
10/1/2019 23:28 – Facebook Post

10:13 p.m



The way I acted without hesitation to accept the invitation by Liberty C Liscomb made me realize that still, I was being moved by the Winds of this play.

Alone, I post each day, no one rises as witnesses..
( all have reasons and excuses, but I always suggested that they prefer to let me speak out on a limb by myself.).

Limbo.. Purgatory.

Liberty and I visited a grave yard in Yale.
And the play, should be recorded for Future reference.
But not today by me.

How many times, have I said ” Enough”
I stop.
And ” Good Bye”

Yet, each day, I am lured one more step closer by the promise of the codes representing and its reading, and even yes, manifestation of the Truth.
Today was the most remarkable, astounding play.
But who can record it, Liberty with her 5 kids all the activities and work of a Woman recently single?

Or I, exhausted tired, almost transforning the moment into your dissapointment of a ” Complaining Character meant to emerge Victorious through unbelievable trials and tribulations..

… And lord knows I hear ” The Peoples Complaints”
What is 43 years of writing and holding onto a truth.
And the battles of the last 29. 31 years, Day and Night?

And do I seek to Shame you into the acknowledging of my Existence…?

What kind of Hero is this, Savior, Conqueror is this.

64 homes invited into,
Is that.not something?
Dedicating every waking moment to your Evolution Awakening.
Fighting battles with you, and myself as to why I.fight on to a Script which can create such a character, to post each day on Facebook.

Is it not something to quietly touch peoples hearts, reminding who they stand for, what they.truly reprent.
The Heroic Beauty,
The Cruelty and Contempt and fighting to prove it a lie.

I have gone on, not because I condone, the use of my continual surmounting of culmulative pain and suffering of the navigating a script of Terrible Death, constant deceipt and deception.
I go on because the Equation I have solved, the Battles I have won, mirror reflect your own and the reason Human rises to Huemanity.

Not for conciet, but to end this Filthy History and story of a world steeped in Indifference and Cruelty.

But my, how the Script plods, dawdles, wandles along…
And behind and infront, I sew and link The Patterns Script.. My Script because no one else is decoding it, sharing it posting intel each day.

I post because, there must be a record of exquisite and extraordinary deciphering, decodeling transforming Terrible Death to the entire people of this world.
Now reduced to 2/3rds…?

I post because, I have checked and checked the Script of my.life ..and all yours ( in summary until reduced it to 5 )
10:53 p.m
Linked connected, melded to welded merged to E In One.

And thus, after all this, to leave this my own given battle field of proving a new race of Species and Being into Existence.
And thus, the Equation demands that Harmony in All things are revealed, and as Science really Magic, I leave in front of the Entire world, signaling your Awakening..
And the E Naturals Evolution

…. And me… To my own Space, Home to peace from this Hellish Existence…
Who do not recognize True Love,
Compassion Passion..

Not even Proof and Reason
Purple Reign.
When Doves Cry.. Doves of Peace.
This species who love to War.
Against Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, brother cousin, family, culture nation ancestors each other, while spewing words of Love

Can you see me now?
Being Doing, the meaning of what Love is
That after.all this proof and reading, you would rise and take over the load.

Ah what cruelty Indeed, and In Deed, truly I am made responsible for all of you, and if this Lone Infinity Standing up proving Universal Harmony alone..
Is telling the Truth?

Sharing Teaching, Inspiring, exemplifying, so that you would rise from the grave..
As you soon will..

Living Dead
Memory Lost yet found.

After all, who is Liberty represenring, carrying in her ” N.O A H’s ” Ark ( NA/ AN A) passed through with me Today

DunnLiscomb she had noted on.a Tomb Stone today.
“Dunn” John Mack ..Grave Yard, “Dunn.. ”
“Rae- Dunn” Jesse Macias small plate..
Divine Road Delta..

Dunn meaning ” The Dark One ” .T D O.

I have gone on because despite this being a story of “War And Peace” Transformed into the True Story of Beauty and The Beautiful Wave”
T S O. B P.A W.
Because I represent Truth.
Beautiful Victorious Truth.
Center of All Existence.

I do it because I have beautiful pride for the True Sol of you…. ALIVE.

What is Love, if not that?
Despite the response of its is your responsibility to carry,
But you say to me ( silently)
You brought it.up.
Claimed yourself “The Source.”
The Creator.”

The One who solved the “Riddles of Existence ”

(Actually the Script did, for truly what.do I have to gain from declaring.those truths and manually, indignantly, reproachfully slog.my way through over 7 years of what is the illusion of constant humilation..)

And what if I did do all the Script made me solve and then publicly proclaim while living pennilsless and yet gracefully in other peoples homes for Almost 2 decades.

What else could it be but love.
And what else could my still.bearing this alone twisted by.the bodies of the Dead could this be defined as Evil Cruelty Indifference and hate?

7.10 years of proof and evidence.
Do you really even have to look so far back to see me.
What about the moment.
Last Week
Last Month
Last Year..

I went this far for love, love of what I see in you, saw in you.
The Beautiful Ones, despites the Human Illusions, many even monster’s you had let your self as Hosts, do your Guest.
The Soul and True Meaning of you being You.
My E Family.

And so see, this time its passion which took over me..
And I.have written a long post.

No, I went this far for Love..
I.am Love..
I have always known.
I am truth.

And I never betray Trust.
Never let a being speaking Beautiful Strong brave Truth, stand alone.

11:22 p.m right now is

Perhaps I am not what you expected, or do not accept me, but I never asked you, or anyone your acceptance.

Or Love.
I.am Love.
And I did this all, for the Love and Truth, I swe in me, which I then saw in you..
Or perhaps I.was just.staring at my own reflection in all of you.

I know at least what Love is Truth is.
Beauty is Elegance and amazing grace in A MAN.

Dignity and Humor in the face of the most harrowing adversaries and experiences.

Bravery and Courage
A Valorious and Victorious Man who rose to prove each and everyone of your most beautiful Truh.

Your Orgins.
Immaculate Conception
Your Source
Is E.

11:28 p.m

My Birth Day
10 8
810. Is the one H A ! O

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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