
10/1/2015 15:51 – Facebook Post

The Golden Age

The Golden Age Is Where Humanity Will Walk The Next Step Into their Spiritual Development as Gods & Goddess And Take Back Their Sovereignty From The Darkness. It is Where We will Transcend A World of Fear and Duality And Ascending Into A World Of Love And Oneness. We Are Now In this Amazing Golden Age Of Enlightenment where Humanity is Awakening to Who they Are and what Reality Truly Is. Many of Us As Star Seeds are Now Awaken and Understand What We must Do to Help Guide Humanity and Usher in this New Golden Age. But it is not just Us, There are Many Divine Ascended Masters, Arch-Angels, Highly Advanced Star Races and Confederation Alliances that are Ridding are Planet Of The Dark Extraterrestrial Beings and their Interdimensional Technology that has Enslaved Humanity In this Matrix System. Even Now Cosmic Waves Of Energy and Light that come from the Galactic Central Sun Are Adding Humanity’s Spiritual Development and Ascension into the 5th Dimension. Some of Us Now Can Feel this Energy Moving through are Spiritual Body Raising Our Vibrational Frequency & Evolving our Consciousness & DNA.

We As The Family of Light are Apart of Something So Big and So Important That is Will Change The History Books Forever and Rewrite the Future As We Know It. We Will Put An End To the Dark Cabal that Have Misled and Manipulated Humanity Into War, Poverty, Destruction Of Earth, Separation From Ourselves as A Unified Race And Even God. We will Create Real Change As We Become Humanity’s New Leaders And We Will Teach & Show You a World Of Love, Peace, Prosperity and Oneness. A New World That will Have Technological & Economical Advancements in Energy, Health, Education, Currency, Business, Government, Spirituality and Universal Travel. We Are Know as the Family Of Light Also The 144,000 Angels, Light Workers, Light Warriors, Indigo’s, The Forefather’s, The Innovators, The Inventors, The Creator’s, The Galactic Ones, The Star Ancestors, Star Seeds, Old Souls & The True Teachers and Inspirations Of Ascension. We Are Powerful Beyond Measure And We Will Shine A Magnificent Beacon Of Light & Love to Propel Us All Into the Golden Age Of Inspiration, Creativity, Innovation, And Advancement.

We Are The Gods We Have Been Waiting For
Welcome To The Golden AGE WE ARE 1
Written By Cortez Raphael Harley Infinite Knowledge Collector O:

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