
10/12/2020 21:55 – Facebook Post

8:19 p.m.
H S… Holy Spirit…( Satya )
He Sings
Truth Beautiful Truth.

Hello… as you can see, some one is speaking for me…. see it in my latest facebook Friend- which brings us back from 1486 and back to 14 87 Facebook Friends.

See the meaning of his name and the post on his page which I shared.. but for my own reasons..

William Jedidiah IkeChukwu
W.J.I… I J W… 9 10 ..23.
Yes link to Kamora Herrington code of Isaiah and Joseph.

Meaning the past is still meddling with me and this play, oh yes it is the True Past- The Golden Age restored but after such a hold up and traffic jam created from and by all these detours from the original play script which had created such confusion and true suffering unimaginable for me personally..

Because to you, you are discovering through this hideous play most of you condone, after most of you intially rejected me and what I had been brought to you to share, because I came only will the clarity of loves truth called C… C.E.C.L I A…6th Sense.. Scent Smell.. perfume of truth.
I was rejected and left on the streets to die ( or so people thought but not I..) so many times…
But each time, I proved that even my being left to die on the streets of New York with this condition, that it was in harmony, not yours but of the E Harmony play via nature.

No I recognize and fully understand what took place and why this the first 14 87 Facebook friend is Afro American with a Yourba given name.
And this the second one has an O I Nri Igbo last name.

A Norman name latin English name, a Biblical name and an O.I Nri Igbo name.

I feel only a sneer of contempt for the notion that i would not see the truth of this play.. despite the pure intention- the desperation and lack of faith and trust which drove them to do the unthinkable… unimaginable.. unprecedented.

Cecilia was.. is my Mother Name.. She was and always is “Donna” ( Doe NN A) the first note Red.. Read .. and the first transformation of Man Youth into Girl Maiden.. but had never been able to attain Wuman hood until now… that His Her frequency entered the world.
Beauty and Harmony.

I have no intention to explain except to reiterate, that no one is above the law.

My mother is the first daughter 2nd child of my grandfather who cn not rise because of his line who sacrificed me without my knowledge.
The sacrifice was my Mother and I.. not being able to be re-united with her, and set her free to have a life her before the Evolution Awakening.

And this, I vowed that i will never forgive and even with this deceitful play of coercion and using all manners of deception and pleas… that whatever they felt they had attained, is an illusion.
That for this play that i would find a way an opening in thier so called Air Tight alibi and reason- trickery to use this play to make me find a reason for which they can be forgiven and pass through…

My Mother was held hostage even in death it would appear- of course in their play.. not real but still insane enough for them to actually try to enact and enforce.

My mother comes homes through the only passage way they did not see- that of a Woman passing through the Matrilineal line and at the same time proving that the One mother in this story is actually a male of two men.

Isaiah, Kamora Herrington son was doing a project on the Dog Star.. and I heard him speaking to his mother and his mother, saying that he was working in the twins…
I said yes .. Two Men.

Dog Star.. Dogon… Sagan… Doe Gone…
Sirus .. Stern… Laura Croft.. Crafts…

How far will you go.. what would you do to gain admittance to Eternity.. Paradise once you were able get the evidence that it is in a Fact that it exist..?


You have no idea how far people were willing to go.. do.. not realizing that it was free everyone can get in as long as your Energy Emission Frequency is Clean Pure Fresh smelling… Like a flower… which do grow in muddy areas to even stinky ones.. like perfume..

Yoruba and O I Nri Igbo…

the E comes before them.. tHe e Family come before them, the i cames before them.. but you can see by this play that they put themselves first.
Using a power that was forbidden unless used in transparency… the ability to possess and move people by simply rising via your Dna portals citing that they are your elders ancestors… etc..

William means .. Will I am..
“Desire.. Helmet Protector .. though the order is P H D…
Will I A.M..P H D…

Jeddiah is from the Bible…
Jedediah (Hebrew: ???????????) or Jedidiah is a Hebrew male given name, which is derived from the name Yedidyah, meaning “friend of God”.
Meaning: beloved of the Lord, friend of God”

Beloved Friend of God…
B F ..G… Being F G ..2: 6 7..
Yes, N Z 6767 46 B.
Ferrill Gemino..
19 67..

8:56 p.m.

The only reason i am posting was because I ordered some food for a couple of days.. Chinese Take out…and it was a fear play ‘Mask” and the total came to 20.56 usd.

I was told by the girl on the phone that I was meant to wear a mask to get the food from the driver.. to which I had exclaimed exploded and laughed in incredulity…
Are you serious…
Oh she replied your one of those..no one else has ever said anything…
i was light but she could hear the contempt and disgust spill from my voice.. i could not help it.. after all i am the source.. the creator…

I am..

9:00 p.m.
And in all honesty all creation was created by myself and this story so perverted was created by My Youth and I.

You have no idea what this really means to me, who has always known my own I.D and who is not from this realm… at all.

Nnanemeka I..Ezeufonna ( N.I E.. 14 9… E Sp 149 ) sent me a message today saying the that the council of 4 are still active.. he sent it or it reached me at 00:06 Hundred Hours.
Sixth Sense.

I replied I undertstand.

Enoch.. E Knocks…
The E family Buzz the Bell-Vue..
Tarek González its means Knock instead of Buzz but I aligned it but was suspicious not of Tarek but the play …Its meanings are very precise.

