
10/12/2017 20:48 – Facebook Post

10/12/2017 20:48 – Facebook Post

I am the One who was accused of being EVIL.
In both the Seen and the Unseen world.

Physical and Spirit World.
or as represented in this reality
Material and Thought/Thinking world.

And I was Falsely Accused.

F.A….. FA!…
And it went to Far…

Meaning in Middle English M.E…”Pleasant Fair.. Lovely”
( P.F.L. Bed 3-005..C.E…Paul Franklin)… P FL..16 F.L Sunshine State.
Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis..

It means “Joyful. Rejoice”…Same meaning as the name “Jay” in Sanskrit.

Jay Reid ( J.R….10 18..28.)

I was used by the E, The 5th Dimension to prove that Evil does not exist in True Existence.
But it does in the Human Story, of the 4th Dimension.
I was sent undercover to Answer “My Little Sister Harmony-Pan-door-AH: What is Evil.
Which had been allowed to manifest based on Cause and Effect and a Lesson, a Cautionary Tale of why it is imperative to stay clean and fight to preserve naturalness.

I was used as Bait, to root find the True Source of Evil in the World and root it out.
By understanding not only its cause and effect but having the Evil, projected onto me to carry, in order to riddle it out. Breaking down step by step until reaching Its Core.
And finding its Seed.
And the one person who it was represented and boiled down.

P.S.. is the name of the Paul S person in Bed 4-002.
Its alignment on the 3rd Floor is bed 3-001 by positioning,
Which was occupied by John Dudley (J.D 10 4 of the Egyptian Story)
I was in Bed 3-002 in the position which Paul Hamilton sleeps.
He is Mute.
My Journals are called ‘Talking To The Silence” TTT..S… 20 x 3.
20 20 20… 60…S=19… 79.
79 Sacred Portal 79 ‘Blue Print of Existence”
79=16…S.P..16… “Alien Father Mother…Horizon & Dawn” H.D 4 8.. / 84… H A D…/ D…A.H!

I do not speak to any other Paul amongst the Three apart from the one who is Mute.
Bed 3-002 and 4-001 are aligned.. and for some reason do not follow the same pattern on each floor as the 5 floors with 4 Levels of Sleeping Quarters.

In the E realm I had a mission.

But in the Spirit and Physical World I was accused of being Evil.

And all the Fear Horror, was allowed to be done to me, given to me to bear, because “I was accused of being Evil”

*Please see the testimonies provided through out this 5.6 year play and my entire life of being treated as if I were Evil.
Which allows people; thoughts, Mind Spirit, even if they do not believe it, to enact things secretly quietly.. and go so far relived revealing their own…Truth.
By allowing themselves of having a “Scape Goat”
Goat O is really Will.. The Power “OHM” Of Homme ( Man) and the Will to get back to ones Home.
Pan the Goat is really GO..AT..E… The Power of Seeing and even proving the meaning of the Full Circle…
And not a Man with a Goatee…

See the Theater Production “Wicked”, which I recall Michelle Lobsinger, going to with her mother and sought to take Richard with him.

“People think because I am green that I am Wicked,
but I will prove to them…”

People assume because I am a Blue E.T…. Evil

People assume that because I am a Cool Black Cat that I am Wicked…. B..M.E.O.W..B…

People assume that because of How I do not conform and see the World so differently….

People assume that I am Beautiful but Strange….

People assume that because I am always alone….

7:02 p.m.

Because strange things happen around me, magical, extraordinary wonderful, terrible.. yet righteous and fair…

They call me Witch Doctor….
They have called me names behind my back, whispered suspicions loved me in a way… but afraid… afraid of my will..
And a power which seems to follow me… which responds but which I do not control… ( Or I would not be here)

People assume that I am Evil because something is in me….

7:06 p.m.

And it is not of this World.

