
10/13/2019 11:49 – Facebook Post

11:16 p.m



J.L T S.
Jeron Liberty Truth Supreme.

Self Worth.

Self Worth is Quiet,
but never silent.

It can understand its own value and worth to all things, without having to blast its own trumpet.

Jeron means “He Sings”
Jeron is Libertys 5th Child and 4th Son.
He is 7 months old.

He sings Liberty.
Holy Sacred Liberty.

Self Worth sings.
And in the song it sings,
All its Self Worth is displayed.

I went to Liberty C Liscomb Farm and Home today.
Not her house, her home.. a farm set in a beautiful space at 76 5 Horseshoe Hill in Harwington

Yes 76 5.. 7 65..
And I understood everything..
Her sadness, sorrow, her spirit, her dreams, romantic heart, her grace and her ferosciousness, her vision, her dream..
Her true self worth.

Her dream home, is hers with her former partner.
Its a dream space, actually quite incredible.
What it could become with some investment, some true care…
What a venue it will be..
A place for people to come together, community, love laughter celebration.

11:28 – 11:29 p.m

Its an estate, with everything.
Not over the top of crazy with luxury, it is utilitarian.
But a dream space at the same time.

But I know why, it is waiting..
I know why it had yet to become what it is meant to become..

Grace Favors E
Netgear 67.
Net Year 67… Ah yes the Nigerian Biafran Civil War.
76 Rae. ( Dunn) Y. T E N.

Yes, there is a riddle there, but I will not explain, enough of that.

Self Worth.

Its is quiet.
And it is confident which makes it quiet.
It really doesn’t require to be seen,
But it will be Seen.. and heard because it is a natural consequence of being..
A Being of Self Worth.
Which is never irritatingly, cocky and proud.

Its statement is in Its most natural state of being.
Because its sees Itself, His Self and in seeing Itself, honestly, truthfully and in clarity.
Its sees itself not by the presumed credo of an insane reality.
Or through ideas of its Self which never panned out as hoped.
It does not see itself through the eyes, judgements.. dictates or expressions of others

11:43 p.m

It sees itself through Its intent.
Through what It strives for, dreams of,
Works towards..
It does not Need,
It creates no excuses for itself.
It has no concept of Failure..
It has no scale of that which is success or failure, nor does it require to be seen and accepted.

Self Worth is the most honest sense and understanding of yourself.
Ego ..in its purest form.
Like a Baby who knows how to sing,
softly, loudly to Its Self.

We measure our value in what we believe is tje outcome, or the sucess in getting what we want or desire for ourselves and even those we love.
But that is not true Self Worth, or Value.

Its the Being and Doing..
The Vision Idea which we create, envision.
Its the standing up and moving towards an intended goal which you understand is something which has value for ourselves abd we discover, for all.

Self Worth, is the quiet understanding of understanding who you truly are in your core and essence, and that ability to apply that knowing and process, to others, moving them to a higher state.
A Sunshine State.
A state of being able to naturally, almost without intention.. the Self Worth of others.

And perhaps, they will not acknowledge or even praise you.
Perhaps they will even publicly and privately negate you.
And even think that your raising their Consciousness was an act of which you did to prove to them your power and ability, when.in truth, its a simple acknowledgment of what you percieve.
Done by you so naturally, bevause this is simply who you Be.

Self worth, is that quiet knowing, despite an entire planet negating you, of how people truly.value you- because even as they so obviously negate you, avoid acknowledging your Self Worth.
In that action of so thoroughly negating you, you can see so clearly, their acknowledging your True Self Worth.

When people go to such lengths to negate that which is obviously your true nature, something which makes them rise.
Though unfortunate that they chose to negate deny, and ignore that which came, flowed naturally from you..
Its a perverted, diseased form of an acknowledgement, like envy and jealousy.

You are the one who sees the result of your Midas Touch on others, you see beauty and resolution through your healing, sharing conversations.
You know exactly what you accomplished, something which only you can and must recognize.
The Benefits others derived, from you simply being you.

Its never about the results of your input, but rather, from watching yourself each time doing and being naturally, that which is naturally you Doing and Being you.
Its never about the results of your being you, and the affect on others or the the non stop amazing results and outcomes of your expression, or the results of Healing others, and helping them rise.

Its not about the power, of watching how easy it is to make peoples most impossible dreams come true.
But rather, its about how each time, you do not stop being you, because that is who you are.
Its just Being and Doing you.
The Results perhaps in the beginning made you feel joyous, excited and proud that being you is a thing of wonder and beauty, that it adds something wonderfully magical to the world and peoples lives.
But after a short while, that understanding which made you walk straighter, made you groom yourself better.
Begins to take a back seat, to the Beautiful Truth of its really you, simply being you.


