
10/14/2016 15:59 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories…

Man- U-Script…

There is much more to the play of the arrival of Patrick Okolo
(Ikem Okolo) and Dean Dunkwu and my sending my Manuscript of the Face Book Play to him, and Doctor Okolo not examining my Body…

Ikem is an Igbo name.. Nri actual… And means ‘May my Strength not leave me’
Dean is an English name, which means Valley and linked to Denu… Valley…of Death.. Psalms 23…Double You… “The Other Ikem Okolo?” DD…
Patrick not Ikem = P=16…
The Letter P in my locker 3002..

I linked with Dean Dunkwu and my name is Emeka Ikemefuna…

Ether Ique D…

Of course I know who Dean represents.. in the Script.. A Play which he nor was any of you aware- except by by seeking non stop to get your attention and point it out..

I did not publish my Manuscripts 23 years ago because
I was told that my Manuscript was more important than my Life..
I did not agree…
And still do not…

So interesting that all this 23 years and last 15 years has been about
my I.D..- and my “reluctant” willingness to walk in the most material and systematic I.D. carrying country in the Planet for 15 years…
without resorting to duplicity, manipulation deception or begging…

And it all began because of a Manuscript…
When the word Itself is “MAN U..SCRIPT.

And I did mention that in Paris I had two truly close friends called
Stephan and Manu…Who were with me and knew I was going into the Realm of Death… Manu asked me not to go that “We Need You”
and it was Stephan whom I gave the Original Manuscripts written by Hand, to hold..
It was never about the Script…
Nor do I believe that Dean cares about the Script..
He, who I have suddenly not heard from, cared more about myself..
I knew this and must be perplexed overwhelmed and annoyed that it has become all about these scripts..
But what can I do…?
I was in a play…
Of what is more important the Source of the Creation or its Creator?

On Face Book, it was made crystal clear..
and even to the streets of the World and homes of others right to Delta Manor- That it is what not Emeka Kolo or his life or his experiences which were relevant…
Only what could be gained from him (or anyone walking in my shoes)..
It was something which literally horrified me…
Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan were moved to intervene..J.D…
J.B…Jonn Delguidce…J.D… John Dudley my Cubicle mate…
J.D..is sacred Portal 104..Crossing Death.. CD… 34…Cecilia Dean…
And before that it was Albert Santana…. A.S..
But was it the person or was it the Energy in the Person- the Avatar who was moved…?
Of course, we have seen that it was the Energy Spirit moving through the person…

Stephan means “Crowned with Laurels of Victory…”

Manu means Original Man.. Source of the Human Race, Second Son in African..God is Wise in Hebrew…

Given Name MANU (1) USAGE: Indian, Hinduism. OTHER SCRIPTS: ??? (Hindi, Sanskrit) Means “thinking, wise” in Sanskrit. In Hindu belief this is a title of Svayambhuva, the progenitor of the human race, as well as several of his descendants.”

Progenitor of the Human Race…

Crowned with Laurels of Victor, the Original Man Progenitor of the Human Races and who exists in Some or his Descendants (See meaning Avatar)- but not all.. only 1/3rd…

And He is a Man…

3:30 p.m.

I took the 174 Station down to Manhattan today…
It is called Lawrence Street Station…
Lawrence means “From the place of Laurel/Bay leaves… Fragrant leaves of Crowning Victory…
Chukwuemeka Victor…
Emeka Stephan Manu…
E.S..(519…Bed Locker 5019 Room 5) M…
Epsirt Manifest..

Stephan Orien Laplante, Li/ Lawrence Dean Dunkwu Manu…
In the Script..
S.O.L…D.M…Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka Victor..E

These 5 persons who appear in both Male and Female Form
are my Witnesses.. the Ones I chose as my linage in the very first original beginning…

S.O.L…D.M.I.C…Victor Emeka..Kolo… the Full Circle…

They never SOLD M..IC…
rather they represent they original equation of
Sol..the 5th Dimension Manifested
Galaxy NASA calls I.C.1101…
5th Dimension (V=5..And 22..11 22..C.D..34..7)
Emeka Kolo…


Not what I write…
What is of Value is I.Exists…
And to Exist is Being aligned to Doing…

I am much more important that what I create…

You are much more important than what you create, or your jobs, or moneies, or what you own, or your houses, or your jobs,

Because without you.. none of those things would Exist..

Without I.E… E-Manu
/UN..A.M..E.. none of you would Exist..


Meaning I am the E-Manual…
Not a published, or publication of a Book…
Which is why the Book means nothing to me,
apart from a Beautiful Mirror of my Face and Truth..
And the Ugliest Reflection of that which is not of my Avatars Descendants…
A.D… Albert Dewight Santana…
Anno Domino Supreme…
“Noble Bright “Dios” Divine, Awareness of Eternal Law and Eternal Truth….”

From Greek ???? (Dios) meaning “of ZEUS” combined with NYSA, the name of the region where young Dionysos was said to have been raised. In Greek mythology Dionysos was the god of wine, revelry, fertility and dance. He was the son of Zeus and Semele.

My line would never Sell me, or anyone for Knowledge on Being…
K.B..Kathleen Beard…for a Book..

Because I am the Living Embodiment..

MANU… Script…
The Original Man and Progenitor of the Species is the Script…
The Living Akashic Records are in me.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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