And so even my bio family, even people who “Love” and are attracted to me, invite into their homes, experience the Wonderful but also the mysterious, and the righteous, keep me at arms lengths…

And this is why I can be left in a Shelter before the entire world,
how people have not intervened and the only one who did while I was brought to the Shelter, was a person with the initials J.D.
And couple Jonn B

6:12 p.m.

Fort Lauderdale F.L… Florina 27th State.
“The Sunshine State”



J.L…12 10… 22.. V.J…”4″ V J
D.V. J…
Double Victor of the 5th Dimension Justice Balance… “007- J.B.

10 12 10…. 3 2….. 5… E..

1O-12-1O… A O- L – O A…

*More info about the name “Aoloa” Aoloa is a Hawaiian name and means “long cloud”. … When used as a name it takes on the figurative meaning of “a distinguished person”.

Recall the Harmony of the post of the Long Cloud shaped as a flying saucer ..”Cloud I”

A L A… Ala in OINri Igbo Culture and Customs “Ala” is the name of Law of the Land represented by the Earth Goddess.
A.k.a.. R.E.A….R.E.A. S.O N ..E… R.E. A .H.

But the correct code is A LA… A LA!
La is the 6th note in Solfeggio… Do Ray Mi Fa So La Ti Do.. or the 3rd… 6 3…F.C… Full Circle La to La… ALA…
3 6 O… 360 Degree’s
LA… 6 6… 12… 3….C…

A L A… 1 12 1….14….Letter N…

Naturalness… Nature… 1+4=5…E.
Is not EVIL…./ LIVE…

E.V.I.L…. Expression Victorious of the 5th Dimension which manifest… Infinite Limitlessness…

People of the Ancient Worlds, when the world was young, could say things and those things would instantly manifest.

We have this in the O.INRI Igbo Culture and in all ancient cultures in this World History and even now, there are still some reminders of that world and gift remaining though hidden and its meaning often so distorted by time and superstition.
But people still believe in the power of Words- as symbolized by the recent case in the United States of the young woman convicted of making her friend commit suicide.
We also have in the cultural landscape as Voo Doo… Or putting a Spell on Someone.
Or Hypnotizing them.
There still remains a fear, and ancient deep rooted fear which came from the True Experience with these Beings who seemed to be able to manifest out of Nothing -Something.
With Words…
With Presence…

This ancient deep rooted Fear in Humanity has infected everything and nearly every one with fear, suspicion, doubt…
And a cruelty and barbarism to find the Truth or to have such a “Power”….

My mother spoke of that power she had when she was younger to be able to instantly manifest things…

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula
Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka
Chibuzo Okolo
Ikenna Iheanacho
Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Orien Laplante
Lisa Natalie Johnson
Ria Casey H
Dawn Piercy

..Are just a few examples who are aware of this….

The reason why this is a Factor of Contempt for the E or the Beautiful Ones, for the the Human Species is that Manifestation is always Beautiful, it can not be Evil.
And if it is Destructive, it is because it is the Divine Law of Balance Justice… Which if you lie, or deny that you did cause that thing to manifest because of something which you have done, did in “Secret” or through your thoughts, and then project it into someone else, and “Innocent” and then allowed the most savage consequence to manifest onto the person you falsely accused and even fed it. Spear headed that savagery onto the person who called you out or who knows, and did not reveal it to give you time to change your ways….

This is the Sacred Portal 99.. That Factor of Contempt for the Species because they saw that the people knew.. but said nothing.

Please take for example Harvey Miramax… ( Mirror Maximum)

“Harvey Weinstein, CBE is an American film producer and former film studio executive. He co-founded Miramax, which produced several popular independent films including Pulp Fiction, Clerks, The Crying Game, and Sex, Lies, and Videotape. Wikipedia
Born: March 19, 1952 (age 65), Flushing, New York City, NY
Spouse: Georgina Chapman (m. 2007), Eve Chilton Weinstein (m. 1987–2004)”

3-19-52…. C.S.E.B…. Consciousness Supreme Emeka line Be.
B.E. S.C…. Being E ..South Carolina…
/25-91-3…. Y.A.I. C…

“They;re Eyes Were Watching Lord”

That is the Factor of Contempt….
And look at the cause and effect, how many of those women carried that experience, how it affected their outlook of men, life, the world…How many of them no quit as actresses…
And how many of them became infected by that experience and it changed them, transformed them. Infected how they related communicated trusted….
A Chain Reaction..

