
10/1/2018 21:39 – Facebook Post

5:42 p.m.

7:21 p.m.

I took a long break.

The Elephant “Memory’ in the Room.

The Reality of what is going on with my Body and My Being…



There is only one thing left…..


I am incredulous that I held on for this long.
Allowed myself to go this far, culminating in 24 months + in a Shelter in the Bronx.

There were ample opportunities to leave but instead, I stayed.
Mainly because the caveat off my leaving this Script always involved a denial of the Beautiful Truth.

I will not deny, that till this moment, the incredulity I feel that till this moment that I am still here, undercover in the Bronx, and with all the convergence and alignment of evidence ( including my body and being) that this Script has yet to conclude in its manifestation.

7:28 p.m right now….

But, at the same time, I am so eager, and have been so eager to exit from this Script and the intensity of focus on things so filthy with corruption from the original meaning and intention and then being forced to transform it back to the original meaning; fight battle.. war to bring it back to its original meaning was something which took supernatural strength on my part to do.

-Having to read each day what the Beautiful Truth had been transformed into. Then enter into the plays set up, such as last nights, over and over again for 17.6 years with full awareness while everyone else lived here in this material plane.

By God, I had even stopped dreaming of the day when I would stop posting linking, in a script which forced me to bare my most intimate life, my reflections experiences…
Experiences with other people, all privacy taken away from me, and my having to skirt the fine line of intel and personal information people trusted me, and conveyed to me without realizing that they were conveying three aspects of unseen response of collective human Cause and Effect.
Three points of view which had to converge.
How I fought, often publicly with this being real.

There is a conclusion to the “Ayah” – this explosive force of Will and Spirit moving through me has had me weave it to…

Beautiful Dawn… Evolution
Destruction… Extinction..

And the 3rd resolution Empathy versus Evil…
Empathy being to consider another, others by simply putting your self in their shoes.
And Evil, Selfishness but as the absolute and awful negation of all other points of view apart from your own.

One Includes, is welcoming and embraces the commonality of our Individual experiences together through life, it recognizes true Spirit and it acknowledges “Namaste” what I call the Eternal Harmony in you,

The other- sees it but refutes it, while using it, feeding off it like a parasite…

What is Evil but the intentional indifference to the Truth which exists and is expressed by and from within all of us..
Indifference Negation denial of that which they know to be True.
What could be more awful that that…?
And yet it is the most common practice in our present society, people do it as easily as breathing, even taking pleasure in seeing the result.

How can empathy win against that?

When Kyle Murphy played “One Mann versus the World”
though I am the only one representing the truth of Eternal Harmony, but there are also others who have stood up as One Man or Woman to, and for the Truth.

And then with Money thrown into the mix.
Ah,that is where I was really hit hard with this play for who can deny the reasons and the fear of being disrespected, shamed, and insulted for not having money, not having enough.. in a city like New York…
Ah we elevate the stakes to Primal Fear.
I have said it many times before that only a mad man would willingly give up the security of earning ones own income in order to surf the wave of which he was not even sure where where it was leading and what it was saying.

I won’t say I was that mad man, because I did not chose for this presence to enter rise in my body and being…
And I spent the first 25 years of my life running from this…
while having to use reason, to understand how what was happening to me was possible.
And the implications of such a thing- a presence from your Self from another dimension racing through your body and being to incarnate here.
It meant to me, that that Existence Creation had to be Evil and Cruel because it negated the Existence of the Being and Body being given that experience…
I represent and remembered and then re-collected that Existence is Perfection Harmony…

8:08 p.m.

And thus such a possibility was absurd.

But I lived it, am living it…and even now, right now my body is shifting in such a manner that I rushed outside to center and align the change going on in my muscles and tendons.
Everything I know, cherished and loved about Existence and Creation has been challenged and tested to the utter limits by this possibility existing in me, even after following this wave moving through me around me to figure it out so that I that I could have peace in my body.

And what is the most shocking is that no one around me “seems” to care.
That someone is going through what even can see is feel is not of this world experience.
It was only because of this, and the sure fire knowing of the Truth and then the non stop evidence outside of my self, through people, rising to confirm that this that I am experiencing and understanding is true.
There were also Energies Frequencies, presences who rose in in me in 2004 which took away any last doubt that a Reality, an Existence and a Family whom I knew intimately before coming into this world were present in his world but through my body.
They’re presence became my comfort.
But they would rise only in certain conditions- they were in me and i would recognize them outside in certain people…
And then they left me when reached 268 East 4th Street Generation X.

