
10/11/2014 1:57 – Facebook Post



A Gift from “GOD” arrived today…After texting Nikoma despite his inability to.meet…He is training some one…
I did not have to but I texted him from my.consciousness and seership to let him know that he is in alignment convergence with what I knew was and is his Training those.left behind ala Tribulations Rapture…But for goodness sakes! Not as a physical.departure but Consciousness…
It is a Consciousness which I and my family and the Harmonious Beings are leaving behind…
Leaving the lines of David Nikoma Albert to.become and prive themselves as Kings in a much.more serious play of life and Death than their present lifes now.

My family and I as well as many F.B friends have lived fought and died and risen again fighting for the Species Evolution while others slept or slacked off…
Now as we leave this Consciousness forever,we who did they great battle of the Energetuc Spirit and Sub Atomic level, leave the playing field for those left behind by.the consciousness they chose by enactment to deal.with.the physical.manifestation of which they Need to.physically See to.take seriously.

I for one, as I.mentioned to Nikoma via text can not take a species repped by his and others consciousness seriously who can not even read.the writing on the wall and not take action and precautionary.measures until it is too late.

I saw this vision when I was 8 years old..I have lived on and off in this loop and address of 4th steet representing the 4th Dimension for over 8 years…
From 1O5 Wiltshire.Bay Canada…Nigeria London Spain Paris Istanbul (Israel Vienna Rome Milan) then New York… I have been.fighting all.my life not even allowed a moments break to even make love and friendships…
While a world around me,,ppl atound me sought to.treat me like a Nothing, a Servant, Slave even a Homeless Bum…but could not as I was forced to time travel.back and save Their Asses and even train each and everyone of them for what is to come bc they chose to.ignore all the Evidence as a Seer and Scientist I was showing them so.they could avoid that destiny they.had created.

Oh well…Some of them will.rise and all will.be amazed at just how well I trained them when the shit hits the fan… They will.realize in hindsight what I was fighting them to rise to…And they will thank me but I will.not hear it I will.be ling gone…Far far away from them all…thank god.

If you did not appreciate or thank me now..
I do not need your thanks when you realize that I was preparing you after.trying to guide you not to even have to experience that but come home with.me.

Father Earth and Lady Echo Existence…Father Mother F,M forced me bound me and today I realize that I can forgive them in my.Heart but not.my being for forcing me to such a role when I already knew the outcome…
I know and knew humanity.better than.they did as E.T and Alien.. They just.made this torture and torment a living hell for binding.my will.while I was.undercover as a human to.help a species who.already created thus cause and effect…

I already knew as Chris Franco stated…it was torture while fighting real aliens created by human imagination in fear and Viruses,,,

From Maleficient to Brad Pitts Zoimbies..,

As you know I had a White Galaxy Samsung. Phone gifted to,me by Billy Hung…B H 28…
Li…Which was used to symbolically represent the play of Space Star Trek..and was stolen in perfect Harmony of the end of that play…

Then I was brought to Als computer and.the.Apple Store to align the boundaries of the quarantined Zones to Nikoma David P.S..P.L and then Albert S to Apple Store…A S A.S…

Thus aligning the equation of world champion consciousness which.shall.be caged to P.S.P.S..
C.C..A.H Yes End P.S.L.P A.S A S….

And then was gifted a black Boost Phone by.my Father…White Apple Black…White A.N.D Black by Nnamdi Nna…Born 1969….Ying Yang…
I am sure you are begining to understand what F.M. or Father Lady E..were up to…
F.L E.K…Forte Lauderdale… i knew it was all.about what.had bern done to.me and my.line of E and how I we had bern treated bt I sought to,make it all abt you to give you a sense of worth.and duty… Fat help that did it gave so.many.Fat Heads…not all though…

Anyway,I did not fully understand what.they were up to… Samsung Boost Supreme Being..S B…
But I suspected…

Samsung to Apple S.(F.B F Siththy Ameena Authoring Harmony!” -Oh yes she comes home with Praise to Boost Android Boost Phone.A.B B.A B.P (Aba see text from Nigerian Eye today abt Aba not realizing he was Affirming a code in.the E.T Consciousness….
B.P is Beautiful Pride.Brad Pitt Z Zombies Z 26…
Meet Joe Black..Death…

I think you can understand..
Sam Sung B.H….AL..Apple..AA…Boost..,A.B…
had One dollar added to.my six…to.make seven…its code was 3….12 12 2 3 4 7…
Completed yesterday days code…
Today I have 5 left…
Prove the Theory of Everything in the cruelest most inhuman way…
Still did it…
Oh yes my Boost Android Phone is on Wifi Airplane… As in Leaving on a Jet Plane..never be back.here again…747…
Galaxy to Airplane Air Waves .A. A.W.E…


Good night
1 57 A M

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