
10/12/2014 17:20 – Facebook Post

October 12…

Octo actually means 8…
In Latin…
One has to wonder why the 10th Month which we know actually is 1O…meaning 1=A.O..is actually named the 8th Month…
Hmmm…well it does align to 1(Alpha Emega Omega) is 8…
The Sound of Doe Ray me Far Sola (Sol Alpha..Lasol) T-Ea..7 voices singing praise to the 1who is both 1 and 8…89…178…
Whose voices create the Hues of E Motion exploding into colors of the Northern Lights which give rise to the Seven Sisters seven Seers who rise as one…to bring their Lord and his family home from the Battlefield of the Theory of Everything resolved into the Truth of Everything being one…

:Thus October is really 18…A.H.I.

Wrote a private text to Dina Singh giving her the last codes of activation from Pain to Joy which is. Her real principle…
(We had to come down and play the opposite of what we represent and transform it back to its truth…i.e as Beautiful had to go through the journey of Ugliness- “Ajo Madu..A.M…Meaning if I could transform the Ugliest reality and person who are really Anger Hurt (Male ficient back to Magnificence and Majesty we would have earned the Evolution Awakening (EA. 51…Dina Sing Harmony…A Era 51..which is her code A G.E)…

After writing a woman I do not know called Joy B sent me a text message with the simple word
Harmony Infinity…

Then I saw the “Like” of Lady V.Era Io.CC O…
affirmed by Lady S.Guatama and Lady Alexander…
G.A…7 in 1…which of course creates 1..78.

Words…can words of Truth affect reality…
“And the word was with God…hmm..the Word was with Gode came to support him her…

As one can see God is being played out in this end play by the ladies….who as we see must affirm.my words and posts in perfect Hsrmony…

Just as Men played True Nature..
And I played Expression Energy Existence.
Exemplified Explained By yours truly Emeka Kolo…

Goddess Bliss
Lord Extase…

L.G is the code on my marked on my.phone..

Extase Bliss

14 is 5. X. Is.49…13…4


Dina remarked about how broke I am in terms of no income, no money, no home…only able to feed myself by those I am training that I have no.money to eat…
Insulting is not the word…
It is something I know my family went through undercover…it is one thing I can never forgive and have created the weave of suitable response.

I have worked for Nothing…literally the hardest job in Existence with the most ungrateful response..
Just as the I.E created from Nothingness all this Beauty and the same ungrateful response..

Not from the ones who were not brought to.this play for there are some who are truly grateful and appreciate…
But this was a play to find the Truth..
It was never about love because man oh.man how you were loved…even by me.
Where do you think the Energy comes from to be paid nothing for the hardest job in Existence which involves the unpleasant task of calling ppl out, then seeking to save thier asses from what as a Seer you are seeing where thier expressions actions of cause and effect are leading to…
Get insulted punished and crucified for it and then have to come back and train them for the future their responses has created before you are allowed to leave…
All the while being made fully aware of not only.your true I.D, and seeing ppl for what they are but adding insult to injury watch a listen as those brought to.you lie and challenge Existence to the face…

My oh.my what a think.to.ask, what a demand to.make…
But I never stay in Evil or Hatred they inspire for too long… But I was asked to.taste it..Evil Hatred..E.H so as to recognize the experience of it which I never had before..
Usually I walk away leaving the creature to.thier fate or I go war of annihilation with it…
This time with.my body and being literally.bound and the Evil injected in my very body causing.my body non stop fighting it…
I.had to wade through it transforming it publicly on F.B as I went.
While fighting illusions of time made real of Aliens to Demons to Monsters all made real.but fought in a dimension which few could see..
And the few who did were so scared…first of the horrors I was fighting…then of me…who could I be to fight such horrors yet.humbed (or at least that was the illusion) so terribly that I was not even given the dignity of.my own bed income or support…

But all I wish to do is go home to.my own consciousness and dimension and family…
That is all I.ever desired..
I am tired of having to be Angry and outraged…
Yes it served a purpose to activate the Blue Flame but truly that was such a primitive and cruel way to.make me make rise that kind of wrath and power of destruction.

My wrath is Beautiful not uncontrolled and manical…I am much.more like Denzel Washington…D.C..G.E…O FF..in.the Equalizer and even then with greater, far greater grace that even the ones getting chatized feel Awe delivery and each act movement cut they understand why and can not help but utter “Well Done”

Which is the meaning of my name.

This is about Convergence..very.much.like Edge of Tomorrow. The T.C movie, repeating the same play over and over again since I first wrote the story as an 8 yr old boy..
Repeating the provess over and over again for 39 yrs non stop…3rd Street Bean to 9th Street Bean…Waiting for the correct response..

Which never comes…
This was not for my Clarification, after all I got the story correct at 8, just as I did when I rose from the so called Nothingness at H.I…
Not it was not not for my Clarification it was for yours… His hers…
A bloody waste of time if you ask me for the response was the same in.the very Begining as it is in the End…

Daizy Vivienne…
Day Eye Alive…
David Emeka A…
Beloved E .A…5I A Era V Era Rose Well Ah.


With cheeky smile…
(To cover my sadness but there is no hurt…all is as I expected…apart from the line of E Family…their conti.ued absence yrs, surprised even me)..

A mystery for they would have found a way to stop this cruest of plays and taken me away as I came to take them…
Oh well.I am here.


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