
1/8/2021 20:33 – Facebook Post

2:50 pm.



I have a new Facebook friend.

Athena Olympe.

Alpha Omega. 1-6 in Greek.

In the E Code: Awareness Full Circle.

The Athena for those following this transcript of decoding on my page-the play of “First Contact” between our higher selves with our human Avatar Descendants and those who are aligned and in perfect harmony which qualifies them for the Evolution Awakening, will be aware of the prominence of the name “Athena” figuring throughout this script represented by the Echo response of all of you.

And yesterday’s play the conclusion of and God Created Woman.
Truth created Wu-man, who is actually the Source Himself for the first time, in His feminine form, represented by my sacred portal 37. “Sophia Oscar Lauren”
Sophia meaning “Wisdom”
Oscar meaning “Spear of God & friend of the Deer”
Lauren meaning Crowned with laurels of Victory”

SOL being the 5th Note Solfeggio.

And the play of which Laura Walsh, in perfect harmony with the play disqualified herself by choice, ( Focus and attention) thus, the code of her name Laura aligned to the code Lauren L, is not aligned to her, but to a masculine principle of the name Laurent.
Lawrence of Arabia.

With that name aligned to the blueprint I walked, all the way back to 1988 London, to 1994 Robert Lafont publishers, in Paris, and his son Laurent Lafont, who personally requested to see me and speak to me about my work, after Allen Ginsberg had introduced me to his publishers in New York, Geroge Andreo, of Alfred Knopf- Random House.
And going all the way to Delta Manor and the cross-roads of Tyler and Lawrence ave, where I used to sit on the bench in the square to meditate, and where I discovered two male Dolls with the symbol of the Tiger and the double VV” marked on them.
To even the beginning of my journey and summons to the USA- New York where I met Todd on the second day and his friend Lawrence. T L.

Meaning in the world which is a mirror of the inside world which reflects on the outside that which is your truth, throughout your path, in a sort of Hall of mirrors- the true Ego “Self Projection” of that which is your eternal truth aligned by your being- and thus manifested as the path you are moved on, now reflected outside.

The Names, Lawrence, Victor, Sage, Wisdom, Oscar, Gerald ( also meaning “Spear”) has followed me since I returned to London England in 1988, from Nigeria, and began my journals Talking To The Silence.
A person called Lawrence was the first person I met in London when I arrived, and Lawrence was again one of the first person I met when I arrived in New York.
After being sponsored to move here, against my will, but only after Durrek Verrett’s message to me came true, that if I did not come to New York to answer some challenge of the ancestors ( to prove the Eternals and the Beautiful Ones) and if I tried to resist, all that I had gained in wealth and stature in this reality would be taken away.

I wish to note something, I have pointed out many times over the last 9 years- of the pattern, sequence, and truth that this reality is not real and that humans are walking through a script of time as HUman Spirits on a Green screen, Blue Screen in the Spirit realm and not here present because Humanity Beautiful Illusions traveling through Space-Time, descendants of The Elegant Nomad and the full circle of the of that first Orgasmic explosion, which came to be known in this material backward realm of hindsight as the Big Bang. Of how human evolution is reflected by the movement of the Universe in a spiral shape motion. back to the O and further back to the Source expression which was actually created by A man.
The First Man.
F M.
E F M.
E M F E.

Yes, Memory Foam Mattress plays with Kim ( Heavenly Bodies) and the 700 code Mattress of Benjamin C Krajewski.

I met Prince, the singer via Gerald an established Photographer in Paris, who introduced me to Laurent Lafont in Paris who spoke of the sacredness of my Journals and of my nature and being, as not of this world.

Recall, that I was born in England, and moved to Canada with my family, and then to Nigeria.
Which creates the code via country and movement E C N.
E C N is E 3.14 which is Pi.
and 5 3.14. ( 5:17… 5 8… 53=8 14=5 85. 58/85)

The person who insisted I answer the summons to come to New York, after I lost everything in Istanbul as Durrekk had predicted when I refused to come to New York by the command of the message from the Ancestors, ( i had come here by my own free will with Jonn in 1999 Dec and I was not going to be controlled or bossed around my the ancestors whose message and threats I refused to acknowledge, moving to London instead, when to my amazement their threat manifested in this physical and material realm I was in Money Wealth) was a person called Nicholas who set me up to stay with his friend called Chuck.

