
10/10/2018 12:04 – Facebook Post

The Way Is Beyond Belief ”

I am wearing a T-shirt with this very image on it
Just woke Kyle Murphy from a Dream Vision where he saw the planet implode and explode into reset.
He said he heard voices frightened and then another voice enraged saying this is all wrong and “They went too Far”
And that is when he saw it all destroyed and rebuilt in an instant.
Then he heard a voice..
Mine calling him..
Wisking him away.
I came to wake him up 3 times.
On the 3rd he woke up.
He never recalled me having woken him up twice before.
What saved him from me not walking away was the third time I waited for him I saw the time was 10:13 a.m.
His birthday.

As we walked to pick up Fritz Venniques money gram 26 848 231…
I realized that we were in a different version of the Adam awakened by God -the play we had enacted in 2010..Organ Bay Park where he had witnessed the transformation of the planet.
Kyle witnessed it destruction and correct recreation in a blink of an eye.
He saw Gold White Light.
Golden State 31..
Not California 31st State.

As we walked back
I spoke to him about the irrelevance of Belief..
It’s all about Facts.

Waited for Jace Kassim Horstford.
I think he has missed the Ship Boat.

12:04 pm

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