And I have been alone since then… except for this Force which though beautiful is a warrior force of Beautiful Rage and strength.

How could people have so much evidence of that which they recognized in me, what was happening to me. and do nothing?
Act as if it were the most ordinary thing in the World.
That was something which really disturbed baffled and bewildered me…
I had to fight the panic and shock of all the thoughts racing through me head…
There was never fear.. but there was a deep sense of suddenly being afraid and distrustful of this process and people and what was really going on.

I am aware of my being in a story of Beliefs, but what is happening to me since age 33 is not a belief, it is a fact.

And on my arrival in New York, it reached such an apex that I thought that I would be turned into a government projects..
But that worry, was allayed by a different concern, even more worrisome…
Amusement, enjoyment and indifference.

Can you imagine what it has been like, being me..?
Living with this, not being able to work in my profession any longer because of the unpredictability of it rising up…
The amount of dangerous situations it could have put me in if I had not learned to adapt it, master it and most of all begin to scientifically give reason to it.
And observing how it had cornered me into playing this role I have played on Facebook and in New York.
Recording the Awakening even as I decoded the C O D E S.. and the riddles of existence.
Embarking on this voyage in which all security was denied me.

My Truth stated that this was Impossible
But the Fact is right before me saying otherwise.

But nothing, nothing could have prepared me for the world reaction.. either it was delightful acceptance or Fear.

I could not pretend that this was not happening to me because .. it is and 24/7 a constant reminder…

People have call it all sort s of things and names.. All extraordinary over the last 17-18 years…
But no one has bothered to address the reality of it, and its implications.
At one point it was people felt that they were doing me a favor in not mentioning it..
And that it was responsibility to control it, and then they would indulge it..
It made me seem more interesting.

I thought for a while i might go mad, until I began to see how mad insane and comfortably Numb and truly how indifferent people had become to any human condition out of the ordinary which profit from, be entertained by, or meet a fantasy criteria they had established of being not of this world.
And even then, as I experienced when people did acknowledge that I was experiencing something out of this world…
It relevance and meaning was lost to them- because perhaps people required something more with Fire works..
But the catch 22 is when that did occur people including Fritz Venneiq and even Axel Love responded with fear…

It is the same with the evidence of a presence moving through the World, one benign ad the other malevolent, and another Eternal and absolute.

I look at the convergence of facts- evidence, testimonies of others the past 6.9 years…of signs of your prophecies manifesting..
Extra Terrestrial presence and frequencies acknowledged by people and then back to business as usual.

Interest peaked for a moment then it evaporates..

And one of the most astounding aspects of this has been the demand for a show .. A show of power… and to make their wishes come true…
I kid you not, people send me texts asking me the craziest things..
I have lived with people who had invited me into their homes because they recognized the “supernatural” in me and wanted all thier wishes granted and even when that was done- accomplished in a logical but even more magical way, they got impatient when they were asked to learn in their turn to rise to this force moving in me, which had moved me off the path I had decided to tread on through life – to this most absurd journey
explaining awakening to children who wanted all their wishes granted, an a magic show.. their bills paid. their problems solved with out wishing to truly understand the process and do their Homework.

Yes it is a story….
Yes in my truth, proven you are not really here but are bodies moving through space to link with your Eternal Self…

But something is terribly wrong with this Picture..
This Story…
When even evidence of your being moved, and forming equations, with letters, initials….Literally spelling it out.

And in stead your being Still distracted by the T.V Shows both in the screen and in your lives once private and now public.

and the fact that I have not wads of money, material things and was willing to endure all this even to a shelter in the Bronx for homeless men some of whom have mental problems.. and others evidence evolutionary traits.. and they universal truth of each being made to feel so alone.

More than anything, even more than all above…
is that which manifested this Truman Show on a Holo Deck…people are still convinced despite my evidence, that it is the real world.

As I stated before… there is nothing left to solve nor do I intend to…
All that is left is Manifestation.. and if your minds can not handle it.. tough.

This script is a product of something deeply, irrevocably, sick.

58 E.H…M…

Eternal Harmony.. 58.. 13 M.
M H Man Hunt… E… for the E… Joshua Stuart…

E H M… / M H E..
5 8 13/ 13 8…E… Meghan Harry E..


J..A T R…

A O A…B F A H…

Nothing left to do but Manifestation of Eternal Harmony present…
I can not focus on this any longer, no matter who I am undercover…in this script.

9:39 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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