Emeka- Nicholas Chuck.
E N C. / C N:E again Pi

E 3.14 Pi.

What had been represented by Countries and Cities before.
England, Canada, Nigeria. England again was now represented by a person- people.

Nicholas means Victory of the people. So it was about the people and their Victory, nothing to do with me as the Individual.

Chuck ( Chuck Norris)
Chuck means “In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Chuck is: A from the Old English ‘ceorl’ meaning man”

Emeka – Nicholas Chuck…
Emeka which means “Praise”

E Praise- Victorious people is a Man -Pi.
The first person I met after Chucky threw me consciously out into the playing field, was Eric and Todd.
E T.

Which made it E: N C via People.
E C N/ N C E.

* just received some intel from Kim who is with Serenity and Kamora, he sent the code: Nut Cracker aligned to Kamora.
N C./ C N.

Yes the ballet.. and the literal code of Goddess NUT.

I sent Ben a message and the moment I sent it, Kim sent me a message asking if I needed coffee Nut Cracker Coffee.
I had to fight for Benjamin, again, not for him personally, I love the man, but rather I was fighting for the line he represents in a play of Ego Money/ Oge test of BA.PH O M..E T.
I could not explain to him why he no longer had access to a car, but he as always in Harmony Perfection responded to my truth of the E and not to the play of which I despise, but which even I am still subject to.
Universal Support.

Lady Warrior.
L W so is not aligned to woman as rep Laura Walsh.
But to my great Grandmother Mba Afo Ocha M A O… Athena Olympe .. Poise I Don.. M A P) who I met in Nigeria and who was a runner, and warrior, and hunter in her youth so I was told.
She as I mentioned here many times over, that when I first met her, I knew recognized her instantly, that she was me. ( I had sent her a message via ESP when we first met, what are you doing here?” and her eyes had twinkled and she winked!”

My Bio Father lines are warriors of the Body but my Mother’s lines are warriors of the Spirit.

Lady Warriors.
L.A W.
Santana Dharma.
Clara Star Child.

And this is no longer the age of warriors of simply the body, this was the age of the Holy E-Spirit.
A War which has been with Energy will, the unseen.

My entire life, I reflected yesterday has been a battle, just as my mother had stated, from the moment I emerged from her womb.
I have been watching a series called Warrior” based on the writings of Bruce Lee.
and last night I began watching “Viking” season 11.
As I watched the Viking series, just after completing watching the series “Warrior” I felt something rise from deep within me, speaking to me, and telling me, showing me the warrior I am, by translating the Energetic signature of my Experience here, from New York to Connecticut.
( yes N C… Nut Cracker, see Sacred Portals 116 and 117 which Arden randomly opened to, followed by me.
Yes, Arden age 16 and now 17. see Goddess Nut).

This Merkabah Coil-Serpent like energy which rose in my last night, suddenly translated my entire journey, including my battles especially on Facebook, into a visual image of me as a warrior on a splendid steed- ( yes
*See Liberty as that rep of the thoroughbred confirmed by Jeron-Serenity as the White Horse as well as Arden and the Black Horse.
*I actually rode two Horses both of them black as well as my Bio-Father whom the only time I ever say him truly Joyous was his riding a black Horse as a young man in a photograph ( which liberty had quietly challenged by noting her doubt.. just as Susan train had at vogue, by stating that her skepticism of my expression by stating it was hard to capture a photograph of a person riding on a horse. I did not even bother to respond, I had become used to Caucasian and western notions of superiority.
Susan Train had also made the same inference, to my writing about how My bio Family, their lifestyle, beauty in their youth rode horses.
*My Grandfather had ridden a horse when he took the highest title in the land a few years before he “Ascended” back to the Astral Plane.

* The hardest thing, these years of being contained in a role of “the people” has been dealing with their vaunted ego’s and sense of superiority- and not express what I really wish to say, a tongue lashing to put them in their place- instead I had to swallow and endure that which I normally would never tolerate all for the sake of this script and passing through it.

