
10/12/2018 1:31 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge


36 Likes on this post

6 comments and 12 Shares…

36 6 12…

360 Full Circle F .L… FlorIda… 27 state… The Sun Shine State..

F L O W… F L O O R… Ground the Consciousness of the E,T…
Extra Terrestrials
Eternal Truth…

I am the 37th line. 6-7comments ( including this) and 13th Share.

Heaven and Hell is your invention..

H H… 8 8… EMEKA K O L O…= 35 53… 8 8…

Mddle name is I K E M E F U N A… = 85.. H.E..

Heaven Earth.. H E… 13 M.. Manifested … At M.. 13=4.. D…Destination not Delta or the number 4…
But I had to do it that way anyway…

8 85 8…

D Became the story of the Body… Matter…

V I C T O R… 22 9 3 20 15 18…. 87
V… I C… T O R… T H O R… Add H… 95 I.E.
V I C T O R Y…. 112….K B…

/ ROT.. C I.. V…
Y (Males) Rot.. C I. V.. This was the challenger…

1;30 p.m.



1:31 a.m.

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