
10/13/2018 13:29 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

No, It was not a Cosmic Joke.
It was meant to be a Play
Dantes Divine Comedy
Dante means “Enduring”

An Enduring Divine Comedy..
E D C…/ C D E…

It was meant to be Fun…
Even Funny.
The Joker was the King playing the Fool
who goes on a journey undercover into the Play
walking through the stories woven, to lighten that,and those who were taking too seriously his play-
The Riddler.. in the realm of Batman.. Inverse..

Which was meant to evolve,
Comics and Super Heroes…
instead it was turned into heaviness garvity seriousnes
power plays, because people became frustrated and impatient with the Riddlers, and felt as though some one had played a Trick on them
Brought them into Creation to suffer,
they had forgotten all the beauty and the wonderful experiences of being alive.
they focused only in that which they felt thet were entitled to and what that impatence and frustration, made them become heavy with Gravitas and seriousness…
Lightness and Humor became clouded by Minds filled with resentment and a Play of Lightess, they turned into Anger Rage and Cruelty…
It had nothing to do with Darkness..
It as all about forgetting to make things Light.
And so the heaviness, made them forget how to Fly…

And the Enduring Divine Comedy-
gradually became Dantes Inferno….
Love Light, Lightness and Laughter became persecuted…
and the heaviness, made people sink to pits of Hell because of thier perception and actions became jaded.
Yet the Lightness was always present, to correct way to see,
the play of the Father, the King who played the Fool
always present, the Lightness and Humor…
Emmanuel! Nnamdi… ! He Called…
“How can they not see?”He wondered

And it was he voice of his beloved, who echoed and responded.
..It is the choice that they were given, Free will about how to see.
But perhaps, if you went into their world play, they might be reminded to what they had forgetten- the corect way to be… allows you to see.”

It was not a cosmic Joke…
It was a play of Fun
I Fun Nnanya…
Peek aboo!
I See you…
undercover in what ever disguise..
Hide and Seek.
Never Lost… Always “Found”
Lightness in the Dark,
Dark is the Lght

Not Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde…

1:18 p.m
A R…

1:19 p.m.

Life is a Dream,,

Life… Love Light Lightness Laughter, Luminous, Lucid Limitlessness, Laurels .. Lucifer Lucy…

Life= L X10…
LIFE= 12 x10… 120….

12 120… 132…. 13 M..2 B…

M B.. 6…F…
Manifestation Best Friend..
Harmony Infinity..

I Infinite…

That was the point of the Play

1:26 p.m.

See what has been done to the original play?
Observe my page and what has been done to the M.E…
Transforming everythinh back to Lightness while existing in the Non Existent made real..
A monstous story and script of people trapped in th Pit of the Ultimate Black Hole.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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