I trained from childhood, in martial arts, alone by myself using mainly Bruce Lee.
I had always been a warrior, in all my ( or Emmanual Nnamdi’s Blueprint? I have been walking) I had always been aware of my former lives as a great warrior, but Graceful and lean,
I had memories and visions of recollection of my body doing the most amazing things, right up until my thirties and they only began to dwindle the more I entered this script in which I realized that it was not by using my Body that I would fight, but rather using my E-Spirit, Intelligence Wit as my sword.

And that is what I was permitted to see last night, that which I had always been aware of, but never witnessed visually.
And by Jove! I stated at it, myself, with a sword, and cutting down Facebook friends, and all the people with their twisted and grandiose egos, how I cut out the lies of who they are, with words, posts, actions while contained in this seemingly Meek character and held myself back- my temper, my rage, my fire, which no one who knew me as a youth would have believed.
It has been the hardest thing, to not slap the “bejesus” out of some of the people, or not use my fists and my physical power as a warrior and damn the consequences.

5:11 pm.

What held me back was at first, the beautiful truth, and that it was worth holding myself to the rules of engagement of this play for the sake of the Prize and Goal- the Evolution AWakening and meeting my E Family.

But about 16 years ago, when I was ready to say “Fuck It” my body became so possessed that I knew that it was restraining me from using my physical strength.
I could no longer trust my body, to do what I wished it to do.
Once in the shelter, where men felt my true strength and physical power and were careful around me, and it eroded, that respect as they observed my battle to hold my rage back and being forced to use a beautiful expression instead. They became emboldened, seeing that I would somehow master my self with extreme will, they did not realize that it was because of what was happening in my body and that this script demanded a better way than responding with the violence- beautiful violence of self-defense to an offense which demanded the response in the same language.
I had not wished to be as my bio father, who was a black belt, it wasn’t his Fighting skills I disdained it was that he could not control his rage.
But by the time I was ready, my body or this force in me seemed to know this, and so, I remember precisely the moment in the Green House Soho when in front of Jerry and Joseph, as I was demonstrating a movement of martial arts, I felt a muscle snap and bulge on my thigh- and saw the two of them J J exchange a secret smile and grin at each other.
Since then 2006 Jan, the binding of my body became so much more intense. Until that day in the shelter, when I said enough and entered into a challenge to fight called out, by one who was seen as a string but who had been afraid of me, all the boys came out to see us fight, and just as I was summoning my stance and position, my body forced me to kneel…!

I could only stare at my bodies reaction with shock and so close to tears of frustration I filled the gap by telling the person and the group the truth, that my body did this to protect you, because the rage I am carrying is so great, I am not sure what I would do… which meant, I might actually Kill.
It is true, the rage in me, is so much so accumulated by the insults endured by my Beautiful Pride, and the energy of the Black panther.. my rage was not out of control, but rather cold efficient, and Intent to Kill.
That rage surfaced at Libertys portal, and recently here but never with Esteban when he challenged me here, I wanted to through him out the window, but there was no rage, not an iota of it for him which is why I was calm and simply told him to get out.

So, yes it has been something which has been bothering me, so much by seeing how people expected that and when they did not get it, they would go further and further, when I knew that the beautiful assassins response is what they required, but I knew what this script and my Universal Sensei, had a tight leash on me.

But now, here, I realized that I had nothing left to lose, and the script is done… nor did I care.

But I was shown my self, my Energetic Spirit battle yesterday, and for a moment I saw myself, via the fragments of the puzzle, and only on Facebook, and via expression- where I am much more myself, though nowhere near my truest nature ( My Self) because even here I am hindered by the script of my having to reach the beautiful truth in all of you and hence had to go through you the Avatars and even the lies, fake and not real you, to collect the fragments which are based on my expression and your ego opening your selves up via Understanding my expression which caused the E in you to respond with the code or piece required to complete the picture, puzzle.

