one expresses as children do, we express all which we hae absorbed consciously and subconsciously.
One stays undercover in the Subconscious, like a Well of Intel ( Link the Biblical Welll of “Zeem Zeem’ ‘ and is like an underground River…
The other absorbtion which we are Aware of and use consciously is as the river which moves on the surface of the earth…

( Jesus it is happening again, I am streaming knowledge and I know exactly where this is leading, and I am tired exhausted and fed up with such a sacred process and knowledge reduced to this.)

F N is on my Altar Art Mechanics Of Quantum Science in my Locker…
And the letter P I found 2 years ago in the locker of bed 3-002.
It is light blue on the Wall..

( 200 was the number of my last Coffee and Starbucks… 9 50 50 the numbers of my last coffee;s and the Arab Bodega,,,
Anthony Bienke A.B. ” Gabriel Binky Signar” A G …add E.. A G E
Busayo Alonge. B A…)

F N P… Fact Naturalness Perfection… 6 14 16…

2:02 p.m. right now.
V.. Mark gave me his Govt Phone, no service, but it is an up grade of the Govt Phone from William Bracey.. M.W. 69… Sigh.

F P… Is 6 16… 22…
add N… 14… 36… 9….

.. D,n,a.. And .. Dne.. End..

Dear Lord.. Isabelle Ilic, Dawn Piercy Roger Attaway Busayo Alonge Dzidula Offiong, do you see what is happening…

Code Tamika Rivera T R. U E…

I am proving DNA… Structure is the two rivers which run underground and above ground…
and that it is linked by what… ?
A Fountain and underground Spring…
The Spring is the on Line which links directly to well which is the veritical tunnel which links all the way to the Eternal… while the two Rivers forms the Horizontal…
I then forms a T… and then the T is linked to the other vertical line above ground which forms I I I… Now the Horizonatl conduit, which flows as the out as the underground river or subconscious which absorbs everythng around us- is the knowledge which is linked to the Eternal Knowing as the Spring…
But the two have to linked by the Awareness.. Conscious…it has to be brought to the surface.
And this can only be done by the two Verticals being linked almost as the structure of a Sprinkler system but which which rises to form a bridge.. I T.. H..
And this Bridging which cerates the H symbol a ladder- would have to be the steps of going underover to the sub conscious to bring and link knowledge to the surface and link it with Knowing.
Knowing is the Constant Vertical which links from Ethernal. Energy and it beganas I have stated from Espression which is the Begining of Existence the Beginnin which has no end.. But it had a Beginning at least through the first act and gesture of that Immortal Technique which would become prevailent in all living things especally exemplifed in Humans… Natural Exressions of the E Expressing Naturally…
Thus the Vertical moves like a tunnel, the major cable chord which moves like the Ouruboros but is more the ‘The great Ocean which encirles..”
That would be the First Expression linked to the First Man and then to all .. (everthing and everyone Expresses and has a mouth.. at least all mamals reptiles.)
His Descedants and then Echoe by the two lies of him as HE SHE..
Eternal Expresion, that conduit moves through all things…
But the steps, required constantly going undercover to link the knowledge of the Subconscious from Sleeping State to “Awakened” State.. S.A…

What we call our Dreams and Our riddles is the play of the two Lines I call H,E And S.H E… Life and Death…
Life is the dimenmsion or plane of total awareness but is Quiet…Silent..
and Undercover.. that river.
While Death plane above is the one which runs on the surface..
The Knowledge is mined from that place within which recognized I. T H…Infinite Truth… Individual Truth which creates Harmony on the playing field…
The Ladder is formed by link each point in our understanding and recognizing Knowledge.. Wisdom..

I Know What Love IS… I K W L I.. Lovr brings Clarity Consciousness Creation for the water, knowledge recognized transforms a once barren Earth into a GARDEN of Paradise by the “Kasim” Distribution of Knowledge linke to Knowing which SHE AND HE both represent…
E…But the Bridge, Steps ladder, going into Death and going back into Life.. Aware is the Subconscious Asleep is the one who believes he has awakened from sleep… He She had not, they have moved from Sleep to Death.. S D.. to complete Santana Dharma… Supreme Devotion…
S.D… 19 4… 23… 10 +13 is not really 23.. 1 0.. is Balance.. Of 1 O… ADD 13.. 12 months plus +1.. Jan to Jan is a Full Circle J J 10 10. Binary.. Decimal 2…
Thus it becomes B.. Being.. Natural… creates the full Circle of One Year, as well as the full circle of number… 10+12= 22.. V… Through Nature as Numbers… 1O 12… 13… M…One Manifestation A M..
Awareness Manifested… N.. Nature… Naturalness which is Perfection which is all 6th senses Fact…Facts are Expression ETERNAL.. Constant…

N P E F….
O P E N… F… O.. Proton Eectron Neuron ..Facts…

Spring means Open…F A I T H .. I. E…

Do you see this post..?

All my older facebook friends would know it would mean..
Recall my recounting how Transformed into a Black Panther… and then into a Boy.. JaH Fire when I travelled through my Creation and so it was distorted by a Ripple a Wave of Doubt and Fear….. Man Child…?

The way the ancients aligned to the Universe and the stars is the same process I did all over again consciously and made aware of it and the enture process for 29 years…
Begining the documenting process in 1989…. Journals
And 1978.. Diary…
and 1975… Story…

S D J…. 43 Years ago… 40 years ago… 29 years ago..
and Factual Account after I returned from a literal joureny back to the Beautiful Exceptional Luminous Light Eternity.. B E L L.E..
V.U E…
22 21… ( 43..) Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life… E.

3:00 p.m.

They Aligned everything to the exact and precise measurement and alignment from doing it from within.. aware that they were the comass and the measuring Rod..
Aclespius Rod…
Ophiuchus A Cle Pi U.S….AH…

3-02 p.m.

Aturo said the mysery lay in the past…
but the past is present right here within us…

3:03 p.m…
C C …

F A I T H…. I E E I…

C D..
D J..

3:04 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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