My mothers immediate younger brother.. mirroring myself and my sister, his name is Peter, and ONri Igbo his name is Ogochukwu …which means “Friend of God..Friendship with God… should be the True, The Truth.. The Beautiful Truth…

i do not play favorites.
No one is above the Eternal Law.

I address the unseen still hiding here in deaths cloak.
I saw your play from beginning to end and warned alerted you, did everything even when you left me on the streets to die…
And then i said no.
In 2006 and 4 years later i cursed you out of existence along with the so called Evil because your presumption and conceit that because we share the same blood line that you will rise on my coat tails..

China Wu Han.. Corona Virus…
China Africa connection…
Who wants to rule the world?

Ikechukwu means “the Will “Gre” force strength of the creator..”
yes as William.. and Jeddiah as Ogochukwo.

I already knew the play when Stephen linked me to Tree sage and Peter Bragino… Bra G INO. B B R..AG..IN.O… And Sacred Journey.. the wood carving Stephan bought from him which he then gave to me.. if you go back in time you will see how i kept empahisizing that Stephen bought it.. recognized what the play which Peter did not.
I saw that he had a pivotal role to play until i realized that he had no desire to play is role.
his choice.
But when stephn mentione recently airliy that the current condition of the E manual could be cleaned up by Peter Bragino.. and that he had felt that Peter would be the designer of it originally..
I had read the same thing in the script.
P B.. Prides Being.
P B is the license plate on the white Van…

9:22 p.m.

My youngest brother rode over a 1000 miles down from Northern Nigeria with Nnamdi;s coffin inside until at one point all the windows shattered.

I am fully aware of that play.. and how my uncle older brother of Lord Charles… Prince Peter is what my uncles was nick named.. he was of the order of the knights of St John.

Peter means rock and foundation.
See sacred portal 3.
P B / B P… Beautiful Pride…

W J I…

I will not stop until i manifest everything i said I would.”

What kind of fool do they take me for…?
This entire play waste of my time to feed a species who obviously chose evil, selfishness, who Knew exactly what they were doing..
April Fool.. 4-1- 20 20.. see what happened that day.. No april Fool the jokers were dealing with Corona Virus…
Who is laughing now…

Yes the underestimated me.. and my love for my real family… not a blood family who betrayed the meaning of Family over and over again.
The same consequence which the evil ones I give to these ancestors…

My uncle Peter, took my thesis from me when i gave it to him as a gift.
i loved him .. all of them to a point they thought that they could use that love of family against me.
Chris Filgueira… play that I understand so well…

No, this play was about proving that everything was completed a the get go…That there was nothing to do…
All of this was posted and i was made stimulated via Dna and a play of No where out…

William Jedidiah IkeChukwu
W J I..
Wisdom John 5 – 6 principle of the family of T E N.. the 55.. 2(5) M F+ Eight… is I.

I am Wisdom John … Beautiful Pride.. Pride in Being.. Lions pride…elphant trumpet.. Black Panther the most dangerous being ever to be.. exist.

i move you… you yo do not move me.. even as you watched me suffer and surmount for you even as i did your codes and solved your riddles…
And i watched you play. Get on with your lifes and only when there was need, would i be remembered with those unclean smiles … cash pay out as the good good generous people you are.

I am your creator.. that source that landlord who gave all free will and choice and who returns to see what has been done to the most beautiful gift … Eden… Beauty and i was forced compelled to do it all over again give another gift Free of charge which was not my Will nor my Desire…

William Jedidiah IkeChukwu

Will I am Jedi..! DI..AH… I.K E… C H U.K= WU.. man..

Yes i am her source..
She is my core.. rose from it my Sol..
What is the heart of the darkness it is a rose quartz… stone.. heart shaped.. beautiful pride…
The Black Panther…

You wish to manipulate me still by this post … to trick me?

Its not you William Jedidiah IkeChukwu i am adressing a beauty which turned truly evil and one which I can bring back .. but I choose to refuse and send it to a Hell Fire and all its kind for believing it could take advantage of my capacity to love so deeply… which my mother had always been afraid that people would use against me.
i was 16 at the time and looked at her, in a way that she flushed.

You obviously do not see me, I Cee all of them full circle, i just chose to highlight thier beauty, a hint which i was giving to come clean…
And then they did not… and yet i could see everything happening by simply looking around me each day and looking at the cars in the street.

Yes that was again the usurpers claiming to be my E Family…

I Smiled..
Define Family.
DE.. FIN… E.



My uncle Peter used like keeping me and people waiting when we were young. He did not care if it was hot and we had to wait two hours in his car.
This waiting and coding reminded me of him… how he treated people that way as if it was a right.
Oh I loved him, and he was brilliant ..
But Prince Lord.. Sir..? my three uncles nick names…

I am its original version and the true meaning of the word King … Elf King. E F
Fair Y King F K.

And there is no one who will escape the vengeance and my rage…
that is a promise and vow i made…
I will teach those who betrayed the most Gracious getures and offering with their arrogance and conciet that they are the most important thing when they had contributed nothing to the World evolution but simply feed off those who did the work – took the credit and acted as if they were better and knew that which they never even cared to figure out for themselves.. too busy blaming accusing…


go to your consequence prepared and something added … the screams of your saying impossible.. A D.. After Death.. what is in store for the selfish despite having started off with beautiful intentions… it about how you start and end….and complete.

9:54 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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