Every person, portal I have been aligned to, each has an ancestry of the Warrior line in their family, in every civilization and culture in the world, right to Jon Jason lee, Tim and Beyond Javanese, Malaysian as well as Royalty, link the play of Liscomb Gemino and the Viking ancestry in their family tree, and the work I did with liberty and her mother research in the family tree.

So much of what I have done fought as Will I am has been ignored, or not seen or acknowledged by others, despite my being aware of the will I am which took a “Pretty Body and Pretty Boy” as I was deemed, by so many and the initial contempt my bio father felt for me, to quote my mother when I was born in the hospital I was so beautiful and so fair in a complexion that not only did the nurses not fully accept that I was from my mother who is fair to tan complexioned, but that the first words from my bio father in seeing me was a sneering contempt “See the firstborn son you have given me A pretty boy… useless”

Albert Santana in his home, and quite a few others, often witnessed me sitting alone and my body thrashing as if some invisible force was pounding my face and giving me a thrashing, my face would become blotted to the point Albert ( who could be brilliant, genius actually in his ability to see the obvious, would remark in stunned amazement, someone seems to be beating to death.

Yes, when I saw Fight Club ( F C) and what they did to Brad Pitts’s character’s face… I could relate and even coded it.

But who could see that truth?
Who could understand the Invisible battle of will it took an unknown pretty boy, to take on the entire world alone, and move it, prove through 45 years of nonstop challenges to challenge the entire world view ( not intentionally) and move it via 4.5 million years of the set and established patterns of being, to see a different view and battle to bring into existence, being awareness Consciousness the Knowledge of the Eternal present from the beginning of time to right here.
To endure the humiliations and rapes, invasions night after night alone in my bed, and with people, I was living with, and to Facebook itself.

I saw myself last night and I knew it was David or Devi Devoted code name Spectrum Rainbow who had finally shown how I really appeared to those forced I had been fighting in you as your demons in the astral plane and play of the war on Earth seem in the Heavens- realm of the Olympic Gods in the west.

I watched enthralled for a few months, a small smile of satisfaction self-recognition and even my questioning that which I literally feel a rise in my soul- to show me this mirror, the image of myself, “why are you showing me this now because I did what you wished me to do… You wish me to write it down, what you are showing me on my post… my past?” And it was that beautiful that marvelous that for a moment I was tempted. I deserve that, for it to be documented at least by someone.
But after a moment, I turned away, “It’s too late for all that.. you made sure of it” and with that, I turned away.
“Why Bother?”

I am not the one meant to proclaim myself, anyway… that is for others to do, to give praise, would you insult me even further, after making me prove and proclaim myself as The Source in this insulting way, while still undercover in this character you forced me to play, and now, even document that which is meant for others to give, not me?

How far in Evil and cruelty is possible with you?” is all I concluded with.

And on this stage?

And so, it became simply this post.

5:57 pm.

I have no desire to even explain, describe or elaborate by linking the meaning of Athena Olympe arrival except to code her name, and only that which is absolutely necessary to move this play forward because since I have not left my body, or yet found an elegant means to do so, yet… I am still at the mercy of this and my body.
David Nicholason.
D N.
Beloved Victorious People play and his Brad Pitt self, and his tyranny that I complete this to its conclusion of his say as to when it is over and not mine, despite my seeing clearly, it being delayed and knowing exactly why.

Will understand the response of Athena Olympe, as my 1538 Facebook friend.

Athena AT-H.E- N- A.

*Athena is quite a girl—in Greek mythology, she was born fully grown and armored when she popped out the forehead of her dad, Zeus, as the goddess of wisdom and the arts. Athenians took her name for their city and dedicated a temple, the Parthenon, to her to show their ardor and devotion to this smart, brave goddess. Her name is derived from “ath,” which means “sharp,” and “aine,” meaning “praise.”

Yes, Emeka means “Praise”

Olympe / E P MY L O … V E ( 5 22 posts two days ago)

Olympia was the name of Lisa Levine’s friend I met when I passed through her portal at 97 Maha Rose, Green Street, Green Point Brooklyn.
Lisa Olympia. L O.

