
10/12/2018 9:12 – Facebook Post

From Isabelle Ilic

The Night and Knights in Shinning Armour of “Amor”

This post is very important and relevant

You might notice that I met Isabell through a sacred portal and code 42 which linked to Dawn Piercy and to me in room 4B.
In Fact the whole End Script of which I have applied my Art and Science to resolve has been based on this sacred portal, after whch we move to the end… Sacred Portal 43 Door Of Life… 44 Goddess Bliss. 45 Throne of Existence” 46 “The Creator is Cloud I.

It is all about Power.. Ohm..
Power to Move Everything out of aligment back into alignment.

And it shows a Buddha with the Lotus in one eye and Flame of Fire in another…
And in the forefront, a Man and Woman making ‘Tantric Love” joined together, MW 69.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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