12:17 p.m

I have been solving a Cosmic Riddle, in a Cosmic Chess board.
Stripped of every dignity, publicly before all the world.
I have solved every riddle of existence, walked under scorn and disgrace.
Love, companionship, affection, family, all my former accomplishments brutally and savagely ripped from me.

I have presented and shared knowledge gathered when all turned away in laughter ridicule and satisfied contempt.
From this abyss and black hole of true solitude and stripping until I stood naked before all of you.
I have proven Evolution through Arts Science and dedication to Humanities and all things in creations Truth.

I shared the evidence, facts, data, healing codes, tools which I used in the black hole humanity threw me into because of what had been done to.my body and pysche.
From this journey through human suffering, sorrow and cruelty..
And lived through Humanities Spirit and Emptional realms.

I.have been raped, violated, of all that makes a person a Human Being, walked the Streets, with no.where to go, but knowing where I am going, equating, working and creating a map.

I never gave into cruelty, to indifference to the suffering and hurts of others.
Despite giving evidence of enduring things such as Human Sacrifice.

Denied by my own family, denied allowed to.have a family, children even something as simple as Sex and a loving.touch
I have lived through a script of constant betrayal and which tried consistently to.make a fool.of me.
64 homes in the USA.
Scores more before.
A Mental Health Shelter, exhausted, tired, dead left for dead over.and over again.

But never once did I give in to a nature of bitterness cruelty, violence or revenge.
Nor did I use my powers of charm, magic and intellect to undermine, negate, destroy or make fall a persons spirit.
I never stopped seeing the way through peoples riddles of their existence.
I never became a beggar, never coerced people or blackmailed them, never betrayed the thousand upon thousands secrets given me as a burden to bear.

I have fought for the Beautiful Truth of Humaniry, brought forth empirical evidence, that your reality is not real, and gave in exchange the Beautiful Truth of the Origins of humanity and had the Universe Echo and confirm all my findings from you, while I have lived in a state of non existence.
No I.D, no support but food and clothing, from a man who knows how to succeed in everything I do.
All.the while living in a Black Hole of Human Existence, stripped bare of everything, comfort privacy, a moment of Peace..

I have called out to the evidence in my body, as proof of Evolution and then living for 17 years twisted in pain.

I have brought nothing but Beauty, Truth, Lightness Laughter, Fun Knowledge, Intel.to every portal and person I have been led to.
Cleaned their expressions with respect despite 30 decades of non stop work and often total disregard and disrespect

And through the cruelest and most insane script, which at each point sacrifices me for you.
To bring knowledge of Human Evolution through a script which so hates me, and sought, seeks to drive me insane.

And yet, I have never betrayed, hurt, blamed, falsely accused, raped another ones truth.
While watching as people rape my truth, twists my truth and treat me as if I have no rights and do not exists.. except to serve all, for the price of food to eat and a place to lay my weary head..
Solving the riddles of Universal Existence and to manifest Harmony.

12:58 p.m

Its not then results: the Echo confirmation to me of each milestone I reach, each thing this Script I am moved by makes me achieve.

Its my ability to still be and do naturally, even after such a lashing and thrashing 31 years
43 years, of such cruelty of a life, to still be sincere, genuine, authentic and real.

And despite my missing front teeth, twisted body, haggard face and sallow complexion..
Still after all these years, no rest, no peace of mind from the constant stimuli and living as a stranger or guest in peoples homes..
And what I have given 7 years and 10 months of evidence.
Fatigue.. such a fatigue..
And the absolute mind fuck of an.equation confirmed over and over again, a going.home a promised release delayed over and over again.
And being Mr.Nobody..
Who has solved the greatest riddles of any species
Including ESP and Consciousness, Expression Quantum.

And the deniars, liars, sick sick people I shared my knowledge with, gathered at such a cost on.an unfair playing field..

I have never done what you, and this Script did to me.
I rose from the Black Hole you threw me into, punished me so severely, with gifts and presents.. and the Truth.

No, I am fully Aware of my Self Worth by what I did with the Indifference and Cruelty of the World.
The Selfishness Greed of the World.

So, I know what I am talking about when I say, that no one can take your Self Worth or Value away.
That can only happen with your consent,
Which means.. you were never sure in the First place and had to experience all those things to help you decide.
Yes or No.

Chinedu Biafra is my 14 16 Facebook

Neptune Poseidon
Neptune Pluto. 8th 9th Planet.

14 16 30… 1.4 1 6. 12.

C F L.
C F C.

N P Naturalness Perfection
Centers O.

1:20 a.m.
1:21 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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