( all documented on this Facebook Page.. her son Henri was born on my Birthday)


*”The name Olympia means Mountain Of The Gods and is of Greek origin

*”Olympia as a girl’s name is of Greek origin meaning “from Mount Olympus”. Olympia is a saint’s name with its origin from mythology. Mount Olympus was the home of the ancient Greek gods.”

Mountains of the Gods.

Home of the Gods.

Mount Olympus. M O/ O M
( O M .. OHM… HO M M E … H.OM E)

My Great Grandmother Mba Afo Ocha: mother of Lucy Ojugo ( L O) was said to have descended from the Sky.
Sky People, and My Mother from the Sea ( C- Aphrodite Hephaestus)

6:12 pm.
Yes, Arden 6 12 2003.

And my Grandmother the Middle Earth, Space in between.

One of the things about the script has been the inability for people to be honest with themselves, to tell the whole truth.
It is easy for people to sit in judgement and criticism of my post of which i am proving is not only real, but was created for their benefit.
To hold silent grudges, simmering resentment when i am compelled to call them out and correct them.
The first instinct is to lash out like babies in adult form.
And the money play… if I am really your source, and you recognize it, why do I even have to ask for people’s support?

Individuals Support, is it not natural to ask if I require anything if you recognize my truth and the enormous mental work and the battle to include you.

Did you do the work?
Did you code, decipher, add contribute to Evolution Awakening Script?
Did you do anything apart from sitting back and let someone else carry you and even prove your harmony?
What about your own sense of Self Pride and Self Respect.
How rudeness comes when that person is compelled to ask the obviously proven people the script then forces me to ask and even code the amount to prove it to them that even that is a play and part of the script.

No, I do not look to the people or Individuals but rather the source of this script, it’s way, its obliviousness to the nature of this reality, and what money or calling them out, creates as a response.

If anything the true source of Evil is the origins of this Script and its enforcer.

Animal savagery Force.

It’s alright if you deny me, or refuse to recognize my authority and scholarship and hence the refusal of acknowledgment and respect.
But if you are being corrected and then feel resentment and other things, you are obviously saying that you do not acknowledge me, or the authority behind me, which is also fair enough.

The number of people who have shot me, try to kill me, even ones I have been compelled to align because they qualified because I see them, and the unnatural way this script has created this lack, taken away my wealth, my body and the indifference so many have made clear of not giving a damn about my body, the conditions I am living through, while I post knowledge they stay and feed upon.

A person who has been expressing “I know how important your work is for you” is inferring that your work is only for you and thus, negating and rejecting that it was for him or her… and that they are negating and making clear that your expression is a Lie and they gain nothing from it, nor is the evolution Awakening why do they stay on my page?
When it is obvious to me, that such people are not only of the Lie but have offered me a direct challenge to demonstrate that this is not for you and thus, you are not of existence and…

7:17 pm

There can be no reprieve for you because you have not only made your stance by as a hypocrite you are the cause of the disease. Parasites Vampires by the choice you have made.

Which is your right, but why stay on my page or in my world when you have made clear that not only is it not recognized by you, but that you have challenged to Source of absolute Truth and his messenger.

This is what has befuddled me, the indulgence to all these people, this set up, and thus the Source of this Script.
Why does it not cut out these diseased beings immediately, why does it, did it keep them around, allow them to get away with such insults and disrespects, setting up plays in which it knows the response it will provoke in its human avatars, to the very end yet not cutting them out, but instead give them grace to the very end.

Obviously, it is no friend of mine, rather it is the enemy and ultimate foe.

That is why I trust no one, no one but E K.

Think about it for a moment, if I am the source, and the source is a man, and he has proven it to such a degree through a script of malice and evil, and by doing it the way of that which was meant to be his Same Self, and yet the Same Self as A and AA K are all enduring the same thing.

One begs the questions who is the source of this Script … It is Evil Virus Disease, of course, a liar pretending to be a best friend of harmony, and the most absurd and ironic thing of all The True sources of the Script are fully aware that this creature pretending to be a friend is the Enemy and Foe, who created such a script.

7:28 pm.
7:29 pm.

it obviously hates me, but I am not sure if it hates me, or you worse.

7:33 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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