
1/9/2019 19:37 – Facebook Post

From Mimi Novic… M N… 13 14 Manifest Nature… 13 4… 14 5…
4 5…

There is a painting Rays McKayla brought to the South Whitney house where I am staying…
It is of a Paris setting, with Balloons.

Less than a week ago, I spoke with Chiefy ( Tree Sage) who had a dream in which there were Hot Air Balloons… as Bombs.

-A play took place a little later, in which I found myself rising in with Rays McKayla and I was no longer in this realm I solved the riddles off the balloons- acting it out, addressing the Unseen, as I recognized the Dimension I had been Spirited Away to, was the Holo-Deck and I was addressing the A-Lien Council… A.C.. 1 3… In this reality they called Babies, but they are actually the True Representations of the Beings of Light.. 6 who come into matter 9 to explore an Alien Nature ( to them )
A-Lien Council.

5:00 p.m.

The A lien Council are Light beings who 6 9 come in the inverse reality to explore their Dark Matter nature…
D M… Daniel McNamee is the most recent confirmation of this code D M linked to Rays McKayla who linked me to him.
Just as Stephen Filgueira linked me to Brian Dempsey B D… 2 4…

The play with Chiefy, was linked to Afghanistan, and his dream of Balloons which were exploding as Bombs…
I did the play with Mackayla, where she witnessed me transform that Equation of which “Fear and Violence” witnessed by Chiefy in his Dream- ( Which he also emphasized that he found him self remembering a slew of dreams which he had previously not able to recollect)

5:11… 5:12 p.m.
E.K.. E .L.

I linked this to the play I had been in since 2010 which linked to World Wars, Wars and the Military…
I understood the riddle of Tree Sage who lives in the 2nd floor and myself and the Two Chris and Mackayla C.M.E…was about transforming a fear based story into a Beautiful Truth.

That the Balloons were not being full of Hot Air, of H.A but rather the Helium inspired reality of Epiphanies, Beautiful Ideas Landing in Victory…
V Day… 19 45… World War 2… W W… 23 23…. 46… 4 is a square and stage… 6 is Sixth sense…

A play with a Cat took place, Jax, a cat, who was meant to come and stay here… it had been traumatized here in the second floor and ground floor where Mackayala and John had lived. People had steeped on his tail.
It was clear that he was fully aware of the reality of being back in a place which it had been endured hurt…

6:00 p.m,

And so, I linked it to the sacred portal 77 “Loki.. Low Key.. The Note of Animal Cruelty perpetuated on animals…”

Not taking in their point of view…

The conclusion of the C was witnessed by Christopher Filgueira and Rays McKayla and she and Johnny decided to take the Cat back to it place of comfort…

This then brought Giovanni, Mikki’s brother…
Giovanni is in the Army Military, he serves in the Infantry while working on Health Care where he is well paid.
He was in Somalia , Ethiopia, E S… When was inspired to begin to travel…
And he began connecting with some many people, the same way he connects with people through conversation.. about Health Care…
And the same equation links to his connecting with people through traveling where he spoke about the wonder of the connections and experiences.

Health Care – Conversation…
Traveling Connecting… through Expression Conversation…

13th Astrological Sign… Ophiuchus Aclespius.. The Healer…

Excellent Healer
Chi Excellent…
E H… C E…

And then the play began, where he came out from undercover…
He spoke about the way the system of command and protocol often are in conflict with that which is the “Actuality”
Theory versus Actual Reality which can only be understood by going out into the Field…
Not sitting in Ivory Towers creating Theories, he we, spoke about the necessity of getting facts and the only way to do this was through going to explore the true field, the E M F.. The Field of which Facts have manifested, called the World of Nature…

Amber then arrived with Stephen Filgueira they are working on a portal which is aligned to creating Unity Centers all over the world which requires traveling all over the world.
That is Ambers Dream- To travel the World while working.. Her Dream is here… I knew this…

Then Lucy and Gunner arrived…

Giovanni is a Machine Gunner…McKayla..Giovanni… M G…

* Please link the rep of Giovani on my face book Page.. Giovanni Moreno Villamizar… G M V… Moreno means “Black or Dark” person.

Then Lucy.. my grandmothers Name…
L G… G M….
12 7 7 13…. 4…
12 Dec… Completion of Sacred Portal 77… 7 Chakras Inside and aligned outside 77 14… N… Who then merge to become One ..
7 7.. 7….21… 3…

Third Floor…
Building 21 9…
Giovanni Amber… G A.. 7 1…
Crown Chakra 7.. To landing 1… Everything in One…

Giovani plays a Video Game Rainbow 6 siege…
All are being moved by Sixth sense…and then journey of 6th senses is to move through F.. =6.. Facts… through Light… 66… 12..then to Clarity through Reason…Reasonable Expression…

There was so much more which took place, but this is all I am able to post at this moment..to move the play forwards becuase today I realized that the manual aspect of people taking thier cues fromthe play reading the script, paying attention will never work.
I am still being forced to carry the scrip because it is not urgent for others and they can always rely on me, to be the one aware and always explaining becuse me own freedom is attached to the solving of this script.

So I am still the only one present here taking the Script seriously, 24/7 and, because no one is doing that which is truly required which is to pay attention and take this seriously, I am forced to do all the work including theirs of repeatedly having to point out that which is so easy and obvious to do…
Without my presence, people would have relied on themselves after getting the evidence of it being a Fact… but relying on the most exhausted being to carry more of the load… to fight with them to remember and …

No, it was never meant to be manual- not to this level..
My codes and equations work does not rely on Humans awareness or participation- it is a formula which works as Is.. How I Created it to manifest and that was not with Humans- because Humanity added to this play.. Being my ultimate burden, not because the chosen ones are evil, but rather that selfishness or lack of true Empathy because it is not they who are carrying the load and the consequence of stepping up, or paying attention or making me fight repeat over and over again that which I have stated a thousand times…

Without people rising up naturally to take responsibility- to act out and do the equation, to pay attention to the Script- they will never do that as long as someone else they see is carrying the load..

People have promised to step up, but promises and action and doing is something else…
I am tired of people telling me that they get it, and yet do not do the discipline and self mastery of adding to the equation and formula, instead they add to my load…

6:36 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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