That is just one example.
And then look at how people have set Harvey Weinstein up as a Scape Goat to something most of them do…
But he got caught, because he got arrogant because he did not cover his tracks…

Today in the Room 4A…
A play took place once again it was bed 4-007 Edwin Dominic…
( Usurpers)…
I say that because after what happened last night when I arrived
( A Fight greeted me, taking place right besides me, not what I had expected after getting Fara 10-11-1992 as a Face Book, I felt ok this it, it is over.. I have provided the last conclusive evidence… It never occured to me that people might be afraid of me and what I had publicly demonstrated…
But instead it was a fight which is what greeted me and I was right there and both protagonist ended each coming right besides me moment after one after the other – on the Ground floor and then on the second floor…-It took place on the First Floor.)

– I had been so disgusted and enraged, I became dangerous at the depth of the hatred showed me each moment of this Script, and in deed, I realized my life..

Bed 4-007 Iliterate homeless and who is so bitter that he has lived on the streets and is a 64 year old man looks like Age Itself but not as wise and quiet..But Rage Bitterness and Hate which cowardice prevents him from coming out from undercover to roar…
But the Cowardice comes from knowing that they know why they are in that situation, that they know what they did do, so intentionally using others, pretending to like them, use them suck others energy…
Act nice and use words with subtle conscious malice twist words and Spell Bind people…

Jose and Dee had both called him out to me separately not knowing that I had been dealing with him already in my Room.

I would call him out each day, somehow not able to let any of his subtle sly and deep undercover and cunning slide…
I am not sure if it was because I wished others to wake up and see him clear, or it was because every sense in me plus evidence knew what he represented.
It had no power, but its power His power came from others refusal to Cee and See… Yes Harvey W…
H.W.. 8 23….
I am H.K…Recall …Hells Kitchen – which is to pay for the Evil done by another who set you up and got everyone to believe him because he or she knows the Publics own dirty secret and shame..
That they are guilty of acts of Cruelty and Jealousy but not like this.. But they are afraid that they will be called out too, or they too want to see the one who is clean and natural… secretly fall..
And yet they do not….

I feel it must be more just the Vibrations which he creates, the sound of his voice, and an how deeply he used the shroud of Darkness , the mysteries to do it…So others are confused, unsure..

Today, I observed once more as he sought to provoke, to annoy, then cast himself as an innocent when he got the response he expected of me, but my responses were never emotional or angry but rather an opportunity to bring another factor of his play to light…
Which is why each time I respond he becomes quiet…
I constantly surprise him… Which is the power of being Educated Literate over the power of Iliteracy and using the Fears and Ignorance weaknesses of others to control them get what they want from them…

Today he retaliated as he always does but setting up a play using others to do so, while snitching while creating a smoke screen.
But he did not realize that it was he.. ( and myself ) being set up.

I noticed that his “Friend” Tommy the innocent was not well and had spoke of coming from the hospital…
Today, after I once again called him out and he plotted his revenge, I noticed that his friend Tommy “D.O.L” Door of Life was getting weaker as he lay in the bed…

I came out and dealt with the situation and the new room members bed right beside Tommy, who he had set up…

8:11 p.m.
H.K… Hells Kitchen…

I will not even go into detail but he used the foolish one, and then looked at me with innocent eyes and told me that it was Nicholas when I was perfectly aware who had done it..
I opened the bathroom door instantly…
After I saw the play, I went down stairs to change my bed linen and saw him at the Door of the Staff…
He was about to go in and snitch …

* Anton the copper man just appeared at the window with a beaming smile touch his fist filled with Wire Sculptures to his heart as he beamed at me…

I did not even realize that he was about to Snitch as I came down the stair but I had realized what he had set up as I called out the one he had used.
I just roared at him from the stairs.. which caused him to back away and the Staff to come to the door as I entered roaring in rage …more disgust…

It is not what he had done, which bothered me but the Evil in him which causes me to call him out and roar…
It is these cowards, old men, manipulators who create Violence because they set it up or cause such rage that people feel so helpless to express or explain the cleverness the slyness the deviousness of the “Plot” because they are so outraged, so shocked stunned by it that they feel only the desire to violence…
Which is what these Cowards count on…

Meanwhile, the E.MT has arrived Tommy all the while is getting worse, the entire staff senior staff are in the Dormitory…
I hear Tommy when they tell him that they are scared that if he goes to sleep that he might not wake up…
He responds that that is not such a bad thing…
And I realized that when I had posted that yesterday his exchange conversing with Bed 4-008 Nicholas Wittingham that he had spoken about the irresponsible treatment of the staff to sending him to the hospital just so as to not be liable not caring what happened to him…
And that is what happened last night when one the men who had been fighting were sent to the hospital and then left there.. One of them a 60 year old Spanish 18th Century dude who looked robust said when he returned.. that he had to take a cab because he was just left there…
That had happened to me…

But that was not the source of the Evil.
That carelessness came from indifference to a system which does not give a damn.
I observed how all the social workers crowded around me when I roared..

I observed it by how the Security guard and the Superintendents came to me saying they knew what the old man was doing but to not get too upset…

I observed it when I returned to the room with all the E.M.T…Around Tommy’s Bed…
And How all listened to me, as I walked up quietly to the Edwin who had anounced to the few in the room at that moment that I had gone down and “Snitched” and observed how he twisted what really happened… Despite his stupidity ( such is Evil) to the fact that there were witnesses and cameras everywhere…

..but the moment I spoke, the E,MT the staff where in the hallway others were at the door way and two social workers who have are lighter than others… Stood
Kelsie also smiling brushed past me…
I could not pay attention to any one of them as I walked up to where E.D sat in his bed…
“You do not really bother me… ”
One of the women sought to interrupt me…
I ignored her…

“You are Evil.. I had said this before but this time there were scores of people from every level who heard me.. a set up…

“I have come from very far far away to find that you are real…”

I am Bed 007… 12 -13 Years since 2004.. 2005..
Hurricane Katrina…H.K.
Puerto Rico… Santeria… 268 East 4th Street
Erik Ebright Miami at “Little Haiti..”

I have been in the 4th Dimension 12.. Years the Book of Evil…
Instead of 4th being the Golden Green … Life Oxygen Green Blue Oxygen…
My bed 007….

4 007.. James Bond… J.B..

He is in Bed 4-007….He is the Evil Rep which usurped what I represent and which I was accussed of and which in the S.P Dimension..
Spirit Physical.. Stephen Popiotek, Stephen Filgueira
I am the pure sent used as Bait…

To find the source of Evil… In the T.M… Material O Thinking-Thought… M.O.T….How Words are used to infect…

Tom McCoy .. Bed Rep Door Of Life…
8:43 p.m… right now..

Was totally ignored by he so called “Best Friend”
He lay there ready to die…
And the other was too busy scheming ..
And I had heard him this morning as I lay quiet as he once more opened his big mouth speaking to a new person in the room spreading disease as his “Best Friend” he had used, whose mind he had infected and to my supreme indifference had forgotten that the first act of Grace when he had newly arrived had come from me- before he knew anyone…

…And so has the pattern been non stop…

Because I was suspectd of being evil.

8:47 p.m.

And left to this fate…
Despite having transparently explained in the language of Reason Harmony…
Cause and Effect…

Law And Order…

A L A O…

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